Corrupt Obama DHS Refusing to Answer Congress’ Questions Regarding Administration’s Terrorist “Hands Off” List

Corrupt Obama DHS Refusing to Answer Congress' Questions Regarding Administration's Terrorist “Hands Off” List

Corrupt Obama DHS Refusing to Answer Congress’ Questions Regarding Administration’s Terrorist “Hands Off” List

The terrorist friendly Obama administration keeps a secret “hands off” list that quietly allows many terrorists and foreigners with ties to terrorists easy access into the United States, and many files regarding foreign terror suspects might also have been purged by DHS.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials have refused to answer questions about the Obama administration’s terrorist “hands off” list.

This is just one more of the many examples of the Obama administration meeting with and/or helping terrorists to the detriment of the citizens of the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is refusing to answer Congress’ questions about the existence of a secret terrorist “hands off” list that is said to have permitted individuals with terrorist ties easy entrance into the United States.

The existence of the hands-off list was first publicized earlier this month by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), who released a cache of internal DHS emails detailing the list’s existence and a

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Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney Decorates Home With Soviet Propaganda

Many people firmly believe that Obama is a Socialist, and from what it looks like maybe Jay Carney is a Socialist as well.

 Obama's Press Secretary Jay Carney Decorates Home With Soviet Propaganda

Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney Decorates Home With Soviet Propaganda

Why else would someone with Jay Carney’s position in the Obama administration have Soviet propaganda posters all over the walls of his home, instead of maybe some Pro United States art?

Oh Yea, that’s right, Obama and Democrats hate America, and Obama’s personal liar Jay Carney is no different. I would bet just about anything that Jay Carney would not be caught dead with Patriotic Pro-US Posters on the wall, or he would be excommunicated from the Democrat Party, and would for sure be kicked out of the Obama administration.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and his family are featured in a worshipful profile in this month’s Washingtonian magazine.

It’s the sort of adoring journalistic exercise reserved for only the most handsome of the power elite. In it you can find out details about the Carney dog (a cousin to presidential pooch Sonny!), and how much

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Brain-Dead Obama Admin Did Nothing to Stop Snowden From Leaving US, Blames China, Russia for “Escape”

The Obama administration could have revoked Edward Snowden’s passport while he was still in the United States, preventing him from fleeing to a different country, but the brain-dead Obama administration did nothing, allowing Snowden to leave the United States, but then blames China and Russia for not cleaning up the Obama administration’s mess.

It’s funny as hell to see a nutless idiots like John Kerry, and Jay Carney try and threaten China and Russia on behalf of Obama. These powerful countries are not scared or worried about what the US or Obama will do to them, because there is absolutely nothing that Obama or his cronies can do, or will do, in retribution.

To put it in other words, the world community does not respect Obama, and feel that Obama is a weak, lame duck president with little or no power.

Even after Snowden had left the country and landed in Hong Kong, the Obama administration still had their heads up their own asses, and did not handle the extradition correctly, allowing Snowden to slip through their fingers once again.…

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Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless "Gang of 8" May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

The Congressional Budget Office is a complete JOKE, and should be done away with!!

What is the point of having a Congressional Budget Office, which is always touted as non-partisan, when the CBO only crunches the numbers they are given?
What usually happens, and we have seen time and time again from the Obama administration, is that the party trying to ram through some bill gives the Congressional Budget Office phony numbers to crunch, so when the crunching is complete, the party gets the results they think will help make their case.

If you put phony numbers in, you will get phony results back out. It’s that simple – and the gaggle of corrupt politicians in Washington know how to work the system to get what they want.

Take, for example, the latest immigration fight, where Republicans have completely caved into the pressure the Democrats put on them, and are ready to hand the Democrats what they want. Amnesty for over 20 million illegal …

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Dem War on 1st Amendment – Obama Admin Lawyers Say Anti-Muslim Social Media Posts Could Land You In Prison

Obama obviously hates the 1st amendment, and won’t stand for people disparaging his Muslim faith.

Obama’s nut-job Attorney for the Eastern district of Tennessee also doesn’t believe in the 1st amendment either, and has stated that you could actually go to prison for posting anti-Muslim posts on Twitter and other social media.

Honestly, Let the nutless turds in the Obama administration, and their attorneys, try and prosecute us for things we write and say, while exercising our 1st amendment rights. They will come off looking like the brain-dead corrupt communist fucks that they are.

The Obama administration actually wants to do away with most of the US Constitution.

First, it was the Obama administration cramming Obamacare down our throats, illegally and unconstitutionally making every person in America purchase a service that many don’t want, under penalty of being fined.

Next the Obama administration has been trying to do away with the 2nd amendment. The Obama administration has tried legislating to take away our 2nd amendment rights, and when that didn’t work, Obama enlisted his cronies in other departments to purchase …

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Obama Administration Records & Listens to Every Phone Call You Make

Obama Administration Records & Listens to Every Phone Call You MakeLiberals who were freaking out over Bush’s warrantless wiretaps might have all of their heads explode at once, when they learn that the Obama administration records and listens to every phone call made inside the United States.

The corrupt and secretive Obama administration will never admit that you and I have no privacy at all, and that they listen to every one of your phone calls, but that is exactly what it seems is happening.

Top-level officials already have admitted that the FBI has the ability to go back and find out exactly what was said in a conversation, even though there was no good or legal reason why the call was being recorded.

The real capabilities and behavior of the US surveillance state are almost entirely unknown to the American public because, like most things of significance done by the US government, it operates behind an impenetrable wall of secrecy. But a seemingly spontaneous admission this week by a former FBI counterterrorism agent provides a rather startling acknowledgment of just how vast and invasive these surveillance activities are.


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Obama Apology of America Tour Blames U.S. For Mexico Violence – No Mention of Fast & Furious

Obama continues his ongoing Apology of America Tour in Mexico, blaming the U.S as the cause of the out-of-control violence in Mexico, not the powerful Mexican drug cartels, who have taken over the entire country, including every level of the government – if you can even call what they currently have, a government.

During Obama’s Mexican Apology of America Tour, while blaming the U.S. for the guns in Mexico that come from the United States, Obama says that we are the “root cause” of violence and guns in Mexico, but made no mention of the Fast & Furious scandal, which was run entirely by the Obama administration, where Obama’s people allowed thousands of high-powered guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels, and never tracked the guns, which have been used in many crimes, and probably many continue to be used today by drug cartels.

The Obama administration wanted to use the violence that their guns created in order to create support here in America for taking away gun rights, to nudging us closer to the Democrat’s real goal of …

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Terrorists Love Eric Holder – Eric Holder Loves Terrorists

Terrorists Love Eric Holder - Eric Holder Loves TerroristsThe story below describes how Attorney General Eric Holder defended a federal judge who interrupted the first interrogation of confessed terrorist bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to read him his Miranda rights, thereby preventing the terrorist bomber from giving up any additional information.

The story is taking the Obama administration’s word for what happened though, and we know that it is a lie.

There is NO WAY IN HELL that this judge went over to stop the interrogation, and read Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his rights, without the approval of Attorney General Eric Holder.

Terrorist-lover Eric Holder wanted to protect the terrorist from having to say anything that could get him in more trouble, and even worse for the Obama administration, he would let the cat out of the bag that the Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombing was the work of 2 people in a much larger terrorist cell.

Obama and Eric Holder – Weak on Terrorism – Tough on Americans

On April 27, Attorney General Eric Holder defended a federal judge’s decision to read confessed terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights after only 16

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