Issa To File Civil Contempt Suit Against Eric Holder Over “Fast and Furious” Cover-Up
Darrell Issa and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are doing everything possible to try and break through the corruption and stonewalling by “Fast & Furious” cover-up in chief, Attorney General Eric Holder. Eric Holder has the power of the government to stay above the law, and out of harms way for his obvious attempts to cover-up the details of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal.
Due to the stonewalling and coverup by Eric Holder, Issa’s only next step is filing a civil contempt suit against Holder for his refusal to provide the documents that Congress required of him.
It is shameful and wrong that Eric Holder will not provide the documents needed to get to the bottom of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal and even more shameful and wrong that Obama helped with the coverup by falsely claiming executive privilege over the documents on the very last day before the contempt vote, and after not claiming the privilege for during the first two …
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