Nutless Pussy Rory McIlroy Can’t Handle Criticism by Crazy Libtard Nutjobs After Golfing With President Trump

I have lost all respect for nutless pussy PGA golfer Rory McIlroy!! What a total piece of shit pussy!

Nutless Pussy Rory McIlroy Can't Handle Criticism by Crazy Libtard Nutjobs After Golfing With President Trump

Nutless Pussy Rory McIlroy Can’t Handle Criticism by Crazy Libtard Nutjobs After Golfing With President Trump

One might think that anyone in the public eye would have thicker skin, and be able to stand up to the insults he may receive on Facebook or Twitter, but that is just not the case with nutless PGA pussy Rory McIlroy.

After playing a round of golf with President Trump, Rory McIlroy started getting a little heat from libtard losers on the left, and the fucking pussy now claims that he would “think twice” about playing more golf with our president.

Rory would rather cower down to the crazy fuckers on the left who want to control the lives of others, than to do what he wants.

Well, now Rory McIlroy will be feeling the heat from both political sides, as conservatives now hate him as well.

One thing is for sure, which is that I am no longer a Rory McIlroy fan!


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Pussy Republicans Need To Stop Giving In to Corrupt Media Attacks Which Only Emboldens Libtard Talking Heads

Weak-Ass Republican Pussies Cower to Democrat Culture of Corruption

Weak-Ass Republican Pussies Cower to Democrat Culture of Corruption

WOW!!! House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has decided that he will be stepping away from the fake Obama-created hacking scandal of the DNC, which the Democrats claim was done by Russia, but in fact was an Obama administration scheme.

How many investigations of the Obama administration were handled by people carrying water for the Obama administration; who should have recused themselves, but didn’t, only to allow Democrat criminals to get away with their crimes?

Republicans need to grow some balls and stand up to the corrupt Democrats just like the Democrats did to the Republicans when they were in office.

At least one Republican with balls will be taking over the “investigation”, and I am sure glad we have someone on our side like Trey Gowdy!!

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, including interactions between Moscow and the Trump campaign.

The move comes as the House Ethics Committee announced that it is investigating allegations that

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Alec Baldwin May Have Knowingly Filmed Sex Scene With Underage Girl in R-Rated ‘Mini’s First Time’

So…. Scumbag libtard loser Alec Baldwin actually filmed sex scenes with an underage actress, who may have been 16 or 17 years old at the time?

Alec Baldwin claims that he didn’t know Nikki Reed was underage at the time, and says he ‘flipped out’ on the producers of Mini’s First Time when he found out that Nikki Reed was 16 or 17 at the time she was filming sex scenes for the movie with Alec, but… producer Dana Brunetti says Alec Baldwin is full of shit.

We already knew that Alec Baldwin was not only a piece of shit, but also full of shit, so this is not news, but knowingly shooting sex scenes with a very young girl definitely would be news – even for a piece of shit entitled douchebag like Alec Baldwin.

Alec has a way with women, doesn’t he? Remember how he treated his own 11 year old daughter in that voicemail, calling her a “rude thoughtless little pig”, among many other insults, and insinuating that he was going to beat her when he got …

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What Did Obama Know About Spying & Unmasking of Trump Team, And When Did He Know It??

We need to know what Obama knew about the illegal spying and unmasking of the names of President Trump’s inner circle, and when he knew it!

There is very little chance that someone as fucking stupid as Susan Rice would never commit her crimes on her own, without the direction of Obama or others in the Obama administration who were looking to damage President Trump in any way possible.

This is just another of the many scandals to plague the ultra-corrupt Obama administration, who is STILL committing crimes against Americans, even after they are out of office.

Obama’s serial lying bitchbag Susan Rice, and all other Obama officials that could be involved in the illegal spying and unmasking of Trump team members, need to be questioned, under oath, about their crimes. And if there is any justice left in America these same people really should spend a bunch of time rotting in a prison cell when all is said and done.

As fingers point to President Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice as the individual who requested the ‘unmasking’ of

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Best Buy Management Was Seemingly Aware Of Geek Squad Warrantless Customer Searches For FBI

Well, it seems that the management of Best Buy was actually fully aware of the illegal relationship between the Geek Squad and the FBI, where Geek Squad employees warrantlessly searched the hard drives of customer computers for evidence of crimes that the Geek Squad would then send over to the FBI for investigation and prosecution.

Best Buy Management Was Seemingly Aware Of Geek Squad Warrantless Customer Searches For FBI

Best Buy Management Was Seemingly Aware Of Geek Squad Warrantless Customer Searches For FBI

Best Buy claims that their Geek Squad “have not sought or received training from law enforcement” in regards to illegal warrantless searches of customer’s computers, which violates the 4th amendment, but we don’t believe Best Buy one fucking bit!

“As a company, we have not sought or received training from law enforcement in how to search for child pornography. Our policies prohibit employees from doing anything other than what is necessary to solve the customer’s problem. In the wake of these allegations, we have redoubled our efforts to train employees on what to do — and not to do — in these circumstances.”


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Multi-Offense Criminal Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Belongs In Prison For Crimes!!!!!

Now we know the name of at least one of the piece of shit criminals involved in the illegal “unmasking” of Trump administration officials in illegal wiretap transcripts, as a way to harm not only the Trump administration, but to also hurt America.

Multi-Offense Criminal Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Belongs In Prison For Crimes!!!!!

Multi-Offense Criminal Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Belongs In Prison For Crimes!!!!!

The ONLY reason why the names of people in the Trump administration were unmasked was to try and cause political damage to President Donald Trump, and increase the chances that Democrats could take back a portion of the government after the next election, but I believe what Susan Rice and Obama actually did was to ensure that the Democrat are viewed as the Culture of Corruption that they truly are, and will never again be trusted to run our nation.

Everyone in the world already knew that Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice was a complete and total lying bitchbag, but now we know that Susan Rice is also the worst kind of criminal, who broke the law by requesting the identities …

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Corrupt “Intelligence Agencies” Hid Their Crimes By Blocking House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes For 2 Weeks

America’s corrupt so-called “intelligence agencies” actually blocked House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes from viewing the evidence of the illegal surveillance of Donald Trump before, during and after the election, and the illegal “unmasking” of redacted names from transcripts of their illegal spying.

Why would these so-called “intelligence agencies” try and keep the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee from viewing the evidence of the criminals actions of people in the Obama administration?

The answer to that one is very easy!

Democrats are starting to realize that they shot their dick off by pushing their Russia/Trump lies, and the Democrat Culture of Corruption will do anything to hide all evidence of crimes by the corrupt Obama administration, done purely for political gain, as usual, and without any regard for the laws of our nation.

These corrupt “intelligence officials” from the Obama administration are doing everything in their power to keep from being indicted, put on trial and sentenced to prison for their crimes!

A Friday breaking Fox News report on surveillance of President Trump’s team that began before he became

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Sen Rubio Claims His Presidential Campaign Suffered from Russian Hacking – Or Was It Really The CIA Using Marble?

Sen. Marco Rubio claims that the Russians have been targeting him and members of his presidential campaign, from an “unknown location in Russia”, which may have been the reason for his loss in the primary. (VERY DOUBTFUL – Rubio screwed himself)

Was it REALLY the Russians hacking Marco Rubio, or was it the CIA, using the tools that we now know they have, like their Marble Tool, which allows the CIA to make their spying/hacking appear to be coming from Russia or any other country.

We feel that there was probably no actual Russian hacking of the DNC or anyone else in this past election. It was the CIA using their hacking tools to put Russian “fingerprints” in the hacking code to hide the CIA’s digital trail and throw off anyone digging into the criminal hacking that the media loves talking about.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) revealed Thursday that hackers within Russia targeted his presidential campaign staffers last year, and as recently as Wednesday morning.

During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Russian interference in the 2016 election, Rubio,

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