Stupid Liberal Partisan Skank Sheila Jackson Lee Says the Border is “Under Control” As Terrorists Flood the Country
Sheila Jackson Lee has to be one of the nastiest, dumbest, most partisan hacks in our government today!

Stupid Liberal Partisan Skank Sheila Jackson Lee Says the Border is “Under Control” As Terrorists Flood the Country
The nasty skank seems to think that everything is fine with the dangerous situation Obama has caused at the border, and actually brought herself to say that the border is “under control”.
If anyone has control of our borders, it is illegal immigrants and terrorists who use Obama’s weakness to invade our nation on a daily basis.
Does this stupid bitch really have a clue about what is going on? Does she automatically oppose everything that conservatives say, or does she just regurgitate everything that the corrupt Obama administration tells hells her to say?
Every time this nasty hair-hatted troll opens her mouth she seems like she is getting more and more stupid.
I can tell you one thing though, and that is our nation will very soon be again attacked by terrorists who are using our open borders as their …
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