Disgusting Planned Parenthood Baby Murderer President Dr. Leana Wen Lies, Says Abortions ‘Up Until Birth’ Don’t Happen

Ultra disgusting Planned Parenthood Baby Murderer President Dr. Leana Wen has been lying to the American People when she falsely claims that liberals aren’t allowed to murder their babies by abortion up until birth.

Disgusting Planned Parenthood Baby Murderer President Dr. Leana Wen Lies, Says Abortions ‘Up Until Birth’ Don’t Happen

So leftists continually argue and fight for the right to murder their babies at any time and for any reason they wish, including seconds before a baby is born healthy and naturally, but they don’t want the rest of the American People to find out, or else every Planned Parenthood house of baby murder horror would be banned and closed in a matter of months..

Democrat Kathy Tran even begrudgingly admitted that their bill would allow evil leftists to murder their babies up until the moment of birth, so there is no denying it for the Evil Democrat Baby Murderers.

In response to comments by President Donald Trump that liberals want to expand the practice of late-term abortion and rip babies from the womb “right up until the moment of birth,” Planned Parenthood President Dr. Leana Wen said there are no abortions “up until birth.”

As she tweeted on May 8, “I can’t believe I have to say this — but there is no such thing as infanticide in medical care. There is no such thing as abortion up until birth. #EndTheLies, @realDonaldTrump.”

She further tweeted, “President Trump’s real agenda is to ban access to ALL safe, legal abortion. We’re not going to let him get away with lying about families facing the most difficult decision of their lives when something in the pregnancy has gone terribly wrong.”

Dr. Wen did not mention, however, that more than 8,000 late-tem abortions (21 weeks or later) occurred in 2015 — the latest data available — as documented by the CDC. Also, the new abortion law in New York, signed by Gov. Cuomo on Jan. 21, allows abortion up to the moment of birth. On a related note, in 2015, the number of late-term abortions in New York City, 1,485, outnumbered the number of homicides in that city – 352.

In Virginia, Del. Kathy Tran (D) tried to introduce legislation nearly identical to that in New York.

On Jan. 28, Virginia Del. Todd Gilbert (R) asked Del. Tran, “Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth. She has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so-certified — she’s dilating.”

Tran said, “Mr. Chairman, that would be … a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman would make at that point.”

Gilbert asked again, “I understand that. I’m asking if your bill allows that.”

Tran answered, “My bill would allow that, yes.”

Two days later, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) was asked how Tran’s proposal would play out in real life. Northam said, “I can tell you exactly what would happen: The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated (if that’s what the mother and family desired), and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother.”

As Virginia Speaker Kirk Cox said, “This bill will allow a mother who is showing physical signs of labor to get an abortion. We are really one small step from New York.”

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