Anti-American Protests – World-Wide Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Noise’ & ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama

Anti-American Protests – World Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama
If these world-wide problems and violence are just “bumps in the road” for the Obama administration, this goes to show how completely out-of-touch with reality Obama really is – both in domestic and foreign policy.
…The administration is pushing back against questions and criticism over the security at the U.S. Consulate in Libya, as well as President Obama’s remarks about the Middle East in a Sunday interview with “60 Minutes.”
Asked if the unrest in the Middle East has given him pause, President Obama said he knew there were “going to be bumps in the road,” in the interview.
“I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights—a notion that—people have—to be able to—participate—in—their own governance,”
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