Corrupt and Racist Jackass Charlie Rangel Doesn’t Know the Racist History of His Own Racist Democrat Party

Piece of shit Democrat Charlie Rangel must be one of the most stupid jackasses around, or one of the biggest racist liars.

Corrupt and Racist Jackass Charlie Rangel Doesn't Know the Racist History of His Own Racist Democrat Party

Corrupt and Racist Jackass Charlie Rangel Doesn’t Know the Racist History of His Own Racist Democrat Party

Only a stupid, corrupt, and racist Democrat criminal, like Charlie Rangel, would be pushing the complete lie that it was Conservatives who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement, or lumping Tea Party Patriots in the same group as another Democrat Racist Jim Crow.

The racist piece of shit, Charlie Rangel, even calls Tea Party Patriots “white crackers”

Charlie Rangel would be the same piece of shit racist who would lie and say that it wasn’t the Democrats who started the KKK, when in reality it is well documented that the Democrats started the KKK, and have been against the Black man at every point in history until they realized the black man’s vote was up for sale to whatever party gives them the most free crap. (free Obama phones, free abortions, food stamps on every table, and welfare from …

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98% of Young Black Women Racist, Brainwashed Into Voting For KKK Democrat Slave Masters

98% of young black women are either completely stupid, were brainwashed by government handouts to support Obama and the party of slavery and the party who started the KKK, or plain racist. How else can you explain the overwhelming support for the worst president in US history, and blacks voting for the party of slavery and the KKK?

The truth is that Black people will never stop voting for the party that hands out the most free stuff, and even more so when there is a black (actually an Oreo – half and half) president stealing from everyone who makes a living to give the free handouts.

I’m convinced that we are seeing a quick increase in the decline of America, and Democrats have taken our nation past the point of no return down down the path to sure destruction of the United States.

In winning reelection, Barack Obama won 60% of the vote among those younger than 30. That was down somewhat from 2008, when Obama won nearly two-thirds (66%) of the votes of young people. However, Obama’s youth

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Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

So it is painfully apparent that any time a black person in power is questioned or criticized, the Democrat Culture of Corruption will play the race card, saying that the criticism is is actually just racism, and in this case, sexism.

What a complete crock of shit the Democrats continue to try and force-feed America!

I’m sick of being called a racist by the Democrat party of party of slavery, and the party who started the KKK.

I may be sick of being called a racist, but I can deal with it because I know it’s not true.. That being said, I think it’s actually funny, and I’ve been laughing hard since the election that so many brain-dead and brainwashed Black People voted for the party of their slave masters, and the party that started the KKK to keep them in chains.. PRICELESS!

As former CIA Director David Petraeus revealed new discrepancies Friday in the administration’s story over Libya, a dozen female House Democrats

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Brainwashed Blacks Support Democrat Party of Slave Masters

Brainwashed Blacks Support Democrat Party of Slave Masters

Brainwashed Blacks Support Democrat Party of Slave Masters

The Democrat party was formed to protect slavery, and Democrats have always been the party of racism and slavery.

It was Democrats who tried making slavery legal nationwide. It was Democrats who fought a war to keep slavery legal. It was Democrats who killed Abraham Lincoln, the Republican President who freed the slaves. It was the Democrats who started the KKK to harass, intimidate, terrorize, and kill a large number of black people. The Majority of Democrats voted against the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, and it was Democrats who introduced Jim Crow segregation laws.

Don’t take our word for it – but don’t take the Democrats word for it either – look it up for yourself.

Here is what you will find

  • The south had long been a Democratic stronghold, favoring a state’s right to legal slavery, and slavery was part of the official Democrat Party Platform for almost 20 years.
  • “Resolved, That Congress has no power to prohibit or obstruct the trade in slaves between the slaveholding

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Racist African American ‘Poet’ Maya Angelou Falsely Plays Race Card on Republicans

Black Racist 'Poet' Maya Angelou Falsely Plays Race Card on Republicans

Black Racist 'Poet' Maya Angelou Falsely Plays Race Card on Republicans

The African American ‘poet’ Maya Angelou has come out with heaps of laughable praise for Obama, saying that he “has done a remarkable job”, even though the African American community is far worse off than before Obama took office.

The racist ‘poet’ Angelou also played falsely the race card on Republicans, even though the true racists, and the people who started the KKK, are Democrats!

“I think we are going to see a number of people who say: ‘I have no racial prejudice in my heart, not in my conversation,'” Angelou says. “But in the next few months, as we wind up to the double campaign, I tell you we are going to see some nastiness, some vulgarity, I think. They’ll pull the sheets off.”

“Pull the sheets off”??? Maybe Maya needs to go back and read the history of the KKK to learn that it was actually the Democrats started the KKK, and Democrats has continued to be the largest group of racists in America, all the …

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Liberal Race Baiter: David Gregory Uses KKK Reference for Republicans

In a feeble, and not well hidden, attempt to cast Republicans as racists, Liberal Race Baiter, David Gregory, used the term “Grand Wizard” when speaking about the leaders of the Republican Party.

“Well there is no, you know, Grand Wizard in the party right now who can really force the issue. I’ve talked to Cain’s advisers in Iowa, they think their support is still strong there, that it’s not falling. There may be cracks in the foundation according to pollsters I’m talking to, that his numbers may be starting to shift but right now core support remains there.”

I seriously laugh out loud when I see jackass liberals lie about Republicans as though they were racists.

Anyone who has read any history surrounding slavery and the Civil War knows that it was the Democrats who started the KKK, and it was the Democrats who fought and died in the Civil War to keep Blacks in slavery. It was the Republicans who fought in the Civil War, and gave their lives, to help free the slaves from KKK Democrats. Get it

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