Criminal Chief Obama Abused Power, Broke Laws, Used FBI/CIA/DOJ/IRS to Attack It’s Enemies

When looking the huge mountain of undeniable evidence of crimes by committed by the Democrats in their multiple illegal and treasonous failed coup attempts, all roads lead back to Obama.

Obama and the Democrats are undoubtedly guilty of some of the worst crimes that have ever taken place in America, and Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff and retarded tub-o-goo Jerry Nadler will try and claim that it is a witch hunt, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Very soon, Democrats will start hiring high-powered DC lawyers, and will start attacking our intelligence agencies to try and sty out of prison. Good luck with that!

I predict that Obama will be implicated in the Democrat’s crimes – though being a former President, I doubt Obama will ever truly see the justice he deserves.

Friday in the wake of The New York Times report that the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) review into the origins of its Trump-Russia probe has turned into a criminal investigation, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) accused the Barack Obama administration of utilizing the Department of Justice to

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Uh Oh!!!! Bad News for Democrat Deep State Criminals As Durham Probe Shifts Into CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION — Subpoenas & Prison Next!

Democrat/FBI/CIA/DOJ criminals all shit their pants in unison when they woke up and started reading the breaking stories about how the Durham investigation into the origins of the Democrat’s illegal and treasonous coup attempt against President Trump has now changed into a FEDERAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into the many crimes of Democrat Deep State criminals!

James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, Andrew Weismann, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Hillary Clinton, Glenn Simpson, and many other leftist criminals including Barack Obama, are literally cleaning up as we speak after shitting all over themselves when they heard that one of the probes into the Democrat’s treasonous criminal actions against America has now turned into a very serious federal criminal investigation, which we 100% believe will lead to indictments and prison time for many Democrats.

It won’t be long now before the American People know what kind of despicable criminals Democrats truly are – and that will be fucking glorious!

“John Durham’s investigation has officially morphed into a criminal investigation. When I said

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Putrid CA Democrat Katie Hill Is Allegedly a Drunk Lesbo Who Has Illegal Threesomes With Her Political Staffers

Wow! Skanky Democrat Katie Hill is a walking trainwreck! California Democrat Rep. Katie Hill is apparently an alcoholic lesbian slut, who likes having illegal threesomes with political staffers, and allegedly gets so wasted drinking alcohol and smoking pot that she can’t do her job, and even misses flights due to being hung over.

Putrid CA Democrat Katie Hill Is Allegedly a Drunk Lesbo Who Has Illegal Threesomes With Her Political Staffers

Putrid CA Democrat Katie Hill Is Allegedly a Drunk Lesbo Who Has Illegal Threesomes With Her Political Staffers

“I walked in on the three of them in some very weird situations a few times so I know there was a sexual relationship going on.” – Michael Pace

Democrat Katie Hill apparently also abused her campaign finances, and paid her lover monthly from her campaign,

According to FEC Records, since April 2019, Hill’s campaign has paid a little over $14,000 in fundraising-related consulting fees to Desjardins, doling out around $2,500 most months.

Now the disgusting skank appears to be under investigation for her group illegal sexcapades with her political staff. – which is a no-no.

Notice the tattoo of a Nazi-era Iron Cross.

Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) admitted

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America Hating Douchebag Loser LeBron James Disrespects America & Screams Over National Anthem

LeBron James…. What a stupid America-hating douche! Only a complete dickhead fool does the stupid shit that this guys does, and I think “Li Bron” has some very tough times ahead of him here in America. He looks and acts like a terrorist wannabe, who just happens to be tall and can bounce a ball. SWEET!

Maybe LeBron James will decide that he is better off moving to China.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Fake News CNN Knowingly Breaking the Law By Refusing to Air President Trump 2020 Re-Election Ads

Fake News CNN and CNN president Jeff Zucker are knowingly breaking the law by refusing to air President Trump’s 2020 re-election advertisements.

Fake News CNN Knowingly Breaking the Law By Refusing to Air President Trump 2020 Re-Election Ads

Fake News CNN Knowingly Breaking the Law By Refusing to Air President Trump 2020 Re-Election Ads

Republicans have sent CNN and CNN president Jeff Zucker a letter stating that they are breaking the law by refusing President Trump’s political advertisements.

This won’t change anything at corrupt Fake News CNN, because CNN is the asshole of fake news outlets, who will need to be FORCED into submission by the law, and there had better be some pressure added to CNN.

We can’t force CNN rto be a respectable and trustworthy news organization, but authorities SHOULD be able to make corrupt Fake News CNN follow the fucking …

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Weak Fake Conservative Loser Jeb Bush Still Really Buthurt – Feebly Attacks President Trump Again Over ‘Lynching’

Yawn…. Worthless, weak-ass, butthurt fake conservative pussy Jeb Bush is attacking The President of the United States yet again… This time for the President accurately calling the Democrat’s illegal and treasonous fake “impeachment” proceedings a “lynching”, which it certainly is!

Weak Fake Conservative Loser Jeb Bush Still Really Buthurt - Feebly Attacks President Trump Again Over 'Lynching'

Weak Fake Conservative Loser Jeb Bush Still Really Buthurt – Feebly Attacks President Trump Again Over ‘Lynching’

I guess I would probably be pretty embarrassed and butthurt also, like Jeb.. if I had flushed $ hundreds of millions down the toilet in a failed Presidential bid, like Jeb..

Jeb Bush is just another DC Swamp Creature, who is pissed off that President Trump put an end to the scams and good-ol-boy way of doing things in Washington, where DC criminal politicians go to Congress without a red cent, and end up making themselves and their friends and families very rich – multi-millionaires.

This is part of the reason why we need TERM LIMITS NOW!

Jeb Bush also says that Republicans should have another candidate to challenge President Trump.

“I think someone should run just because Republicans ought to be given

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Judge Judy Scheindlin Just Killed Her Show & Career With Endorsement of Radical Leftist Loser Michael Bloomberg

Well, I no longer like or respect Judge Judy Scheindlin anymore! I guess she’s a Trump Hater, who’d probably believe if Michael Bloomberg pissed on her leg and told her “it’s raining”.. Sad!

Judge Judy Scheindlin Just Killed Her Show & Career With Endorsement of Radical Leftist Loser Michael Bloomberg

Judge Judy says that she has stayed out of politics for the past 50 years, and must know that her show is coming to an end or something, because Judge Judy has now come out and pissed off half of America by endorsing stupid leftist dickface Michael Bloomberg for President.

“I realize I am taking a personal and a career risk in making such a statement. I have carefully stayed away from politics for 50 years, except to vote. But times have changed in our country, and I believe the moment has come for me to step out from behind the curtain. I want to speak honestly and from the heart — regardless of the consequences” – Judge Judy Scheindlin

Judge Judy also says “We need a no-nonsense president who’s …

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Pissed-Off Republicans Storm Democrat’s Fake ‘Impeachment’ Sham Hearing – Little Pencil Dick Schiff Flees Like a Pussy

FUCKING FINALLY!!!!! Some Republicans have started growing some fucking balls, and are pushing back against the Democrat’s illegal and treasonous fake “impeachment” sham!

A group of Republicans stormed the Democrat’s treasonous, illegal and fake “impeachment” sham hearings because Democrats are breaking the law with what they are doing, and Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff ran away like the complete fucking nutless pussy that he is!

Little Pencil Dick Schiff “just got up and left. He doesn’t have the guts to tell us why we can’t come in the room. Why he doesn’t want this to be transparent. It’s the biggest facade. The biggest farce” – Rep. Roger Marshall

IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME ASSHOLES! If Republicans know what’s good for them, they’ll storm the secret closed-door sessions of the Democrat’s fake sham “impeachment” every fucking day until Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff, senile skank Nancy Pelosi and the criminal Democrats start doing things the right way!

House Republicans led by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., on Wednesday essentially stormed a closed-door session connected to the impeachment investigation of President Trump, prompting House

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