Anti-American Protests – World-Wide Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Noise’ & ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama

Anti-American Protests - World Riots - Americans Attacked and Killed - All Just 'Bumps in the Road' for Obama

Anti-American Protests – World Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama

Americans have been killed, continue to be targets of violence, and people around the world riot against Obama’s foreign policy, yet Obama calls the world unrest just “bumps in the road”.

If these world-wide problems and violence are just “bumps in the road” for the Obama administration, this goes to show how completely out-of-touch with reality Obama really is – both in domestic and foreign policy.

Middle East Anti-Obama Riots

Middle East Anti-Obama Riots

The administration is pushing back against questions and criticism over the security at the U.S. Consulate in Libya, as well as President Obama’s remarks about the Middle East in a Sunday interview with “60 Minutes.”

Asked if the unrest in the Middle East has given him pause, President Obama said he knew there were “going to be bumps in the road,” in the interview.

“I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights—a notion that—people have—to be able to—participate—in—their own governance,”

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Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies - Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States- In reality the violence against United States is due to Obama’s indiscriminate drone attacks.

The brain-dead Obama administration continues to push the lie that the violent Middle East protests are the result of some obscure movie that nobody had even heard about, when everyone who doesn’t have their heads stuck up their asses knows that these were planned acts of war designed to add injury to the memory of 9/11.

These attacks were planned ahead of time and coordinated with the skill of a large military hitting their objective.

The Obama administration wants people to think that the protests and violence are the result of an anti-Islamic video, but in reality the violence we are seeing is the result of Obama’s cowardly drone strike killings.

The Obama administration brags about killing terrorists, but that’s all they do – Kill them. The Obama administration is too weak and scared to take any of these terrorists into custody, where we could actually interrogate them, and get …

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Obama Might Be Felon For Pot, Cocaine Arrests in College

Obama Might Be Felon For Pot, Cocaine Arrests in College

Obama Might Be Felon For Pot, Cocaine Arrests in College

USBACKLASH wonders if Obama is not releasing his college transcripts because maybe Obama was arrested for drug use and possession, and it is listed in his college records.

It is well known that Obama was, and maybe still is, a hard-core drug user. He admits to smoking pot in his book, but he also admits that he was a Cocaine user as well.

If Obama was arrested on campus for the Possession of Cocaine, there is a chance that campus police took care of the situation, and did not get the real police department involved.

We think that the reason why Obama doesn’t release his college transcripts is because he was either a terrible student, a student that skated by with help from others, or it may show that Obama was a very troubled drug addict, addicted to the hard drugs.

When President Obama gave the commencement address last week at the Air Force Academy, he congratulated the cadets for excelling at one of the most demanding schools in the

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Clueless Idiot Nancy Pelosi Blames Voter Supression for Holder Contempt

Pelosi says that the only reason why conservatives are holding Eric Holder in contempt of Congress is because “he is supporting measures to overturn these voter suppression initiatives”. SERIOUSLY NANCY???

Ha ha ha!! Unhinged brain-dead jackass Nancy Pelosi needs to go take her meds and lay down for a while..

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

This idiot can’t help spewing out a bunch of insane crap every time she opes her mouth. (It’s actually amazing that Nancy Pelosi can even open her mouth with all of the plastic surgery and stretching that her skin has been subjected to.

A day after Nancy Pelosi accused Republicans of targeting Attorney General Eric Holder because of his department’s crackdown on state voter ID laws, GOP lawmakers dismissed the claim as “hogwash” while Democrats kept their distance.

Asked about Pelosi’s claim at Thursday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney would not say that the administration shares her theory.

“I cannot divine the motivations

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Obama’s White House Legal Council Says No White House Staff Engaged in Prostitution… Yea Right!

Obama's White House Legal Council Says No White House Staff Engaged in Prostitution... Yea Right!

Obama's White House Legal Council Says No White House Staff Engaged in Prostitution... Yea Right!

So, the Obama White House legal council has said that there was no White House staff or White House advance team engaged in the White House Prostitution Scandal that has rocked the Obama administration, and refused to give any details on the investigation, yet they assume that we (The American People) will take their statement as fact instead of what it really is.. White House Self-Preservation Spin.

Anytime that they say that there were no “credible allegations”, that means that there are some allegations, but that the White House feels that the allegations are not credible. That doesn’t mean that the allegations are false, it just means that the Obama White House wants to sweep them under the rug, as they do with all of their scandals and crimes.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced that White House legal counsel has concluded no White House staff engaged in any “misconduct” in Cartagena.

“The decision to conduct a review here, internally, was simply done out

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Obama Administration’s Glass Ceiling “Boys’ Club” – Obama Pays Women 18% Less Than Men

Hostile Glass Ceiling Workplace - Records show Obama White House pays women 18% less than men.

Hostile Glass Ceiling Workplace - Records show Obama White House pays women 18% less than men.

Obama is counting on the votes of women to try and save his job, but we feel that once women look beyond the glowing lies and spin fed to them by the liberal Obama-Swooning Media, and actually look at what Obama has been up to, women of all ages, races, and backgrounds will drop Obama like a bad habit!

One thing that will help the change come about is the fact that the Obama administration pays women a median salary which is around 18% less than the median salary they pay to men!
That’s pretty shocking for Obama, someone who wants to spread everyone else’s wealth around to his friends and supporters.

Female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues, records show.

According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).

Calculating the median

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Unhinged, Vile, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To “Die On The Floor”

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Intellectually-Challenged Nancy Pelosi has tried using completely false scare tactics, so often used by the Democrats, to try and claim that a bill which is intended to prevent U.S. Tax Dollars from being spent on Obamacare abortions is passed, would mean that healthcare companies would allow women to “die on the floor”.

Go take your medications Nancy. They seem to be wearing off.

“Under this bill, when the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor, and healthcare providers do not have to intervene, if this bill is passed. It’s just appalling”

Watch this video of Nasty Pelosi trying to explain how Republicans want women to “die on the floor”.

Nancy Pelosi is an unhinged, vile, lying SKANK!!
If people want to get abortions under Obamacare, then they an either pay for it themselves, or Nancy Pelosi can pay for it, but I will not give one cent to pay for abortions.

President Obama’s press

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