Fox News Forced to Drop ‘Fair & Balanced’ Slogan Now That Newsroom Filled With Lying Libtards

Fox News claims that they are dropping the “Fair & Balanced” slogan because it gets mocked by people and other networks, but that is a lie.

Fox News Forced to Drop 'Fair & Balanced' Slogan Now That Newsroom Filled With Lying Libtard Douchebags

Fox News Forced to Drop ‘Fair & Balanced’ Slogan Now That Newsroom Filled With Lying Libtard Douchebags

Fox News has been perfectly fine using the “Fair & Balanced” slogan since back in 1996, so if they were worried about their slogan being mocked, they would have changed it long ago.

The real reason why Fox News is getting rid of the “Fair & Balanced” slogan is because the Murdoch brothers have replaced most of the fair and balanced conservatives, and replaced them with douchebag libtard losers, who are ANYTHING BUT fair and balanced.

Fox News knows that they will be royally roasted nonstop online if they try and mix their new corrupt libtard commentators with a conflicting slogan of being fair and balanced. Fox was FORCED to change their slogan because they know that it is now a lie.

Fox News is for complete fucking losers!

Fox News will be dropping its famous “Fair

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Brainless Libtard Democrat Loser Terry McAuliffe Thinks 93 Million Americans Are Killed EVERYDAY in America

Virginia’s brainless libtard loser governor calls for gun control at the scene of the Scalise shooting in Virginia, and mental midget McAuliffe apparently thinks that 93 million Americans are killed everyday with guns.

“This is not what today is about, but there are too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.” – Brainless Libtard Joke Terry McAuliffe

The scary thing is that he probably wishes it were true that 93 million Americans die everyday due to gun violence.

Get a fucking clue McAuliffe, you stupid piece of shit!

While speaking to reporters about the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) said now is not the time to talk gun control but we must admit “we lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”

McAuliffe said, “This is not what today is about, but there are too many guns on the street.”

Speaking to reporters, he said, “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I’ve long talked about this. Background checks, shutting down gun show loopholes. That’s

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Democrat Party & Rabid Libtard Media 100% Responsible For Bloody VA Congressional Ambush on Republicans

4 people, including Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, the House Majority Whip, and 2 of his aides were all shot in Alexandria, Virginia by a raving lunatic during baseball practice on Wednesday morning, and the Democrats are 100% to blame for this violent terrorism, and for the violence that will continue happening.

Democrat Party & Rabid Libtard Media 100% Responsible For Bloody VA Congressional Ambush on Republicans

Democrat Party & Rabid Libtard Media 100% Responsible For Bloody VA Congressional Ambush on Republicans

Reports are saying that the shooter was 66 year old James T. Hodgkinson, a raving lunatic liberal anti-Trump Democrat from the ultra-corrupt Democrat-run-down shit-hole state of Illinois. Hodgkinson was a Socialist/Communist Democrat Bernie Sanders supporter, who even worked on the presidential campaign for Bernie Sanders.

James Hodgkinson was just your average deranged libtard Democrat, with severe mental problems, whose favorite TV shows were piece of shit alt-left dickhead Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow was his all-time favorite nutjob libtard to watch.

Democrat Party & Rabid Libtard Media 100% Responsible For Bloody VA Congressional Ambush on Republicans

Democrat Party & Rabid Libtard Media 100% Responsible For Bloody VA Congressional Ambush on Republicans

Now that we know what shows the lunatic Democrat liked watching, and have seen the results

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New York Democrats Just Made It Easier For People to Piss All Over City Streets With Little Fear of Punishment

I love these stories about libtard-run cities continuing to do stupid shit that give these cities the look and feel of the Democrat party. Shitty.

New York Democrats Just Made It Easier For People to Piss All Over City Streets With Little Fear of Punishment

New York Democrats Just Made It Easier For People to Piss All Over City Streets With Little Fear of Punishment

The libtard shit-hole of New York is now going to be a piss-hole as well, as they join other libtard-run cities, like San Fransicko and Denver in changing laws to allow disgusting people to defile the city with human waste.

As if New York wasn’t already a disgusting shit-hole.. now New York is going to smell like a dirty asshole who also pissed it’s pants.

Why are Democrats in the libtard-run cities, like San Fransicko, Denver and New York fighting to allow people to shit and piss all over their cities?

One thing is for sure, and that is that shit and piss covering the cities will have a negative impact on tourism.

Good work Democrats!

New Yorkers should prepare for a loud, smelly summer.

As of Tuesday, scofflaws who commit certain quality-of-life violations —

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Over-Paid & Over-Hyped Megyn Kelly Badly Flopping at NBC – Brainless Network Execs Freak Out

Former FOX employee Megyn Kelly appears to be badly flopping in the ratings after her move over to NBC, otherwise known as the Media Arm of the Democrat Party.

Over-Paid & Over-Hyped Megyn Kelly Badly Flopping at NBC - Brainless Network Execs Freak Out

Over-Paid & Over-Hyped Megyn Kelly Badly Flopping at NBC – Brainless Network Execs Freak Out

Reports say that NBC network executives ate completely “freaking out” over how horribly Megyn Kelly is doing in the ratings, and very much fear that she will cause big rating problems for their other shows that air before and after Megyn’s new show.

I’m glad to see Megyn Kelly doing so bad, and hope that she continues to take a nosedive in the ratings – not because I’m mad she left Fox, but because she is just another stinking libtard douchebag, with plans to help the Democrats whenever she can.

If things go the way we think they might, and good Americans reject the bias and corruption of the libtard media, Megyn Kelly will be off the air for good in the near future.

NBC is reportedly “freaking out” because the network’s over-hyped talent Megyn Kelly

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Corrupt James Comey May Have Secretly Leaked Much More to Liberal Media Arm at New York Times & Others

Corrupt former FBI director, and democrat operative, James Comey, admits to being a piece of shit leaker of privileged government information, and there is a very high likelihood that the shit-head weasel actually leaked much more information to the press and others.

Corrupt James Comey May Have Secretly Leaked Much More to Liberal Media Arm at New York Times & Others

Corrupt James Comey May Have Secretly Leaked Much More to Liberal Media Arm at New York Times & Others

James Comey will never admit to leaking additional information for fear of finding himself sitting in a prison cell, where he probably belongs.
There needs to be a full investigation into the leaking and other illegal actions of James Comey so we can learn the truth about his misdeeds.

President Trump’s legal team may be prepared to show a trail of leaks to The New York Times by former FBI Director James Comey – dating back to at least March – in a pair of complaints set to be filed to the Justice Department inspector general and Senate Judiciary Committee, a source close to the team told Fox News.

An independent Fox News review of The New York

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VOTER FRAUD IS REAL: 12 Corrupt Indiana Democrats Charged With Falsifying Voter Registrations

Conservatives and liberals know with 100% certainty that voter fraud is totally real, and a huge problem to free and fair elections, but only the Republicans will publicly acknowledge the problem.

VOTER FRAUD IS REAL: 12 Corrupt Indiana Democrats Charged With Falsifying Voter Registrations

VOTER FRAUD IS REAL: 12 Corrupt Indiana Democrats Charged With Falsifying Voter Registrations

Now at least 12 corrupt Indiana Democrats have been charged in a voter fraud scheme where they falsified voter registrations to allow ineligible & illegal votes to be counted, and if convicted, they face a penalty of up to 2½ years behind bars and a $10,000 fine.

Democrats have committed a LOT of voter fraud in every election over the past 50 years, and probably longer, but then turn around and claim that there is no voter fraud to protect their election scams that have worked so well in the past.

Democrats fight tooth and nail to stop any method of cutting back on voter fraud by requiring some sort of identification when voting – something that is just basic common sense – but the corrupt Democrats will never willingly allow any decrease in the rampant …

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American Express Losers Support Disgusting New York Play Illegally Depicting Brutal Assassination of President Trump

The production of ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ in New York has been hijacked by anti-American libtard dumb-fuck criminals, with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and are committing a crime by depicting the assassination of U.S. President Donald Trump over and over and over to jubilant mentally challenged Democrat losers.

Sponsors have started dropping off like flies since it became known what kind of “plays” a bunch of mentally libtarded assholes are putting on in New York, but American Express has decided to continue supporting the unbelievable attack on President Trump, which equals or surpasses the idiocy of Kathy Griffin’s brainless publicity stunt, which completely backfired and will probably lead to Kathy turning tricks to pay her mortgage.

Delta Airlines and Bank of America did the right thing and eventually pulled support and sponsorship of the shitty crime “play”, but after the angry backlash had already started picking up steam.

The American People need to boycott any and all sponsors who still support an illegal play that should be shut down by the Secret Service for depicting the murder of an American President, …

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