San Francisco is a shithole – literally – in every sense of the word – and it’s funny as hell!
The city of San Fransicko caters to illegal immigrants and other dangerous criminals, there are drug needles strewn everywhere, people are allowed to shit and piss in the public streets without fear of punishment, and even 20 pound bags of human shit and piss are being left on the street corner.
I’m happy to see that the deprivety in San Fransicko is starting to cost the city $ hundreds of millions in lost revenue from travelers who no longer want to visit a city whose stupid anti-American leftist “leaders” have allowed to become a criminally-overrun, disease-infested shithole, with used drug needles strewn out filling the space between the mounds & puddles of human shit and piss in the streets.
In fact a major medical association has decided to stop holding their annual five-day convention in San Fransicko, which included around 15,000 attendees and added about $40 million into the local economy, because the medical association members no longer feel safe, and are completely grossed out by the state of the city.
The doctors group told the San Francisco delegation that while they loved the city, postconvention surveys showed their members were afraid to walk amid the open drug use, threatening behavior and mental illness that are common on the streets.
I don’t blame them. If I had to make a choice between holding my company’s annual convention in a city whose streets are filled with criminals, human shit and piss, and used drug needles strewn everywhere, and some other clean city who believes and practices law and order, I would chose the latter.
Personally, I wouldn’t even go spend a day in the disgusting city of San Fransicko – because I wouldn’t want the possibility of getting some funky disease from the loads of shit and piss in the streets, or from stepping on used AIDS-infected drug needles.
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