Anyone Who Tells You ‘Democrats Ended Slavery’ Is a Lying Leftist Re-Writing History of Racism KKK & Slavery in USA

I often read stupid bullshit from leftists saying that “Democrats freed the slaves from the racist Republicans.” but nothing could be farther from the truth, and anyone saying that “Democrats ended slavery” is a lying piece of shit leftist, who is just trying to re-write the history of the United States to erase the Democrat’s history of racism, slavery, and starting the KKK.

Anyone Who Tells You 'Democrats Ended Slavery' Is a Lying Leftist Re-Writing History of Racism KKK & Slavery in USA

Anyone Who Tells You ‘Democrats Ended Slavery’ Is a Lying Leftist Re-Writing History of Racism KKK & Slavery in USA

Don’t believe their bullshit revisionist history, where reality is reversed, to try and make Democrats look like the saviors of the black population, when in fact the Democrats are the Grim Reaper for black people.

  • Democrats are Confederates, who fought the Civil War to keep black people as slaves.
  • Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
  • Democrats fought against Civil Rights Laws, which were written by Republicans.
  • Democrats have assassinated black leaders, like Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and many others.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Senile Dumbfuck Joe Biden Apologizes For ‘Lynching’ Comment He Described As ‘Abhorrent’ & ‘Despicable’

Senile leftist dumbfuck Joe Biden attacked President Trump for correctly using the accurate term “lynching” for the illegal treasonous coup attempt that the Democrats have been running for the past 3+ years and counting – which Biden says is “abhorrent” and “despicable”.

“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!” – President Donald J. Trump

Retarded fuckface Joe Biden apparently forgot using the same term back in the 80’s to try and defend serial sexual predator criminal Bill Clinton.

“Even if the president should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching or whether or not it was something that in fact met the standard, the very high bar, that was set by the founders as to what constituted an impeachable offense” – Senile Leftist Joke Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

In …

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Waddling Cadaver Hillary Clinton Will Enter Race Once Joe Biden Drops Out Because Joe Knows Where Clinton Skeletons Are Hidden

I predict that Hillary will immediately jump into the 2020 Presidential race once Joe Biden is forced out by his gaffes, the fake news media and others in his party who really want him to pack up and leave.

Hillary won’t step on Joe Biden’s toes because Biden knows every detail of the crimes that Hillary Clinton and many others committed over the past decade, and you can bet that somehow some of that information would find it’s way into the media, if Hillary started encroaching on Creepy Joe’s time in the spotlight, and they thought it would be harmful to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Hillary Clinton probably has less dirt on Joe Biden, so she has to wait until he is out of the race before she waddles in.

The Democrats really don’t want Joe Biden because Joe isn’t radical enough for the new Socialist democrat party anyway.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Gutless Pussy Lindsey Graham Needs to Get Off His Ass And Start Holding Democrats Accountable

Damn, Lindsey Graham is a completely fucking worthless pussy! The Democrat’s constant illegal and treasonous attacks against President Trump could be muted or even stopped if Lindsay Graham would do his fucking job!

Fake conservative loser Lindsay Graham is actually preventing the conservatives from holding hearings, serving subpoenas, and stopping the Democrat shit-show.

The American People need to tell Lindsay Graham to do his job or fucking retire, because you are useless and actually a detriment to the Republican Party and conservatives everywhere!

On May 1, 2019 Lindsey Graham, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, promised investigations on how the Mueller probe started.

Senator Graham made the the comments during testimony by US Attorney General Bill Barr in front of the US Senate.

But Lindsey Graham lied.
Lindsey Graham is a fraud.

Lindsey Graham has scheduled NO COMMITTEE HEARINGS on Deep State, FBI, CIA, Spygate, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Mueller, Stefan Halper, George Papadopoulos, Tom Fitton, Sidney Powell, Joe diGenova, John Brennan, James Comey, Chris Wray, etc.

Here is the list of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings since Lindsey

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CNN Swept Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Producer Steve Brusk Under the Rug For Years?

New Project Veritas videos are slow dripping the sorted details of undercover CNN videos that air out a lot of CNN’s dirty laundry, including stories told by CNN employees on hidden video, telling how CNN has apparently been sweeping sexual misconduct allegations against producer Steve Brusk under the rug for years.

Multiple CNN employees had stories about their sexual predator producer Steve Brusk, and say that Brusk had been “accused of things” previously, and that the Me-Too movement would have removed him from CNN, if it happened now.

How can CNN pretend to be a proponent of women, when they’ve have soo many sexual predators on their staff, and when CNN executives protect and cover for their employees?

Watch all of the Project Veritas undercover CNN videos here.

Project Veritas on Tuesday released undercover video in which CNN employees accused a longtime producer of sexual misconduct with their co-workers.
In footage captured by Project Veritas, senior producer Rick Saleeby is seen accusing supervisor Steve Brusk of sexual misconduct during a party for a colleague.

“So, like, there is this girl

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Disgusting Transvestite Jonathan Yaniv Loses Idiotic Lawsuits Against Business Who Wouldn’t Wax His Balls

Disgusting Transvestite Jonathan Yaniv had his lawsuits thrown out by BC Human Rights Tribunal, saying that he “engaged in improper conduct”, “filed complaints for improper purposes”, was “disingenuous and self-serving” and “evasive and argumentative and contradicted herself [himself]”

READ: Newly Revealed Texts Show Disgusting Transvestite Jonathan Yaniv Seducing 14 Yr Old Girl

Transvestite Jonathan Yaniv will even be forced to pay $2000 to each of the women that he filed lawsuits against, because his lawsiuts were soo fucking stupid and wrong!

“No woman should be compelled to touch male genitals against her will, irrespective of how the owner of the genitals identifies.” – The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

We hope that all fucking idiots who file fake or unwarranted lawsuits have their scams blow up in their faces as well!

Transgender activist Jessica Yaniv, a biological male who identifies as a female, filed at least 15 human rights complaints against female estheticians in Canada for refusing to wax his male genitals, as covered this summer by The Daily Wire.

On Tuesday, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, which is

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Pot Meet Kettle: Disgusting Talentless Leftist Fossil Hooker Cher Laughably Calls President Trump a ‘Whore’

HAHAHAHA!!! This is pretty rich! Disgusting talentless leftist hooker skank “Cher”, AKA Cherilyn Sarkisian, actually called President Trump a “whore”.

Pot Meet Kettle: Disgusting Talentless Leftist Fossil Hooker Cher Laughably Calls President Trump a 'Whore'

Pot Meet Kettle: Disgusting Talentless Leftist Fossil Hooker Cher Laughably Calls President Trump a ‘Whore’

“U.S. discussing proposal to leave troops around Syria’s oil fields.The Wash. Post🇺🇸CANT PROTECT PPL, BUT WE CAN PROTECT OIL.trump MAKES MERCENARIES OUT OF BRAVE🇺🇸SOLDIERS FOR
OIL.trumps a whore.Nancy Could Kick His Mammoth ass & Should Be PRES.” – Disgusting Talentless Leftist Fossil Hooker Cher

Brainless skank Cher also says that “Nancy [Pelosi] Could Kick His Mammoth ass & Should Be PRES” which is funny as shit because Nancy Pelosi is a senike skank who would literally croak in her first day as President of the United States, because she is far too weak and frail to even be a member of Congress, let alone President.

I highly recommend that all conservatives, and their kids, go read Cher’s twitter page… It’s pretty fucking funny! Cher’s tweets are mindless and stupid, but her writing and grammar is at about a 3rd grade level, and it’s pretty fucking …

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President Trump is 100% Correct – Democrat’s Attempt Treasonous High-Tech Lynching President Trump For Over 3 Years & Counting

HAHA! Stupid leftist fuckers can’t deal with President Trump calling out the Democrats, using the word “LYNCHING” that the Democrats coined while terrorizing their slaves and other black people, to describe the treasonous 3+ year attempt to remove President Trump from office.

President Trump is 100% Correct - Democrat's Attempt Treasonous High-Tech Lynching President Trump For Over 3 Years & Counting

President Trump is 100% Correct – Democrat’s Attempt Treasonous High-Tech Lynching President Trump For Over 3 Years & Counting


Here are a few Democrats using the “lynching” term when criminal Bill Clinton was impeached.

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