Democrat’s Ku Klux Klan Getting Stronger in South – Florida Police Join the Klan

Ku Klux Klan – By Democrats – For Democrats – Democrat’s Ku Klux Klan Getting Stronger in South – Florida Police Join the Klan
A Florida police officer joined the Democrat-started KKK, and someone this is somehow news? Stupid liberals around the country have always been the leaders of the KKK, and it hasn’t been news until this one Florida police officer decided to join. Why is that?
And of course there has to be at least one stupid piece of shit liberal nut-job, like Mark Potok, with the Southern Poverty Law Center, who tries to claim that the KKK is a group of “radicals on the right” when in fact the KKK was started by Democrats to try and defeat the Republicans.
Piece of shit race baiters like Mark Potok rely on the stupidity of the people that he speaks to. Anyone with half a brain knows the true history of the KKK, which is a liberal group that was started by Democrats, and still to this day s a Democrat-run organization that is still very active – and …
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