America Hating Massey Hill Classical High School History “Teacher” Lee Francis Stomps on American Flag In Front of Class

Massey Hill Classical High School history “teacher” Lee Francis is a racist piece of shit anti-American, who needs to be removed from his teaching position at the high school, after placing an American flag on the ground in front of his class, asking if any of his students had a lighter or scissors, and then proceeded to stomp on the flag.

America Hating Massey Hill Classical High School History "Teacher" Lee Francis Stomps on American Flag In Front of Class

America Hating Massey Hill Classical High School History “Teacher” Lee Francis Stomps on American Flag In Front of Class

Of course the piece of shit racist asshole so-called “teacher” now claims that it was part of a lesson, but the only lesson that Lee Francis was teaching was “How to Be a Piece of Shit America Hating Racist Dickhead”, which he seems to be very good at.

Massey Hill Classical High School, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, needs to fire this racist piece of shit, Lee Francis, as quickly as possible, or face the backlash of keeping such a piece of shit anti-American, like Lee Francis, on staff brainwashing America’s kids with his racist hatred of America

A history teacher

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Corrupt Connecticut State Troopers Caught Making Up Charges Against Open Carry Citizen to “Cover Our Ass”

Three corrupt criminals working as Connecticut state troopers violated Michael Picard’s First and Fourth Amendment rights, and then conspired to make up false charges designed to “cover their asses”.

“do you want me to punch a number on this one? We gotta cover our ass.” – Corrupt Connecticut state trooper criminals

One piece of shit “officer” says “it’s illegal to take my picture”, when it certainly is not.

You can hear one of the police officers say “SHIT” when he realized that the video was still recording, and that their crimes were probably caught on tape, but they decided to give Mr. Picard the trumped up tickets of “Reckless Us of A Highway by a Pedestrian” and “Creating a Public Disturbance” to help sell their story later in court.

We hope that the Connecticut state troopers are forced to pay Michael Picard $ millions for their violation of his constitutional rights, and for making up false charges to cover up the police’s crimes.


A man who claimed three Connecticut state

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Corrupt Clinton Foundation Distributed “Watered-Down” HIV/AIDS Drugs to African AIDS Patients

The ultra corrupt Clinton Foundation has been caught distributing adulterated “watered-down” HIV/AIDS drugs to African AIDS patients, which actually “likely increased” the deaths from AIDS in Africa

“Ranbaxy (the company that made the “watered-down” HIV/AIDs drugs) ultimately pleaded guilty in 2013 to seven criminal counts with intent to defraud and the introduction of adulterated drugs into interstate commerce. The Department of Justice further levied a $500 million fine and forfeiture on the company.”

“The question becomes, ‘how many people lost their lives, how many people found it was a false promise'” – Rep. Marsha Blackburn

Africa should file a class action lawsuit against the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Foundation for distributing adulterated “watered-down” HIV/AIDS drugs to the African People, without care of anything except how much dirty blood money they could cram into their already bloated pockets.

Former President Bill Clinton and his Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) distributed “watered-down” HIV/AIDs drugs to patients in sub-Saharan Africa, and “likely increased” the risks of morbidity and mortality, according to a draft congressional report obtained by The Daily Caller

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Bat Shit Crazy 92 Year Old George H.W. Bush Says He Will Vote For Crooked Lyin’ Hillary Clinton

Someone may need to push the buttons for the decrepit old fuck, but 92 year old bat-shit-crazy George H.W. Bush says that he will vote for crooked lyin’ Hillary Clinton in the next election.

So instead of helping America out of the shithole that he stared digging for us, decrepit old dickhead George H.W. Bush is going to double down and make things much worse by voting for the most corrupt presidential candidate in the history of America.

This is just another example of the corrupt establishment trying to stick up for other corrupt establishment people who will continue the government corruption in Washington, not do what is best for the American People.

Pat Caddell even called Bush’s support for Clinton a “protection racket”.

“This is a protection racket here, and they have never been under greater threat” – Pat Caddell

I knew there was a reason why I never liked George H.W. Bush!

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party’s presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another

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Clueless Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Says He’s ‘Grateful Nobody Got Hurt’ In Latest Terrorist Attacks That Injured 37

An Islamic terrorist’s bomb injured 29 people in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood, and 8 others were stabbed at a Minnesota mall, but clueless idiot Gary Johnson responds by saying that he is “grateful that nobody got hurt”. WHAT???

Um…. I guess Gary Johnson must have been too stoned to listen to or read the news, where he would have learned that people WERE hurt in the bombings and stabbings.

Johnson probably heard the media say that NY was on “High Alert” and thought they were telling him to get high..


This stupid piece of shit thinks he has a chance to be president? Of the United States? I would’t trust the fucking idiot, Gary Johnson, to do my laundry let alone run our nation.

An Afghan immigrant wanted for questioning in the bombings that rocked a New York City neighborhood and a New Jersey shore town was taken into custody Monday after a shootout with police in New Jersey, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

WABC-TV footage

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Mentally Challenged Hillary Clinton Responds “Let’s Make It Happen!” to Heckler Yelling “Hillary For Prison!”

This is great! A heckler who was right up in Hillary Clinton’s face, yelled “HILLARY FOR PRISON!” and Hillary responded “Let’s make it happen!”.


It does kind of sound like he said “president”, but after listening to the clip a few times, I can tell now that he did say “Hillary for prison”.

Look at Hillary Clinton’s crazy eyes though when she responds. Her eyes don’t stay in line with each other, which I believe is a sign of brain damage.

Hillary Clinton was caught in an embarrassing moment when someone at her rally yelled “Hillary for prison!”, to which the presidential candidate responded, “Let’s make it happen!”

Some guy right in Hillary’s face: HILLARY FOR PRISON
I almost feel sorry for her

— Jenna Abrams (@Jenn_Abrams) September 18, 2016

The cringeworthy moment was captured on film.

Given her now notorious propensity for being constantly “confused,” Hillary probably thought the man was saying “Hillary for president!,” but nothing could be further from the truth.

The “Hillary for prison” mantra

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Reporter Recalls 2008 Tip By Clinton Camp – Hillary Tweets: Person Who Led Birther Movement Will Not Be President

Hillary must be the dumbest bitches I have ever seen!

EVERY time she opens her mouth and lies, there is direct evidence available that proves she is a compulsive lying criminal, who will say and do ANYTHING (and we mean ANYTHING – let your imagination go) to be elected President. After all, it is “her turn” isn’t it? Well she thinks so at least.

Reporter Recalls 2008 Tip By Clinton Camp - Hillary Tweets: Person Who Led Birther Movement Will Not Be President

Reporter Recalls 2008 Tip By Clinton Camp – Hillary Tweets: Person Who Led Birther Movement Will Not Be President

former McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher has backed up Trump’s version of events, saying he was personally pitched the story by a Clinton surrogate in 2008.

Clinton had tweeted: “President Obama’s successor cannot and will not be the man who led the racist birther movement. Period.”

Hillary Clinton and her media lapdogs have been desperately trying to pin the Birther Movement on Donald Trump, because they have nothing else, and no way to defend themselves except to lie, but anyone alive 8 years ago knows the truth – that Hillary Clinton and her attack dogs started …

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Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Campaign Manager Admits Hillary Created Obama Birther Movement

Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, has admitted that Hillary Clinton was the creator of the Obama “Birther Movement” who pushed for Obama to release his birth certificate.

Really, who the fuck cares? Obama’s birth nationality was definitely in question, and the American People NEEDED to see Obama’s birth certificate to make sure he was qualified to be president, and Obama knew that, which is why he did finally release it.

The Birther Movement was started by Hillary, and all Donald Trump did was ask questions about Obama’s nationality that all of us were thinking, and requested to see his birth certificate.

The Clinton campaign discussed targeting Obama’s “lack of American roots,” which led to campaign staff circulating a photo of Obama in Muslim garb. (The Obama campaign was not above such tactics, with a campaign memo referring to Clinton as “(D-Punjab),” due to her family’s financial links to India.) Later, Clinton supporters (though not the candidate or campaign, according to available information) began circulating the rumor that Barack Obama was born abroad. One, Philip J. Burg, filed

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