New Benghazi Whistleblowers: General Petraeus’ Affair Revealed to Intimidate Petraeus & Other Benghazi Witnesses
New whistleblowers are about to blow the lid off the Benghazi-Gate scandal that may end up costing the jobs of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Benghazi was an Obama administration coverup, with Hillary Clintom most to blame. They did nothing and watched our people die. Demand answers and accountability!
The new Benghazi whistleblowers even say that the release of details of General David Petraeus’ affair was timed to intimidate and silence the former CIA chief and other Witnesses from talking about the Benghazi scandal and coverup.
Typical Obama Intimidation and Corruption.
…More whistleblowers will emerge shortly in the escalating Benghazi scandal, according to two former U.S. diplomats who spoke with PJ Media Monday afternoon.
These whistleblowers, colleagues of the former diplomats, are currently securing legal counsel because they work in areas not fully protected by the Whistleblower law.
According to the diplomats, what these whistleblowers will say will be at least as explosive as what we have already learned about the scandal, including details about what really transpired in Benghazi that are potentially devastating to both Barack Obama and Hillary
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