Fake Republican Wussy Rep. Peter King Unhappy About Phone Calls Supporting Defunding of Obamacare

Fake Republican Wussy Rep. Peter King Unhappy About Phone Calls Supporting Defunding of Obamacare

Fake Republican Wussy Rep. Peter King Unhappy About Phone Calls Supporting Defunding of Obamacare

Wussy Rep. Peter King, who is not really a Republican or a conservative, is a little upset about the phone calls he has been receiving from supporters of defunding Obamacare, calling the phone calls “vile” and “offensive”.

And where did no-nuts Peter King go to talk about the offensive phone calls, and his hatred of conservative values? MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”. That tells you all you need to know about Rep. Peter King, and all conservatives in New York should try hard to target Rep. King in the next election, and find some good candidates to run against him.

Maybe it’s just that the mere talk of Defunding Obamacare is “offensive” to No-Nuts Rep. King, because Rep. King really doesn’t want to stop Obamacare. The fake conservative probably is a supporter of Obama and the Democrats government takeover of healthcare in the United States.

Rep. Peter King probably deserves to hear the “offensive” things that they told him over the phone. People are fed up and Wussy

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Nutless Republicans Cower To Obama – Fighting Against Cruz-Lee-Paul Effort to Defund Obamacare

Nutless Republicans Cower To Obama - Fighting Against Cruz-Lee-Paul Effort to Defund Obamacare

Nutless Republicans Cower To Obama – Fighting Against Cruz-Lee-Paul Effort to Defund Obamacare

Senator Ted Cruz is a total stud! Senator Cruz has been speaking for most of the last 19 hours straight to try and gain support with Joe Public, and jackasses in his own party to try and defund Obamacare.

Why are most of the nutless Republicans, especially John “Nutless” McCain, turning their back on the effort to defund Obamacare, especially when it could easily be done if everyone was on-board?

These fake Republicans want to be able to vote to fund Obamacare, while being able to tell their constituents that they supported defunding Obamacare. It’s a complete sham and these fake conservatives need to be targeted for replacement in the next election by more conservative candidates.

Republicans who don’t have the balls to stand up to Obama need to grow a pair, and take notice of the real conservatives who are working hard to defund Obamacare, like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and James Inhofe, while the many fake conservatives, like John McCain, try and …

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Conservatives: Don’t Send Your Kids to Michigan State University – Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Conservatives: Don't Send Your Kids to Michigan State University - Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Republicans and Conservatives: Don’t Send Your Kids to Michigan State University – Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Republican and Conservative parents beware of Michigan State University! Do not send your kids to Michigan State University unless you want them to be fully brain washed with liberal lies by unprofessional dumb-fuck bully “professors” like William S. Penn.

It has been reported that at least this one “professor” at Michigan State University, William S. Penn has been attacking conservatives with the same typical bullshit lies that we see from Obama and the other liberals in the government who lie on a daily basis to the American People.

Piece of shit loser William S. Penn doesn’t deserve to be teaching our kids! He deserves to have been aborted, using the late term abortion method which liberal turds like William S. Penn usually support.

– Republicans don’t want black people to vote? – That is complete bullshit. We want anyone who can legally vote to vote – ONLY ONCE, instead of the multiple times that some liberals vote. Liberals …

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Paul Ryan Drops off Deep End Supporting Immigration Sham Bill – Loses Tea Party Support – Screws Chances For Higher Office

Add Paul Ryan, the one-time rock star of the Tea Party movement, to the list of unfortunate political casualties in the fallout of the “Immigration Reform” scam being rammed through congress.

Paul Ryan Drops off Deep End Supporting Immigration Sham Bill - Loses Tea Party Support - Screws Chances For Higher Office

Paul Ryan Drops off Deep End Supporting Immigration Sham Bill – Loses Tea Party Support – Screws Chances For Higher Office

Paul Ryan used to stand with the Tea Part Patriots in opposing any immigration bill that didn’t secure the border first and foremost, and once the borders are secure, then moving on to dealing with the illegal immigrants who have broken our laws to come into the country illegally, or continue breaking our nation’s laws by staying in the country past the legal time they were allowed to be here.

It’s funny, and very suspicious, how these so-called conservatives started using the Democrat’s numbers on how many illegal immigrants are here, in order to make the border security problem seem less pressing. It was reported for a long time that there are AT LEAST 20 million illegal immigrants currently breaking our laws to stay here, but the brainless …

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Conservatives Who Vote For “Gang of 8” Sham Amnesty Bill Better Start Looking For Jobs

Trust us when we say ANY Republican who votes for the “Gang of 8” Amnesty Bill better start looking for a new job, because all so-called conservatives who vote in favor of the amnesty bill will be voted out of office in the next election by a huge margin.

Conservatives Who Vote For "Gang of 8" Sham Amnesty Bill Better Start Looking For Jobs

Conservatives Who Vote For “Gang of 8” Sham Amnesty Bill Better Start Looking For Jobs

TRUE Conservatives will not stand for the lies and inaction we get from Washington, when it comes to securing our borders.

For the security and safety of our nation, our borders should be closed now, and if the conservatives in office now won’t do it, we will find new people to elect who will!

Staff for Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Breitbart News on Thursday that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appears to be attempting to position the “Gang of Eight” bill so he can rush it through the Senate next week, before the opposition to the bill from the American people gets any stronger.

“Reid could systematically table all the remaining amendments that are pending,

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Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless "Gang of 8" May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

Brainless “Gang of 8” May Have Given Phony Numbers to Congressional Budget Office in Immigration Fight

The Congressional Budget Office is a complete JOKE, and should be done away with!!

What is the point of having a Congressional Budget Office, which is always touted as non-partisan, when the CBO only crunches the numbers they are given?
What usually happens, and we have seen time and time again from the Obama administration, is that the party trying to ram through some bill gives the Congressional Budget Office phony numbers to crunch, so when the crunching is complete, the party gets the results they think will help make their case.

If you put phony numbers in, you will get phony results back out. It’s that simple – and the gaggle of corrupt politicians in Washington know how to work the system to get what they want.

Take, for example, the latest immigration fight, where Republicans have completely caved into the pressure the Democrats put on them, and are ready to hand the Democrats what they want. Amnesty for over 20 million illegal …

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Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled

Amazon.com has taken to bashing conservatives, so we are calling for all conservatives to avoid amazon.com products and services until they change their ways, and cancel their new conservative-bashing original show Alpha House is cancelled.

Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled

Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled

Liberals with “media power” have cast conservatives in a bad light for many years, and the untrue liberal lies continue being pushed by Democrats like Garry Trudeau and Amazon.com.

It’s actually pretty funny that stupid people throughout America continue to believe the lies from the most corruption-filled party the world has ever seen. (Democrats – The party of tax evasion and abortions)

Anyone who actually believes the often-repeated Democrat lies are just brain-dead liberal dumb-fucks anyway who obviously are brainwashed idiots who cannot think, create, or provide for themselves. The only reason why these lazy and stupid liberal pieces of shit can even survive is because they suck on the government’s tit, happily stealing the money that you and I worked hard for, because they are too lazy to get …

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Republicans Try to Stop Congressional Insider Trading – Entitled Democrats Angry

Why is it OK for members of our government to engage in insider trading using congressional information that picks winners and losers, when any normal citizen who engages in insider trading is charged with a crime and arrested?

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

It’s no wonder congressional candidates will spend $ millions of their own money to get elected to the congress.
After getting elected, it’s all grift and gravy for the elected officials, who instantly become “above the law” and feel that they can do anything they please to enrich themselves.

This Congressional Insider Trading should be made illegal, and needs to be stopped NOW!

We all know that Democrats are corrupt fucks who will continue insider trading to make themselves rich until it is made illegal, and then the Democrats will go under the table..

Conservatives better stand up and make it known that they support the Stop Trading On Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, or they will be the

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