Obama Releases 5 Foreign Terrorist Leaders – Establishes Group Probing Americans as “Domestic Terrorists”

With one hand, the criminals in the corrupt Obama administration let 5 of the worst Taliban terrorists go free, and with the other hand the most corrupt administration in US History attacks the American People as “domestic terrorists”.

Obama Releases 5 Foreign Terrorist Leaders - Establishes Group Probing "Domestic Terrorists" Americans

Obama Releases 5 Foreign Terrorist Leaders – Establishes Group Probing “Domestic Terrorists” Americans

Eric Holder is a stupid and corrupt piece of shit who sees conservatives as “domestic terrorists”, but views actual terrorists and terrorist groups that hate America as friends.

It has been proven to be true over and over that Obama loves terrorists but hates Americans.

The United States is re-establishing a law enforcement group to fight those it designates as domestic terrorists, the Department of Justice announced Tuesday.

Following hate-motivated shootings such as the one at a Jewish Community Center in Kansas City, Missouri in April, federal prosecutors have pressed the need to coordinate intelligence about such criminals on a national level, Justice Department officials told Reuters.

In a statement, Attorney General Eric Holder said the United States remains concerned about threats from Islamic extremist groups, but other motives

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Obama’s Ultra-Corrupt Department of Justice Has Wasted $100 Million in Taxpayer Money In Just 5 Years

Obama's Ultra-Corrupt Department of Justice Has Wasted $100 Million in Taxpayer Money In Just 5 Years

Obama’s Ultra-Corrupt Department of Justice Has Wasted $100 Million in Taxpayer Money In Just 5 Years

On top of all of the other wasteful and corrupt spending by the Obama administration, we are now learning that Obama’s DOJ has wasted over $100 million in taxpayer money in just the past 5 years.

The corrupt idiots, Eric Holder and Barack Obama, really have no fucking clue what they are doing, and anyone who says different is either on Obama’s payroll, expecting a job with the administration, or are liberal political bundlers, benefiting from being friends with Obama. It’s like the “Duo of Dunces” said “lets fly by the seat of our pants, handing out $ billions in wasted money to our friends and supporters, ramming through any brainless law we want, while fighting in court against everything the other side wants.”

“Over the past five years, the Justice department has awarded about $17 billion in grants to thousands of governmental and nongovernmental recipients. From fiscal 2009 to 2013 the OIG opened 109 grant-related investigations that resulted in 12 convictions and $1.6 …

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Not Just AP – Obama Corrupt DOJ Spying on FOX News Reporters Also – Calls Rosen “Co-conspirator”

Obama’s corrupt Department of Justice wasn’t just spying on the AP.
New evidence shows that Obama’s DOJ was also spying on FOX News reporters, and common sense says that there’s a good chance that many other news organizations were spied on as well.

Fire Holder and Impeach Obama

The Justice Department obtained a portfolio of information about a Fox News correspondent’s conversations and visits as part of an investigation into a possible leak, The Washington Post reported Monday — in the latest example of the government seizing records of journalists.

This follows the charge that the department secretly obtained two months of phone records from Associated Press journalists as part of a separate leak probe. The department in this case, though, went a step further, as an FBI agent reportedly claimed there’s evidence the journalist in question — Fox News’ James Rosen — broke the law “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.”

That detail would potentially send the case into unprecedented territory. No reporter has been prosecuted for seeking information. Such cases often target the

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