Why The Fuck Is The Department Of Defense Getting Contracts To Supply Low-Quality Food To School Kids?

So… The fucking Department of Defense has contracts with schools to provide school lunches? Um…. No Fucking Thank You!!! Listen to these teachers talk about the food in their schools, and how if they have a problem with something, like Bananas, then the Bananas just get cut from the lunches, and they don’t even have the ability to get the Bananas from a different vendor. This means that our kids are getting pretty crappy school lunches, and who knows what toxic poisons are added to the food before serving it to the kids to try hook them on crappy food, and possibly to even vaccinate entire schools of kids without the student or their parents ever knowing. Lets make sure to keep Bill Gates the fuck away from school lunches!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org