Fat Racist NC NAACP Turd Rev. William Barber Calls Black Republican Senator Tim Scott “Ventriloquist Dummy” for GOP

NC NAACP head Rev. William Barber II seems to think that he is better than other people because, when in reality, is a fat racist turd who attacks other Black People because they don’t have the same mental disease of liberalism that he is inflicted with.

Fat Racist NC NAACP Turd Rev. William Barber Calls Black Republican Senator Tim Scott "Ventriloquist Dummy" for GOP

Fat Racist NC NAACP Turd Rev. William Barber Calls Black Republican Senator Tim Scott “Ventriloquist Dummy” for GOP

I guess, for some reason, black liberals feel that a black man should not be conservative.. If black people knew their history, most of them would be Republicans because republicans freed their people from being slaves, while it was the Democrats who fought to keep black people as slaves, and it was Democrats who started the KKK to terrorize black people. Throughout history, the most dangerous racist criminals have always been liberal Democrats.

I feel that the racist piece of shit, Rev. William Barber II, is on the same level as Reverend as Al Sharpton. Rev. William Barber II may want to take that statement as a compliment, but it is definitely an insult. Rev. William Barber II is a fat race baiting racist, and complete joke! Where did they get their title of “Reverend”? Probably paid $1.50 for it through the mail.

The head of North Carolina’s chapter of the NAACP called Sen. Tim Scott a “ventriloquist dummy” for “the extreme right wing” in South Carolina, drawing a rebuke from the nation’s only black Republican senator.

Speaking on the eve of Martin Luther King Day, the Rev. William Barber II, in a speech made at the Zion Baptist Church in Columbia, S.C., said Scott, R-S.C., is a pawn of “the extreme right wing down here (in South Carolina)” which “finds a black guy to be senator and claims he’s the first black senator since Reconstruction and then he goes to Washington D.C. and articulates the agenda of the Tea Party,” The State newspaper reported.

Barber, who made the remarks as he addressed social issues including health care and voting, also criticized blacks who don’t follow King’s spirit, the newspaper reported.

Scott, who told FoxNews.com in a statement Tuesday that he’s never met Barber, said that to reflect seriously on Barber’s comments would do a “disservice to the very people who have sacrificed so much and paved a way.”

“Instead, I will honor the memory of Dr. King by being proactive in holding the door for others and serving my fellow man,” Scott said. “And Rev. Barber will remind me and others of what not to do.”

In response, Barber told FoxNews.com that King “emphasized love and justice rather than extremism,” and that support for “the far right” ignores problems in South Carolina such as aid to the poor and public education.

The Rev. Kevin E. Donalson Sr., the Zion Baptist Church’s pastor, meanwhile, told FoxNews.com that although he agreed “in principle” with Barber’s comments, he would not have used such language. And although he’s “grateful” that South Carolina has an African-American senator, he believes the policies Scott supports hurt the people whom King spent his life trying to help.

“I think we’ve gotten to a point, honestly, where policy does outweigh color,” he said.

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