Watch Total Stud Rep. Devin Nunes Completely Destroy Corrupt Democrats & Their Fake News Media Puppets in Opening Statement

Watch total stud Rep. Devin Nunes continue ripping the democrats and the fake news liars to shreads!

“If these accounts had a familiary ring it’s because they are the same screaming headlines insisting President Trump was colluding with Russia… Media pretends they are something different than what they really are, puppets for the Democrat Party.”

Read Devin Nunes Full November 19th Opening Statement Here.

I’d like to address a few brief words to the American people watching at home.

If you watched the impeachment hearings last week, you may have noticed a disconnect between what you actually saw and the mainstream media accounts describing it. What you saw were three diplomats, who dislike the President’s Ukraine policy, discussing second-hand and third-hand conversations about their objections. Meanwhile, they admitted they had not talked to the president about these matters, and they were unable to identify any crime or impeachable offense the President committed.

But what you read in the press were accounts of shocking, damning, and explosive testimony that fully supports the Democrats’ accusations.

If these accounts have a familiar ring,

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Disgusting Leftist Britisk Skank Lady Colin Campbell Says Epstein Wasn’t a ‘Pedophile’ Because He Paid The Sex-Trafficked Minors

THIS IS THE LEFT – FUCKING DISGUSTING! Apparently disgusting leftist British skank Lady Colin Campbell says that “Having sex with a 14 year old girl who is the victim of underage sex trafficking is not ‘pedophilia’, it is ‘prostitution’.”

Piers Morgan let her have it though. “If you solicit a 14 year old for prostitution, you’re a pedophile”.

Personally, I think if you solicit a 14 year old for prostitution, then you are a pedophile who pays to have sex with underage minors. That’s all. No matter what the crazies on the left want you to believe, paying for the sex with a minior doesn’t make you less of a pedophile – it makes you more of a criminal.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Swalwell Rips Huge Fart On MSNBC’s Hardball – Raises Image of Show By 80%

HAHAHAHA!!!!! Democrat Swalwell actually shit his pants on the air while being “interviewed” on MSNBC’s “Hardball”, with “Thrills Up My Leg” Chris Matthews.

Swalwell might as well have shit his pants all the way through that “Hardball” interview on MSNBC, because everything Swalwell says, and everything you’ll see and hear on MSNBC is dumb as shit anyway.

It’s also pretty funny that Swalwell is denying it, and then MSNBC using Swalwell’s on-air bowel movement to try and sell “Hardball” mugs. Very fitting – and nobody believes their bullshit.

Sorry to disappoint the conspiracy theorists – it was the #hardball mug scraping across the desk. Get yours today and let’s get back to the news!

Sounds like Swalwell sharted himself in front of a lot of people, and he just can’t handle the embarrassment.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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FBI Arrested Democrat Muncie, IN Criminal Mayor Dennis Tyler On Multiple Corruption Charges

HaHaHaHa!! After a 4 year investigation, yet another corrupt democrat criminal, Muncie Indiana mayor Dennis Tyler, has been busted and arrested by the FBI over multiple corruption charges.

FBI Arrested Democrat Muncie, IN Criminal Mayor Dennis Tyler On Multiple Corruption Charges

Corrupt democrat Muncie Sanitary District Administrator Debra Grigsby was also just arrested for her corruption and crimes in July of this year.

Honestly, if there were investigations, just about every single fucking Democrat would be arrested, because the vast majority of democrats are criminals, just waiting to be busted.

The Democrat mayor of Muncie, Indiana, was arrested on Monday morning by the FBI in connection with multiple corruption charges.
“I can confirm an arrest warrant was executed at the home of Mayor Dennis Tyler this morning, and he is currently in custody,” Christine Bavender, a spokesperson for the FBI, told the Muncie Star Press.

It is not immediately clear what charges Tyler is facing.

Tyler has served as Muncie’s mayor since 2012, WISH reported. The Democrat mayor did not run for re-election this year and his term in office

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Houston Astros Front Office Tasked Scouts With Stealing Opposing Team’s Signs

It looks like the Houston Astros are completely fucked after new Astros emails appear to show that Astros executives were not only aware of the cheating by their baseball team, but the emails seem to show that the Houston Astros front office actually requested their employees find a way to steal opposing team’s signs to cheat.

“One thing in specific we are looking for is picking up signs coming out of the dugout,” the executive wrote in an email, via The Athletic. “What we are looking for is how much we can see, how we would log things, if we need cameras/binoculars, etc. So go to game, see what you can (or can’t) do and report back your findings.” – Houston Astros Executive Asks Team Scouts to Cheat

So, now we know that the Houston Astros cheated their way to the World Series in 2019. I’m just glad that the Astros didn’t win the World Series, because there definitely would have been hell top pay!

As MLB continues its investigation into allegations of the Houston Astros stealing signs since 2017,

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DEMOCRATS HATE BLACK PEOPLE – Bloomberg Can’t Hide From His ‘Stop & Frisk’ Policies That Destroyed Black Families

Michael Bloomberg can try all he wants, but Bloomberg definitely can’t hide from his horrible “Stop & Frisk” policy in New York, which expanded during his term in office, and many say is the root cause of the destruction of the black family.

DEMOCRATS HATE BLACK PEOPLE – Bloomberg Can’t Hide From His ‘Stop & Frisk’ Policies That Destroyed Black Families

“Over time I’ve come to understand something that I’ve long struggled to admit to myself. I got something important really wrong. I didn’t understand that back then, the full impact that stops were having on the Black and Latino communities. I was totally focused on saving lives, but as we know, good intentions aren’t good enough. I want you to know that I realize back then I was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

In 2011, Bloomberg and the Democrat’s “Stop & Frisk policies had sent 685,724 people in New York were stopped and frisked, and a good amount of those 700K people were to prison. Of those 700K who were stopped and frisked in New York, 53 percent were black, …

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Anyone who believes the government’s story that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in his prison cell are complete fucking morons, who have no fucking brain.

The Democrats, most likely including Prince Andrew and the Clintons, had Jeffrey Epstein assassinated to keep him quiet.

A lot of high-level democrats would have been implicated and destroyed for having sex with Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged underage sex slaves. The problem is though that Jeffrey Epstein kept evidence besides what was in his head.

I believe that the murder of Jeffrey Epstein is still under quiet investigation – and common sense tells most people that this was a Democrat setup.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –


Racist Self-Made Loser Colin Kaepernick Continues His Perpetual Victim-Hood After Sabotaging NFL Workout

Self-Made Loser Colin Kaepernick Continues His Perpetual Victim-hood After Sabotaging NFL WorkoutColin Kaepernick is a stupid fucking loser, who doesn’t really want to play football anymore – Kaepernick just wants people to THINK that he wants to play football, so he can continue playing “victim”, and is being denied by The Man – which is why he blew up the NFL workout he’s been crying for.

IF Kaepernick really did want to play football again in the NFL, then he and his people are complete fucking idiots. We already knew that though, because Kaepernick has shown that he is an anti-American piece of shit, who intentionally used his privileged and high-paid position in the NFL to stir up racial and social unrest in America.

Colin Kaepernick really isn’t a good quarterback anyway – he wasn’t good when he was in the league as a backup, and he is even worse today, as his so-called self-created workout at the Atlanta highschool clearly showed – and now that he has 3 years of rust on his bones, I doubt he will get any better, which just isn’t good enough.

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