Watch The New RNC Video Calling Out The Disgusting Democrat ‘Squad’ of Anti-Americans, Racists, Terrorist Supporters

The Democrat party is the biggest clown show in America today, with raving lunatic members who are in favor of Socialism, open borders, free everything, lawlessness, Antisemitism, violence, baby murder and dangerous criminals running the show.

Democrats are against the The United States of America, borders, the rule of law, sanctity of marriage & life, babies, America being great in general.

These disgusting America-hating Democrats are actively trying to destroy America from the inside, with the help of Democrats and their brainless voters, will do anything to see America fail and crumble into dustbin of history.

That is the history that is left after the Democrats try and completely re-write the Democrat party’s long and ugly origins of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, racism against blacks and anyone else the DNC wants to control.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a brutal new campaign ad on Tuesday against the four far-left congresswomen who many say are driving the agenda of the Democratic Party.

The video starts by showing socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) engaging in Holocaust trivialization by falsely claiming that immigrant detention facilities are “concentration camps” — a remark that was condemned by multiple Jewish organizations and Holocaust survivors.

The video goes on to show Saturday’s domestic terrorist attack on an ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington, where the attacker allegedly wrote multiple times in his manifesto about the “concentration camps.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s radical left-wing agenda is highlighted in the video, including her calling for the elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is also featured in the ad, specifically remarks that she made earlier this month outside a Texas border facility where she said, “You will see the light. And if you don’t, we will bring the fire.”

The ad also shows far-left protesters in Aurora, Colorado, tearing down the American flag and raising up a Mexican flag over an ICE facility.

The video concludes by showing Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Pressley, and Ocasio-Cortez all on camera refusing to condemn the terrorist attack.

GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted: “Democrats compare ICE officials to Nazis & the KKK. They want to decriminalize illegal immigration. Now they’re desecrating the American flag – replacing it with Mexico’s. It’s an absolute disgrace, and every 2020 Democrat needs to condemn it.”

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