The new racist woke Salvation Army posted a “Let’s Talk About Racism” guide on their website that instructed White People to “sincerely apologize” for their racism, and called Christianity institutionally racist as well, which is a disgusting lie and the farthest thing from the truth that you will ever hear!
The REAL racists in America are the democrats who practice their virulent closet racism on a daily basis, and then project their disgusting racist ways on conservatives.
The Salvation Army is just one more once non-political institution that has been destroyed by the racist woke anti-White assholes on the left who are telling us that we are all racist.
Honestly, the Salvation Army just shot their own dick off by showing themselves as crazy racist leftists. This disgusts me and I will never again donate even 1 fucking cent to the shitty Salvation Army ever again because I don’t support crazy motherfuckers.
I would recommend to everyone else to do the same and donate your money to someone other than the Salvation Army, like a Cancer charity, or a charity that helps injured veterans – just not the Salvation Army. Let them wither on the vine.
On Thanksgiving the Salvation army released a statement refuting the claims of their racial demands.
And now it appears the Salvation Army has removed its absurd “Let’s Talk About Racism” guide following intense backlash over a text last week that told white donors to “sincerely apologize” for their racism while asserting that Christianity is institutionally racist.
The link to the page is now broken and you get this when you click on it.
As a result of the guide becoming public, donors and supporters across the country have been rescinding their support of the organization en masse, which prompted the Salvation Army to discontinue the guide pending “appropriate review.” But despite removing the documents – for now – nothing in their statement indicates that they are going to back down from pushing woke ideology upon donors.
In fact, it’s quite the contrary. the charity now attempts to shift the blame by claiming that nefarious individuals are making “false claims” and misrepresenting the content to suit their own agenda, while simultaneously reaffirming the Salvation Army’s support for woke ideology.
Completely shameless.
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