Stupid Mizzou Football Coach Barry Odom Unconstitutionally Bans Players From Owning Handguns

Mizzou Is Dead 1849-2016 Stupid Mizzou Football Coach Barry Odom Unconstitutionally Bans Players From Owning Handguns

Mizzou Is Dead 1849-2016 Stupid Mizzou Football Coach Barry Odom Unconstitutionally Bans Players From Owning Handguns

In YET ANOTHER PR NIGHTMATE for Mizzou, University of Missouri football coach Barry Odom thinks that he can tell American college students that they are not allowed to play football for the publicly funded university, for the sole reason that the student owns a handgun.

“You’ve got to make sure with the rules, and you mentioned hunting and some things like that, but if there’s a handgun issue, then we deal with it and not allow it in the program.” – Missouri Tigers head coach Barry Odom

A football coach banning gun ownership of his players is unconstitutional, and I am very sure that this will be reversed.

Why not just make a rule saying “if a Mizzou football player gets in trouble and a handgun was involved, the player is off the team”. That would virtually solve any problems with guns from happening with the thug Mizzou football players.

We are also very SURE that Mizzou enrollment will continue to plummet quickly now …

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Al Wilson Song “The Snake” Completely Explains Hillary Clinton’s Relationship With American People

WOW! Oscar Brown’s song “The Snake” completely describes Hillary Clinton’s relationship with the American People, where Hillary is “The Snake” and America is the “Tender Hearted Woman”.

The American People had already given Bill and Hillary Clinton everything that any sane person could ever need or even want, but Hillary wanted MORE and turned around to bite the American People a bunch of times, very viciously.

Hillary sold access to the State Department for BIG BUCKS, giving pay for play access and influence in our political system to foreign governments and wealthy individuals.

Hillary and Bill currently run a dirty money making scheme, using the Clinton Foundation as a way to launder over $2 Billion of illegal political donations, in exchange for access and favors from the State Department. Only a tiny fraction of the money that the Clinton Foundation takes in actually goes to philanthropy, and the rest goes straight into Hillary’s pockets.

Hillary Clinton setup and ran her own private illegal unsecured server, in her basement, for the SOLE PURPOSE of hiding her illegal actions and connections between …

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Crooked Lyin’ Hillary Clinton Continued Sending Classified Emails AFTER Leaving State Department

Lyin’ Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is one of America’s most dangerous criminals, and belongs in prison along with her husband Bill, continued sending classified emails through her insecure and illegal mail server even AFTER she had left the State Department.

Crooked Lyin' Hillary Clinton Continued Sending Classified Emails AFTER Leaving State Department

Crooked Lyin’ Hillary Clinton Continued Sending Classified Emails AFTER Leaving State Department

According to documents obtained by the Republican National Committee, Clinton sent an email discussing the “123 deal” with the United Arab Emirates, from her account on her and Bill’s illegal and insecure private email server to the State Department.

“The “123 Deal” was a 2009 agreement between the United Arab Emirates and the US on materials and technological sharing for nuclear energy production.”

The email contains classified material about a nuclear deal between the United States and the United Arab Emirates, which will not be able to be declassified until May 28, 2033.


Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton has come under fire for emailing classified material, including information at the highest level of national security, from her private email server while serving as

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Libtard Idiot Mark Cuban Says It’s Not Hillary’s Fault That Her Illegal Homebrew Mail Server Wasn’t Setup Properly

Piece of shit libtard loser Mark Cuban says that it’s not Hillary Clinton’s fault that her inesure and illegal home-based server wasn’t setup properly to alert them about classified and top secret emails.

Libtard Idiot Mark Cuban Says It's Not Hillary's Fault That Her Illegal Homebrew Mail Server Wasn't Setup Properly

Libtard Idiot Mark Cuban Says It’s Not Hillary’s Fault That Her Illegal Homebrew Mail Server Wasn’t Setup Properly


Hillary just never cared about protecting US National Security, so she didn’t make sure that her illegal mail server was configured to stop hackers and protect national secrets.

THE ONLY reason why Hillary had her illegal bathroom mail server setup is because Hillary wanted to hide evidence of her and Bill’s crimes. Hillary didn’t want the American People to be able to file FOIA requests and get their hands on the emails that show Hillary was breaking the law, and also would show the details of her actions, or non-action, in the Benghazi terrorist attack that …

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Clinton Foundation Mega-Donor Gilbert Chagoury’s US Visitor Visa Was Rejected by State Department For Possible Ties to Terrorism

Clinton Foundation’s mega-donor Gilbert Chagoury was denied a visa to enter the United States back in 2014 due to alleged terrorist-related issues.

Something else in the story caught my eye and now makes me wonder how many other Clinton Foundation-like money laundering organizations have the Clintons created to funnel $ billions of dirty money through?

“Chagoury was among the 250 guests who attended the Clintons’ White House Christmas party in 1996, that was just two months after he donated $460,000 to a controversial pro-Clinton Miami-based Democratic voter-registration group.”

So it seems that there are other shadow groups accepting huge political donations of dirty money in exchange for access and influence in US politics.

I would bet that the Clintons are now funneling their dirty pay for play donations through other shell groups, rather than the Clinton Foundation, to launder the money before it goes into Clinton’s suit pants pockets.

Clinton Foundation mega-donor and longtime Clinton family friend Gilbert Chagoury was denied a visitor visa by the State Department in 2015 for terrorism-related reasons according to government documents, the LA Times

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Colin Kaepernick’s Birth Mother Trashes His America Hating Actions on Twitter

Colin Kaepernick’s birth mother has now trashed her Muslum convert son on Twitter, and it’s definitely a beautiful thing to see!

Colin Kaepernick’s Birth Mother Trashes His America Hating Actions on Twitter

Colin Kaepernick’s Birth Mother Trashes His America Hating Actions on Twitter

“There’s ways to make change w/o disrespecting & bringing shame to the very country & family who afforded you so many blessings,” – Kaepernick’s birth mother Heidi Russo

It’s pretty bad when just about everyone in America is trashing you online, and it must be 100 times worse when your own birth mother joins into the chorus of pissed off Americans whacking you over the head with your own stupid anti-American actions and statements.

I love seeing the mother of an entitled wannabe terrorist piece of shit, like Colin Kaepernick, stand up to him, and let the world know that they don’t agree with or condone their son’s stupid anti-American actions and words.

I also love hearing that EA Sports will forever save Kaepernick’s stupidity and hatred of America by including Kaepernick sitting for the national anthem, so future generations of kids will see just what a piece …

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Worried About Making Team & Endorsements: Anti-American Philadelphia Eagles Rookie Myke Tavarres Will Now Stand During National Anthem

Dumbass anti-American Philadelphia Eagles rookie linebacker Myke Tavarres claimed that he would follow the lead of fellow anti-American San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, and remain seated during the national anthem.

Worried About Making Team & Endorsements: Anti-American Philadelphia Eagles Rookie Myke Tavarres Will Now Stand During National Anthem

Worried About Making Team & Endorsements: Anti-American Philadelphia Eagles Rookie Myke Tavarres Will Now Stand During National Anthem

THEN, after seeing the backlash and hatred of Kaepernick flooding the Internet, and worrying that coming out of the closet as an America hater may damage his chances of making the final Philadelphia Eagles roster, Tavarres changed his mind, and says he will now stand for the national anthem.

“I’m a rookie free agent, haven’t signed any major contract, so there’s not a lot of money on the line, I don’t have any big endorsement deals on the line,” – Anti-American Philadelphia Eagles rookie linebacker Myke Tavarres

Myke Tavarres probably isn’t a Muslim terrorist wannabe, like Kaepernick, which may have affected his decision, but I feel that if Tavarres already has a spot locked up on the team roster, he would for sure be following through with his display of anti-Americanism, …

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Apple Forced to Pay Ireland 13 Billion Euros in Back Taxes After Paying Tax Rate of Just 0.005 Percent

The European Union has ruled against Apple, and odrered the company to pay 13 billion euros in back taxes to Ireland, after getting away with paying an effective corporate tax rate of 0.005 percent on the company’s sales in Europe.

Apple Forced to Pay Ireland 13 Billion Euros in Back Taxes After Paying Tax Rate of Just 0.005 Percent

Apple Forced to Pay Ireland 13 Billion Euros in Back Taxes After Paying Tax Rate of Just 0.005 Percent

0.005%??? WOW!! Europe is being taken to the cleaners by Apple Inc, who is making a killing off the EU, and I’m sure that the same thing, or worse, is happening here in the United States.

When will Apple be forced to pay their fare share of US taxes? We won’t be holding our breath that Apple will ever pay an acceptable tax rate until Democrats are out of office.

HA!! I’m glad that Apple is FINALLY being forced to pay their fare share of taxes, by someone..

The European Union on Tuesday ordered Apple to pay a record 13 billion euros in back taxes in Ireland, saying deals allowing the US tech giant to pay almost no tax were illegal.

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