Bernie Sanders has no chance of being elected President of the United States, and he knows it. In fact Bernie is soo jealous of President Trump’s HUGE rallies that Bernie has started including other Hollyweird Communists, who are popular with radical leftists in his rallies, otherwise there would be just a small handful of people in attendance, and Sanders would be mocked wildly by President Trump and his supporters.

Communist Loser Bernie Sanders Tries Filling Rallies By Enlisting Other Washed-Up Communist ‘Celebrities’
To try and fill his rally in Los Angeles Bernie enlisted 3 washed-up losers, like ancient dinosaur leftist Dick Van Dyke, disgusting blackface whore Sarah Silverman, and some semblance of the radical and violent 80’s rap group, Public Enemy to try and draw people into his free rally.
President Trump, on the other hand, charges some small amount ($25 or something like that,) to attend his rallies, where President Trump is the only speaker, and the attendance blows Bernie’s craptastic trainwreck completely out of the water.
I’m actually surprised that Bernie has suuch a group of washed-up losers helping him out – especially in LA where there are plenty of Communist actors who would gladly help elect another Communist.
The likes of actor Dick Van Dyke, rap group Public Enemy, and actress-comedian Sarah Silverman are set to headline a rally in Los Angeles for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VM) presidential campaign on Sunday.
The event is scheduled to take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center ahead of California’s presidential primary next week as part of the all-important “Super Tuesday.”
“Join Bernie Sanders, Sarah Silverman, and Dick Van Dyke, with a special performance by Public Enemy Radio. Doors open at 3:00 p.m. and the event starts at 5:00 p.m,” the event’s description reads.
The three performers join the long list of celebrities backing Sanders, who is now the frontrunner for the nomination to face off against President Donald Trump in November. Sanders is also the far and away favorite to win California’s primary, polling an average of 28.3 percent, with Elizabeth Warren trailing in second at 15.3 percent.
Dick Van Dyke, Public Enemy, and Sarah Silverman are also vehement Trump critics, with Silverman having even compared him to Hitler and Public Enemy member Chuck D describing the president as “out of his mind.”
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