Greedy & Self-Serving Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) Claims He is “Stuck Making $172,000 a Year”

Greedy & Self-Serving Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) Claims He is "Stuck Making $172,000 a Year"

Greedy & Self-Serving Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) Claims He is “Stuck Making $172,000 a Year”

A very greedy and self-serving Republican congressman, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.), says that he is “stuck here making $172,000 a year”, while staffers can go to K Street and make $500,000 a year.

Honestly, Mr. Gingrey, you definitely are not “stuck” anywhere. You say that you’re a “public servant”, but it seems that the only person you want to serve is yourself. These slimeball politicians, like Rep. Phil Gingrey, continue to feel that they are worth much more than they really are, and if given the opportunity, all corrupt politicians would line their own pockets instead of doing real, honest public service.

We could replace most congressmen with a bucket of sand, so if you are that upset about making $172,000 a year, then quit and get a real job. Jackass!

Term Limits Now!!

In an argument against a special exemption allowing Hill staffers to buy health insurance, one lawmaker said he’s “stuck” making $172,000 a year, while aides will go on to make

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Paul Ryan Drops off Deep End Supporting Immigration Sham Bill – Loses Tea Party Support – Screws Chances For Higher Office

Add Paul Ryan, the one-time rock star of the Tea Party movement, to the list of unfortunate political casualties in the fallout of the “Immigration Reform” scam being rammed through congress.

Paul Ryan Drops off Deep End Supporting Immigration Sham Bill - Loses Tea Party Support - Screws Chances For Higher Office

Paul Ryan Drops off Deep End Supporting Immigration Sham Bill – Loses Tea Party Support – Screws Chances For Higher Office

Paul Ryan used to stand with the Tea Part Patriots in opposing any immigration bill that didn’t secure the border first and foremost, and once the borders are secure, then moving on to dealing with the illegal immigrants who have broken our laws to come into the country illegally, or continue breaking our nation’s laws by staying in the country past the legal time they were allowed to be here.

It’s funny, and very suspicious, how these so-called conservatives started using the Democrat’s numbers on how many illegal immigrants are here, in order to make the border security problem seem less pressing. It was reported for a long time that there are AT LEAST 20 million illegal immigrants currently breaking our laws to stay here, but the brainless …

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Congress to Further Investigate Benghazi-Gate & Coverup Despite Democrat Stonewalling

Finally! On Fox News this morning, Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy revealed that more “explosive” Benghazi hearings are “coming quickly”.

“There’s a reason we don’t let kids grade their own papers in school, and there’s a reason we don’t let defendants sentence themselves in court. And the State Dept should not be the ones investigating whether the State Department did a good job. It should be Congress, and it’s going to be Congress very shortly.”

“Trust me when I tell you, you will want to follow the hearings that are coming up”

I’m sure we will see a whole lot of stonewalling, coverups, and lies by Obama officials in the upcoming hearings, but then again, Democrats have a lot to lose if the truth were to actually get out.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Coward Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Vows To Kill Republican Debt Plan To Continue Gridlock

Screw You Too Harry! This jackass Democrat, Harry Reid, must be removed from office in the next election, and we will be giving a lot of money to anyone who will try kicking his corrupt ass out of the Senate!

Republicans are really the only party who are honestly trying to come up with plans to deal with Obama’s out-of-control spending binge. The Republicans have passed one bill in the House, and will most likely pass another bill tonight. The corrupt jackass Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has promised that the Democrats will kill the bill though, so all of the work and time spent will be for nothing.

Looks like it may be true that the Obama and the Democrats actually WANT our nation to default on our debt so that they can remake it into their ideal socialist nation.

House Republicans are just wasting their time debating Speaker John Boehner’s debt reduction bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today.

“Boehner’s bill dies tonight,” Reid communications director Adam Jentleson wrote on Twitter. “Forever.”

The House of Representatives is

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