Released Iranian Hostage Says Iranian Captors Waited For Ransom Plane With $400 Million To Arrive Before Allowing Them to Leave

Barack Obama is a bad liar, an even worse president, but a really successful terrorist sympathizer!

Obama claims that the $400 million IN CASH sent to the Iranians was not a ransom payment, but one of the freed hostages says differently, and claims that their plane was held up, and not allowed to leave until the airplane with the $400 million arrived.

Released Iranian Hostage Says Iranian Captors Waited For Ransom Plane With $400 Million To Arrive Before Allowing Them to Leave

Released Iranian Hostage Says Iranian Captors Waited For Ransom Plane With $400 Million To Arrive Before Allowing Them to Leave

Obama is the #1 supporter of terrorists in the world.

  • Obama has released many of the most dangerous terrorists from Gitmo.
  • Obama REFUSES to uphold the laws of the United States and has opened the borders of the United States to all illegals, leeches, criminals, and even terrorist sleeper cells who are here to kill Americans.
  • Obama is releasing hundreds of criminals inside the United States from long prison sentences.
  • Obama/Holder put hundreds of high-powered weapons in the hands of gang members and other dangerous criminals in Fast & Furious.
  • Obama REFUSES to call Islamic Terrorism for what

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Brainless Fucks Try Banning Don’t Tread On Me Gadsden Flag Used By the Tea Party

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is investigating the use of the 1775 Revolutionary War Gadsden Flag, which is now used by the Tea Party Patriots, after one piece of shit racist black federal employee complained that someone at his work was wearing a hat with the flag on it.

Brainless Fucks Try Banning Don't Tread On Me Gadsden Flag Used By the Tea Party

Brainless Fucks Try Banning Don’t Tread On Me Gadsden Flag Used By the Tea Party s

The employee was asked to stop wearing the hat, but refused – because there is nothing at all wrong with the use of the Gadsden Flag, and the government had no right to tell him that he was not allowed to wear it, simply because one racist piece of shit objected.

I object to the shit that half the people out there wear – due to words or images on the clothing, or just because the clothing looks disgusting on the person, but I don’t expect the people to be forced to not wear what they want.

I’m sick to death of these crybaby pussies today weaping every 5 minutes about something that offends them, …

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Stupid & Corrupt Obama, Democrats Pay Iran $400 Million In Cash to Release 4 American Hostages

So much for America not negotiating with terrorists… Obama blew that to hell, as he has done with every other good part of the United States, by once again paying terrorists for the release of hostages.

Stupid & Corrupt Obama, Democrats Pay Iran $400 Million In Cash to Release 4 American Hostages

Stupid & Corrupt Obama, Democrats Pay Iran $400 Million In Cash to Release 4 American Hostages

Obama has become the first US President to negotiate with terrorists, after decades of adhering to the policy against dealing with terrorists in that way, by handing over the first installment of $400 million to Iran, in exchange for 4 American hostages they held. And now the Obama administration refuses to give the American People the details of their ransom payments to Iran.

The payment was even transferred to Iran in a secret unmarked airplane to try and throw off the American People.

Terrorist friendly Obama plans on giving Iran the rest of the $1.7 billion sometime in the near future, which will promptly be used to buy weapons and technology to be used against the United States.

The Obama administration even admitted that they are aware that …

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Corrupt Media Highly Exaggerates Size of Crowd At Clinton/Buffett Rally With Misleading Tweet

“Big boisterous crowd” Ha Ha Ha!!!! The corrupt media in the tank for the floundering Clinton campaign has to be sneaky when tweeting out an image about a campaign stop in Omaha, because nobody showed up, other than the people they brought with them.

Washington Post hack, Abby D. Phillip, tweeted out “Big boisterous crowd here in Omaha for Hillary Clinton and Warren Buffet” with a picture of a crowd watching Hillary Clinton and Warren Buffett that made it seem that they had a huge crowd, but non-Clinton campaign images show that there were probably only 50 people there.

Corrupt Media Highly Exaggerates Size of Crowd At Clinton/Buffett Rally With Misleading Tweet

“Big boisterous crowd” MY ASS!!!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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NBC Secretly Edits Clinton Hack Andrea Mitchell Segment Calling Bill Clinton Rape Allegations ‘Discredited’

NBC has been forced to edit a piece by corrupt libtard Hillary hack Andrea Mitchell, where Mitchell calls the Bill Clinton rape allegations “discredited”.

NBC removed the line where Andrea Mitchell calls the Bill Clinton rape stories “discredited”, because they know that the chances are very likely that Bill Clinton is a serial rapist who has raped more than one victim.

Andrea Mitchell is a stupid and corrupt piece of shit bitchbag who is not part of the respectable news.

I have no doubt that Andrea Mitchell will soon be fired from her job at NBC, and will be hired by her owner Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Nasty fucking whore!

NBC News has stealth-edited an Andrea Mitchell segment where she called Bill Clinton’s rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick “discredited,” deleting the line entirely, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

The seasoned news anchor was accused of bias for her remarks about Broaddrick’s rape allegation against Clinton, which she made during a video package about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in May.

“Donald Trump using that word [rape] unprompted during an

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Twitter Censoring Trump Tweets To Impede Campaign Fundraising – Acting as Clinton Media Arm

Twitter is actively suppressing the tweets by GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. FUCK TWITTER TO HELL!!!!!

Twitter Censoring Trump Tweets To Impede Campaign Fundraising - Acting as Clinton Media Arm

Twitter Censoring Trump Tweets To Impede Campaign Fundraising – Acting as Clinton Media Arm

Tweets that Donald Trump has posted do not show up on Trump’s Twitter profile page, as they should, and Trump’s tweets also never made it through to his Twitter followers’ walls.

Twitter is trying to cut the connection between Donald Trump and his fans, while slowing down Trump’s campaign fundraising. VERY SAD!!

Trump will find a way to get his message to the people who need to hear it, and Trump’s fundraising will not be harmed by Twitter, who apparently think that people can’t get by without their shitty useless product, which couldn’t be farther from reality.

Trump will be fine. In fact Trump will be the next president of the United States.

It is Twitter who is in BIG TROUBLE, both with investors and with users of the piece of shit social media platform, which is really just one of the social media arms of the Clinton campaign and …

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Corrupt Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta Raked In $35 Million From Russians – Failed to Fully Disclose In Financial Disclosures

Corrupt Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta Raked In $35 Million From Russians - Failed to Fully Disclose In Financial Disclosures

Corrupt Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta Raked In $35 Million From Russians – Failed to Fully Disclose In Financial Disclosures


Even Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, seems to be a tax criminal who broke the law by failing to fully disclose his dealings with the Russian government in his federal financial disclosures.

Anyone who doesn’t have their heads stuck up their asses knows full well that Hillary Clinton is an ultra corrupt criminal liar, so it would not surprise me AT ALL if we learn that the Clintons have been cheating on their taxes, but there is no end to the corruption in the Democrat party.

As is usually the case when a Democrat gets caught cheating on their taxes, (ALL Democrats cheat on their taxes) I’m sure Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta will just be able to file some additional forms and make the whole problem go away, but the problem is really just being swept under the rug to protect Hillary Clinton.…

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