Cheating NE Patriots Also Tried Sneaking In Unapproved Football Into AFC Championship Game

The NFL’s perennial team of cheaters, the New England Patriots, didn’t only cheat by deflating the balls we all know about, but actually even tried sneaking an unapproved football into the AFC championship game, though caught and stopped at that time.

Cheating NE Patriots Also Tried Sneaking Unapproved Football Into AFC Championship Game

Cheating NE Patriots Also Tried Sneaking Unapproved Football Into AFC Championship Game

An official, Greg Yette, caught the Patriots cheating attempt when he realized the marking that all approved footballs receive was not on the ball, and he notified the NFL officials in the press box.

It’s starting to look like Jim McNally, who runs the officials’ locker room at Gillette Stadium, and also works for Patriots’ owner Robert Kraft’s The Kraft Group, will be the Patriots fall guy, and take all of the blame for the recent rash of reports of Patriots cheating.

I wonder if McNally might be the same dumb-ass who took the bag of footballs into the bathroom with him for 90 seconds, when 11 of the 12 pre-approved footballs were magically and mysteriously underinflated? Also, anyone who says the pressure inside the footballs changed …

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At Plano East High School “White Power” Is Racist And Gets Investigated – “Black Power” Is Perfectly Fine

At Plano East High School "White Power" Is Racist And Gets Investigated - "Black Power" Is Perfectly Fine

At Plano East High School “White Power” Is Racist And Gets Investigated – “Black Power” Is Perfectly Fine

Why is is perfectly fine for black people, arguably the most racist group of people in the world, to espouse the idea of “Black Power” and it is not a problem, but if people in a highschool gym happen to have signs including the words “White” “Down” “Power” and what looks like “Star” and another illegible word, it is somehow racist.

I think Devin Gifford is most likely just a another black racist, who took this picture at the moment that showed the racist narrative he wanted the world to see, even though the intent was not to be racist at all.

You can see that other people have signs as well, and Devin Gifford should have known that there was no racism in the two signs being in the same gym.

What is the problem, really, if someone really was holding a sign that said “White Power” and why the fuck would that need to be investigated. I’m against racism from …

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Grope & Sniff: Creepy Old Man Groper Biden Gets Handsy Again With Wife of Defense Sec. Ash Carter

Damn! Creepy old man Biden strikes again! We’re calling it the “Biden Grope & Sniff”.

Creepy Old Man Biden Gets Handsy Again With Wife of Defense Sec. Ash Carter

Creepy Old Man Biden Gets Handsy Again With Wife of Defense Sec. Ash Carter

The latest Biden groping comes at the swearing-in ceremony for Defense Sec. Ash Carter, where Creepy Joe Biden couldn’t keep his hands and lips off of the new Defense Secretary’s wife, Stephanie. You can tell that Stephanie Carter was pretty uncomfortable, but what could she really do? She had to just stand there and allow Biden to grope her as he also sniffed her hair.

Oh, the firestorm that would hit the media if Old Man Groper Biden was a conservative! We would never hear the end of it, and the Democrats would start a new lie about child molesters. The truth is that there are real sickos in the Democrat ranks, like Biden, that the corrupt liberal media will never report on. Biden is a Democrat though, so he is apparently above the law. Biden obviously feels that he can grope and molest as many women and young girls as …

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MSNBC’s Unprofessional Mika Brzezinski Poses – Legs Up – Ass Almost Showing – 5 Inch “Fuck Me” Heels

I’m sorry, but Mika Brzezinski is a nasty troll who wishes she was as pretty and professional as the women on FOX.

I seriously doubt that you would ever see a female FOX employee pose this way, with badly out-of-context sexuality and skin, even though the women on FOX make Mika Brzezinski look like Gollum.

I’m not going to lie – Mika has some pretty nice legs, but that is really all she has.

It’s funny though that the jackasses on SNL would attack the FOX and the women of FOX for being too pretty, and for showing some cleavage, when Mika Brzezinski poses this way for the Vanity Fair. Leg up – Ass almost showing – With 5 inch “Fuck Me” heels on.

I guess they feel that women are basically table center pieces, made for men to look at – which is fine. Many women on FOX actually are fun to look at also, but at least the women on FOX are professional as well as sexy.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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NBC/SNL Laughingly Attacks FOX News as “Fake New” Despite Their Own Dishonest Anchor Brian Williams Caught Lying on Air

NBC, the most untrustworthy & corrupt network on TV, laughingly attacked FOX News for supposedly delivering “fake news”.

That’s rich though, isn’t it? NBC doesn’t even make one joke about their own in-house liar Brian Williams, who has been caught often repeating a handfull of lies, and nobody at NBC made him stop, despite the network knowing full well that the stories Brian Williams was telling over and over were actually lies.

Watch the disgusting whore Tina Fey react to Jim Carrey bringing up the sore subject of Untrustworthy News At NBC, and watch how fast the rest of the NBC turds try changing the subject.

Instead of firing their dishonest news anchor, Brian Williams, for his stolen valor, NBC only suspended him, and will most likely put the piece of shit liar back on the air once the dust settles, and attack the one honest network on the air – FOX News.

“I used to be the only pretty blonde woman reading the fake news. Now there’s a whole network devoted to that.” – Disgusting Liberal piece of shit

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New Democrat Green Energy Scandal Sinks Corrupt Democrat Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber & Gold-Digging Fiancé

Oh, Look! More Corrupt Democrats! (Don’t act too shocked because we all know that most Democrats are corrupt.)

New Democrat Green Energy Scandal Sinks Corrupt Democrat Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber & Wife

New Democrat Green Energy Scandal Sinks Corrupt Democrat Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber & Wife

The governor of Oregon, Democrat John Kitzhaber, has resigned his position as governor because he and his wife were involved in corruption that has become very typical for those on the left side of the isle.

If Democrats aren’t evading taxes or taking bribes, they are engaged in Nepotism or steering contracts to their friends & family. If a Democrat can become corrupt and cheat the American Taxpayer out of their money, you can be damned sure that the Democrat WILL be corrupt and steer contracts to their friends and family.

Democrat John Kitzhaber and his skank wife are no different – they are typical Democrat criminals who have been caught abusing Kitzhaber’s position as governor to make his family a lot of money. John Kitzhaber seems to have steered lucrative consulting contracts to his wife’s green energy consulting business, among other crimes.

“I understand that I have …

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NBC News Compulsive Liar Brian Williams May Have Also Lied About Embedding With SEAL Team 6 & Brandenburg Gate

Wow! Brian Williams seems like a compulsive liar!
I wonder if Mr. Williams even knows how to tell the truth anymore after years of repeating all of his false stories, made up of 5% truth and 95% lies and bullshit.

NBC News Compulsive Liar Brian Williams May Have Also Lied About Embedding With SEAL Team 6

NBC News Compulsive Liar Brian Williams May Have Also Lied About Embedding With SEAL Team 6

  • Brian Williams for sure lied about being in the military helicopter that was shot with an RPG and forced to the ground.
  • Williams seems to have lied about being at the Brandenburg Gate the night the wall came down, and Tom Brokaw was the only American anchorman to report live from the Berlin Wall that day.
  • Now we are learning that Brian Williams has probably also been lying for years about being embedded with SEAL Team 6, while a Special Operations Command official said that it’s just not true.

“We do not embed journalists with any elements of that unit, bottom line, No.” – Special Operations Command official

This type of dishonesty is par for the course in every liberal newsroom across the country, …

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Disgusting Senile Liberal Skank Shirley MacLaine Holds Crazy & Horrid Beliefs About Jewish Holocaust Victims

Shirley MacLaine, the disgusting wrinkled-up old dust bag, that once was a B-list movie star, thinks that Holocaust victims were being punished for things they did in their past lives.

Disgusting Senile Liberal Skank Shirley MacLaine Holds Horrid Beliefs About Jewish Holocaust Victims

Disgusting Senile Liberal Skank Shirley MacLaine Holds Horrid Beliefs About Jewish Holocaust Victims

‘What if most Holocaust victims were balancing their karma from ages before, when they were Roman soldiers putting Christians to death, the Crusaders who murdered millions in the name of Christianity, soldiers with Hannibal, or those who stormed across the Near East with Alexander? The energy of killing is endless and will be experienced by the killer and the killee.’

What?? It sounds like the senile old witch, Shirley MacLaine, needs to go put on her tinfoil hat and take her crazy pills.
Hopefully they are the kind of pills that put her out of our misery.

Only a sad & crazy liberal wench (who is probably a closet Socialist or Communist) would ever say something so disgusting about the millions of Holocaust victims who died at the hands of Nazis in Hitler’s death camps.

Crazy Bitch!…

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