Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight
What is the point of having a Congressional Budget Office, which is always touted as non-partisan, when the CBO only crunches the numbers they are given?
What usually happens, and we have seen time and time again from the Obama administration, is that the party trying to ram through some bill gives the Congressional Budget Office phony numbers to crunch, so when the crunching is complete, the party gets the results they think will help make their case.
If you put phony numbers in, you will get phony results back out. It’s that simple – and the gaggle of corrupt politicians in Washington know how to work the system to get what they want.
Take, for example, the latest immigration fight, where Republicans have completely caved into the pressure the Democrats put on them, and are ready to hand the Democrats what they want. Amnesty for over 20 million illegal …
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