Earth Warmed Only 0.11 F Degrees in Last 15 Years – Yet Brainless Obama Declares War on Coal & Jobs

Earth Warmed Only 0.11 F Degrees in Last 15 Years - Yet Brainless Obama Declares War on Coal & Jobs

Earth Warmed Only 0.11 F Degrees in Last 15 Years – Yet Brainless Obama Declares War on Coal & Jobs

New Obama regulations on the Coal Industry is just a continuation of ‘Obama’s War on America’.

Obama is an out-of-touch anti-American, who’s life-long wish is to take our country down a few pegs, and revert our economy back to that of a 3rd world nation that can more easily be plucked from the path of Capitalism.

With China and India building a new coal plant every week, the Obama attack on America will not do anything to help control emissions. Nothing at all – and Obama’s feeble push to make China, India, and other countries attack their own countries the way that Obama is attacking America will NEVER happen. Not in a million years.

Obama says that 97% of scientists agree that global warming is a problem, but no matter how many fake ‘Global Warming’ numbers the Obama administration puts out to their cronies in the media, the fact is that “Global Warming” is a complete lie. All of the …

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Obama The Job Assassin – 55% of Business Owners Wouldn’t Start Business Under Burdensome Obama Regulations

Obama The Job Assassin - 55% of Business Owners Wouldn't Start Business Under Burdensome Obama Regulations

Obama The Job Assassin – 55% of Business Owners Wouldn’t Start Business Under Burdensome Obama Regulations – You didn’t build that!

It’s pretty sad when 55 percent of business owners surveyed say that they would not have started their businesses under Obama’s burdensome regulations, and 54 percent say other countries like China and India are more supportive of small businesses and manufacturers than the Obama administration.

It’s even worse when 69 percent of business owners say that Obama’s policies have hurt small businesses and manufacturers, while 67 percent say, due to Obama’s over-regulation, there is too much uncertainty in the market today to expand their businesses.

Fifty-five percent of small business owners and manufacturers would not have started their businesses in today’s economy, according to a new poll that also reports 69 percent say President Obama’s regulatory policies have hurt their businesses.

“There is far too much uncertainty, too many burdensome regulations and too few policymakers willing to put aside their egos and fulfill their responsibilities to the American people,” said Jay Timmons, president of the National Association of Manufacturers,

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