Obama Bilks Tax-Payers Again For Another Re-Election Campaign Bus Tour

Barack Obama has gone out again for a second round of tax-payer funded bus campaigning in his expensive tax-payer funded buses. The Obama administration has the gall to claimed that the three-day bus tour is not political, even though the bust campaign goes through the states critical to his re-election in 2012.

Obama's Taxpayer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour.

Obama's Taxpayer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour.

We’ll see if that is the case, because whenever Obama opens his mouth, he makes it political by spewing attacks at Republicans, while pushing his administration’s Socialist/Marxist policies.

Obama's Tax-Payer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour and Entourage

Obama's Tax-Payer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour and Entourage

We all know what is happening here. The Obama administration is making the U.S. Taxpayer pay for these early stages of his re-election campaign, and any of the excuses he gives to the contrary is just another Obama lie.

These trips are nothing more than tax-payer funded campaigning, which is against the law, but Obama and the Democrats feel that they are above the law. As usual, Obama will do whatever the hell he wants to do, and then rely on the corrupt Obama-Swooning Media to cover for …

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Obama Packed Jobs Council With Democratic Donors, Bundlers, and Friends

Obama Packed "Jobs Council" With Democratic Donors & Bundlers

Obama Packed "Jobs Council" With Democratic Donors & Bundlers

Obama’s Crony Capitalism is completely out of control, and must be stopped! Remove Obama!

“At least 10 members of the Obama-appointed Council on Jobs and Competitiveness gave the legal maximum contribution — $4,600 — to help get Obama elected in 2008, and they continue to write checks for the president in 2012. Several also serve as Obama campaign bundlers, top fundraisers who collect millions of dollars from their networks of well-to-do colleagues and friends to aid his re-election bid.”

With all of the liberal pieces of crap on Obama’s “Jobs Council”, with No-Nothing, No-Jobs Obama as their boss, there is little to no chance that they will create any jobs. These jackasses are too stupid to figure out how to create jobs, even while the people who know how to create jobs, the Republicans, have been telling them exactly what needs to happen to turn things around. So I will be urging Republicans to vote against Obama’s “Jobs Plan”, because in reality, any plan that Obama and the Culture of Corruption …

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Democrat Gov. Beverly Perdue Calls For Suspension of Elections for 2 Years – Claims It Was Joke

North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue said, in a speech at a local Rotary Club, that she thinks Congress should suspend elections for two years so lawmakers can work on stimulating the economy without the “partisan bickering”.

After she started catching all kinds of heat for the comment, her office came out with the lie that Gov. Perdue was just joking about suspending elections, but we can all see through their cover-up.

“If it was a joke, what was the set-up? What was the punch-line? Where was the pause for laughter? It took them three hours to say it was a ‘joke,’ but when that flopped it became ‘hyperbole.’ We’ll just call it an unconstitutionally bad idea.”

Republicans rebuked North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue after she suggested Congress suspend elections for two years so lawmakers can get to work stimulating the economy unencumbered by anxiety about what voters think.

The governor’s office has since claimed the remark was “hyperbole.” But the North Carolina GOP isn’t buying it.

“Listen to the Governor’s words: She wasn’t joking at all. The congressional Democrats are

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Thus guy is great! I don’t agree with not paying your bills though, which would only make things worse. We are not corrupt thugs like the Democrats who don’t pay their bills and evade paying their taxes.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org


Whack-Job Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee Is Out Of Touch With Reality

Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee’s attack on Republicans is a feeble attempt to push blame for our current financial situation away from those who actually deserve it, like the Obama administration and Democrats who increased our nation’s debt by $4 Trillion in his first 19 months, which historically is more than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) is a complete wacko nut-job, who probably needs to take her medication and go lay down somewhere. At least until she comes back to reality, or gets removed from office. Seeing how completely out-of-touch with reality Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee really is, it would be best for the country if she was removed from office.

Sounds more like an idiot Rep has no clue about what is going on, and is just sticking up for Obama and her party’s destruction of our economy, jobs, housing, and just about everything else they have touched.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) released a statement Monday saying the “debt crisis” has been “manufactured by House Republicans” who are “attempting to advance an extremist agenda.”

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Washington Times: ‘Is Obama a pathological liar?’

The quick and easy answer is yes, we feel that Obama is an out-of-control pathological liar.

Obama will say anything to get the slightest sliver of support for his failed policies that have made our country’s medium sized problems into an emergency by cramming through their socialist policies, and raising our debt by $2.5260 trillion in under 2 years!

Lets take a little closer look at the Debt problem that the Obama Administration orchestrated.
The liars in the Obama Administration have been deceiving the American People by telling them that the debt is the fault of President Bush, Republicans, big business, or tax breaks for businesses that create jobs, and produce goods and services that support jobs in many other other industries, when the truth is that Obama heaped more debt onto our nation’s back in his first 19 months than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

We feel that the Obama administration put our nation in this precarious position on purpose to try and put the American People’s backs up against a wall which could then be …

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Obama’s Anti-Recovery White House Against Spending Cuts

Obama and the other idiots on the left do not really want to fix our economy, balance the budget, fix the housing market, or lower gas prices. They don’t want to cut the spending of the government, or actually fix the problems we’re currently faced with. In fact, they want just the opposite. Obama wants nothing more than to keep the size of our government exploding, while making sure that as many people as possible are dependent on the government, which will in turn keep our nation’s economy in a tailspin.

Now Obama says that he will veto the new GOP legislation designed to “cut, cap and balance” spending and the budget.
At least Republicans are coming up with plans to try and fix things. All the job-killing Democrats can do is attack the right’s plan, without any real plan of their own, other than “Tax the rich”.

Even if the brain-dead liberals took every penny made by the upper level rich people, it would still not even make a dent in the debt because the Democrats won’t stop spending …

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