Impeached Womanizing Liar Bill Clinton Says “Hillary Did What She Should Have Done” Before and After Benghazigate Terror Attack & Coverup
Impeached former president Bill “Womanizer” Clinton says that his wife “Hillary did what she should have done,” in regards to the Benghazigate Terrorist attack and Obama administration coverup.
There is a reason why Bill Clinton was only the second president in US history to be Impeached. Bill Clinton has shown that he cannot be trusted to tell the truth, no matter if he is under oath or not. If a Clinton can tell some lies to lessen the impact of a major scandal on their political future, by all means the Clintons will lie like there is no tomorrow.
I give Bill Clinton’s latest statement about Hillary’s handling of Benghazi about as much credence that I gave his “I did not have sexual relations with that women, Monica Lewinsky” statement. Both are bald-faced lies designed to continue covering up the ugly truth that would damage their political careers.
When the truth comes out about how Hillary Clinton handled the Benghazi Terror Attack, and subsequent cover-up attempts, she will never again hold a position in the government of the United States.…
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