Disgusting Washed-Up Anti-Christian Leftist Skankzilla Alyssa Milano Loves Murdering Babies

Alyssa Milano disgusts me!! Every part of this worthless piece of trash skank is ugly and rotten.

Disgusting Washed-Up Anti-Christian Leftist Skankzilla Alyssa Milano Loves Murdering Babies

Disgusting Washed-Up Anti-Christian Leftist Skankzilla Alyssa Milano Loves Murdering Babies

“So… When does a baby in utero become ‘scientifically’ human enough for you to protect their life?” – The Daily Wire’s Elisha Krauss

You know a leftist baby murderer like Alyssa Milano’s answer to that question would be “The baby is ‘scientifically’ human after it’s squirted out of my stinky stretched-out gash.”

“I’m incredibly proud of my home state for taking a stand in the fight for life amidst backlash and dubious threats. I’m incredibly proud of my home state for taking a stand in the fight for life amidst backlash and dubious threats.” – “Unplanned” Star Ashley Bratcher

“In Georgia, we care just as much about being pro-life as being pro-film. We don’t believe in putting a price tag on the value of a human life. How sad it is that tax credits are a more important topic than the sanctity of human life” – “Unplanned” Star Ashley Bratcher

Alyssa Milano has …

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Disgusting sexual predator criminal Virginia Democrat Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax is accused of sexual assault and even raping two women, but the Democrats are refusing to hold the criminals in the Democrat party accountable for their crimes, and will not all hearings where the rape victims’ allegations can be investigated.



So, Democrats hold hearings for the fake charges brought up against Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and other conservatives, but then turn around and ignore seemingly truthful rape allegations against Democrats. This is the new normal in the Democrat party – where the worst Democrat criminals are actually lauded by the Democrat party – not shunned, and help accountable for their crimes, as they should be.

Democrats apparently don’t believe women anymore – especially when the women have very credible accusations of crimes committed by multiple Democrats – who would honestly be fucked to hell if the Democrats (and nutless pussy Republicans) would actually hold Democrat criminals accountable for the crimes they’ve committed.

Racist piece …


Leftist Fake News Douches Fail At Destroying President Trump With Actual Crimes So Now They Attack Trump’s Golf Game

It’s funny how the dumb-ass leftist fake news liars have completely failed to destroy President Trump with fake news lies of collusion and corruption, so what do they have left? Attacking President Trump for supposedly cheating at golf. That’s right, cheating at golf…

You can tell that Rick Reilly is either not a golfer, or one of the dumbest partisan losers ever who is out to damage President Trump in any way possible. Personally, in Rick Reilly’s case, I’d think that it’s a lot of both.

Most people who play golf for fun do things that might be considered “cheating” if playing in a tournament, but really just makes the day of golf more enjoyable if done as a past time.

Say you hit a drive down the fairway, and the ball came to rest in someone else’s divot. A professional golfer would be required to hit the ball from that exact spot, even though the shot will be many times harder than if the ball stopped rolling 2 inches to the side, where it would not be sitting low …

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Delusional Lying Fake News CNN Stooge Jake Tapper Says CNN ‘Didn’t Get Anything Wrong’

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Delusional lying CNN hack Jake Tapper says that he doesn’t don’t know anybody at CNN who got anything wrong while CNN ganged up with the Democrats to smear President Trump in the first real presidential coup attempt in the history of our nation. What exactly has CNN gotten right? Zilch!

WOW! You have to be pretty dumb to keep holding on to your disproven lies – especially when anyone with half a brain should be able to see the writing on the wall – which is that the years of Fake News is OVER.

In the very near future EVERYTHING is going to come out – all of the emails, text messages, FISA Applications, all of the 302s – EVERYTHING that will show that the entire Mueller Investigation was part of a treasonous coup attempt by the Democrats, with the help of a weaponized Justice Department and the fake news media, including CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and Washington Post, among many others, to remove the President of the United States from office.

CNN’s viewers will soon know that …

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Former CIA Criminal James Clapper Admits Obama Started The Trump Collusion Witch Hunt

Piece of shit criminal James Clapper admitted that Obama started the witch-hunt into President Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

Clapper also admits that Obama knew about the supposed Russian interference in the 2016 election months before saying anything, and admits also that another one of the Democrat’s attempts to remove him from the race – the Access Hollywood Tape – is what may have kept the story from catching on.

Even though James Clapper is dumb as a box of rocks, Clapper definitely knows a LOT more about the Democrat’s crimes in the FISAGATE Scandal than he is letting on, and he needs to be questioned again by Congress, under oath about, his knowledge of Obama administration crimes and Clapper’s own personal crimes.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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FUNNY VIDEO: You Know ‘Trumpy Bear’, Now Meet ‘The Hildebeest’

This is a pretty funny spoof video playing off “Trumpy Bear”, called “The Hildebeast”.

“First came Trumpy Bear, roaring in the wilderness. Now, sulking quietly through the woods because she lost the election, comes … Hildebeest!”

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Infanticide-Loving Leftist Celebrities Freak Out Over Restrictions to Murdering Babies

Disgusting leftists – especially leftist celebrities – LOVE killing their babies they love nothing more than killing babies as close to when the baby would have been born as possible. Hell, these disgusting piles of trash would fight for post-birth abortion if they thought they could get it.

Infanticide-Loving Leftist Celebrities Freak Out Over Restrictions to Murdering Babies

Infanticide-Loving Leftist Celebrities Freak Out Over Restrictions to Murdering Babies

Well, now these putrid infanticide-loving leftists are threatening to boycott working in Georgia after Georgia passed the “Heartbeat bill”, which puts heavy restrictions on abortions after six weeks, and especially after the baby’s heartbeat is detected.

Babies inside their mother feel pain – it is scientific fact. This is why when surgeons perform fetal surgery both mother and baby are given general anesthesia.

So when babies with heartbeats are ripped apart, limb by limb, inside the mother’s womb, the baby would be in excruciating pain as it’s limbs are being torn apart.

Personally, when I am relaxing and watching TV, the last thing I would want to do is watch something with Alyssa Milano, Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Alec Baldwin, Sarah Silverman, …

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We ‘Urge Your Immediate Resignation’ – Calls for Corrupt Psycho Lying Douchebag Democrat Adam Schiff to Resign Intensify

Corrupt Democrat hack Adam Schiff is a corrupt, lying, pencil-neck douchebag, who has psychotically lied over and over to try and damage the President of the United States – when the only one that Adam Schiff has hurt is himself – because Adam Schiff is an untrustworthy bug-eyed loser who should not & will not be trusted ever again, and should definitely be removed from Congress.

Now Congressional Republicans and many others are calling on piece of shit Adam Schiff to resign immediately – or be removed.

“Your actions, both past, and present are incompatible with your duty of the chairman of this committee — which alone, in the House of Representatives — has the obligation and authority to provide effective oversight of the U.S. Intelligence community. As such we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as chairman of the committee. Mr. Chairman, this letter is signed by all nine members of the Republican side of the committee, and I ask unanimous consent …

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