“Wheels Down, Rings Off” The President’s Prostitute Frequenting Secret Service Personnel

"Wheels Down, Rings Off" The President's Prostitute Frequenting Secret Service Personnel (people shown in image not implicated)

"Wheels Down, Rings Off" The President's Prostitute Frequenting Secret Service Personnel (people shown in image not implicated)

This just goes to show.. If you have unqualified jackasses at the top, who feel that they are above the law, and can do anything they want, then the people who work underneath those jackasses turn out to be “above the law” jackasses as well. I believe the married Secret Service and military personnel even called their trysts with prostitutes “Wheels Down, Rings Off”.

How far ahead of the Obama did these Secret Service and military personnel arrive in Colombia? Were the people who were supposed to be protecting the president having trysts with prostitutes for one week, two weeks in Colombia before the president got there? Did Secret Service and military personnel have trysts with Colombian prostitutes while the president was there?

Much more to come, as we are sure that there is a lot more which will be coming out about the president’s prostitute frequenting Secret Service personnel!

“It’s such a breach of trust, and it’s virtually unbelievable.”

Investigators have determined

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Do-Nothing Democrats – Democrat-Controlled Senate is Laziest in 20 Years

Anyone who watches news channels which are not in the back pocket of the Obama administration will be able to tell you that the Obama administration is the laziest and worst administration in US history, and now we are seeing new reports which show beyond doubt that the Democrats are the laziest party in the last 20 years!

Obama and the Dumbocrats haven’t even been able to pass a federal budget in over 3 years!

Throw out the Democrat Bums, and get some Conservatives in office, who will actually do their job.

For those who need proof that the Senate was a do-nothing chamber in 2011 beyond the constant partisan bickering and failure to pass a federal budget, there is now hard evidence that it was among the laziest in 20 years.

In her latest report, Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson revealed a slew of data that put the first session of the 112th Senate at the bottom of Senates since 1992 in legislative productivity, an especially damning finding considering that it wasn’t an election year when congressional action

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NC Democratic Party Executive Director Jay Parmley Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Investigation

NC Democratic Party Executive Director Jay Parmley Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Investigation

NC Democratic Party Executive Director Jay Parmley Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Investigation

Yet another member of the Democrat Culture of Corruption, NC Democratic Party Executive Director Jay Parmley, has been caught paying a former staff member, in order to cover up allegations of sexual misconduct, which in this case was Sexual Harassment.

Mr. Parmley did the right thing for his party, and the country, by quickly resigning from his government position, as more corrupt members of our government should do.

There are just a few things that Democrats are good at, and they are all things that the Democrats don’t want you to know that they excel at.
1) Tax Evasion (the accountant is usually thrown under the bus to take the fall for these crimes)
2) Cheating on Spouse (always covered up, which makes the cheating much worse)
3) Covering up sexual misconduct (usually by paying people off with campaign money)
4) Increasing Tax Burdens (Taking money from one group in order to line the pockets of their friends and supporters)
4) Spending other people’s money (Obama makes this …

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To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

Obama and his wife are the biggest two-faced hypocrites on the face of the earth!
Michelle Obama says that everyone should exercise and watch what they eat, except Michelle eats the worst out of them all, and just about everything she eats is fried!.

Obama says that we all must “pay our fair share” yet he and his wife have both given each of their daughters a $12,000 tax free gift, which totals $48,000.

What a scum sucking turd!

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday.

The president and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federal taxes.

There is nothing illegal about the president’s taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—“millionaires and

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Obama’s Out-of-Control Ego – All 50 Stars on US Flag Replaced by Obama’s Picture

unbelievable ego obama face instead of stars on US flag

Unbelievable ego! Obama's face, instead of 50 stars, on US flags!

How righteous do you have to be, and how big must someone’s ego be, to allow an image of your face to replace all 50 stars of a US Flag?
Something is definitely not right with having Obama’s picture on a US Flag, and it makes things much worse that Obama’s face replaces all of the stars that are typically on a flag of the United States.

This unbelievably stupid man didn’t know that people would have a problem with a US Flag promoting the worst US President in the history of our nation?
You have to hand it to Obama supporters. They have to be the biggest group of brain-dead idiot sheep that I have ever seen!A South Jersey man has come up with what he hopes is a solution to a controversy over the American flag that he flew in his yard — a flag bearing the image of President Barack Obama in place of the field of stars.

Wes Kennedy, of the Acacia housing development …

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Obama Administration’s Glass Ceiling “Boys’ Club” – Obama Pays Women 18% Less Than Men

Hostile Glass Ceiling Workplace - Records show Obama White House pays women 18% less than men.

Hostile Glass Ceiling Workplace - Records show Obama White House pays women 18% less than men.

Obama is counting on the votes of women to try and save his job, but we feel that once women look beyond the glowing lies and spin fed to them by the liberal Obama-Swooning Media, and actually look at what Obama has been up to, women of all ages, races, and backgrounds will drop Obama like a bad habit!

One thing that will help the change come about is the fact that the Obama administration pays women a median salary which is around 18% less than the median salary they pay to men!
That’s pretty shocking for Obama, someone who wants to spread everyone else’s wealth around to his friends and supporters.

Female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues, records show.

According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).

Calculating the median

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Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver Wants To Make You Pay For His Carwash Facility

Bank of America Files $1.5 Million Suit Against Deadbeat Lawmaker Emanuel Cleaver – Head of Congressional Black Caucus

Bank of America Files $1.5 Million Suit Against Deadbeat Lawmaker Emanuel Cleaver – Head of Congressional Black Caucus

Typical Dead-Beat Democrats – Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) took out a loan, which was largely backed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Dead-Beat Democrat Emanuel Cleaver failed to pay back $1.1 million of the $1.5 million loan, and when the loan defaults, U.S. Taxpayers (you and me) will be on the hook to pay off Dead-Beat Democrat Emanuel Cleaver’s loan.

Maybe the CBC should be called the “Corrupt Black Criminals” because Democrats are the most corrupt, least trustworthy bunch of idiots that I have ever seen in my life! My guess is that Dead-Beat Democrat Emanuel Cleaver knows that he is not really on the hook for the $1.5 million SBA-Backed loan, so he has no intention of paying it off. As with most members of the Democrat Culture of Corruption, they fail to pay their taxes, or bills, and then blame their crimes on someone else, like their accountant, and the same will be the case here. We …

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Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won’t Charge Black People With Crimes!

Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won't Charge Black People With Crimes!

Gun-Running, Liberal Racist, Eric Holder Won't Charge Black People With Crimes!

Is the brain-dead king of illegal gun running, Eric Holder, also a Racist?
Does Eric Holder determine who will be charged with a crime, and who won’t be charged with a crime, by the color of the person’s skin?
Can a black person get away with crimes that any white person would be vilified by the Obama administration for?

USBACKLASH feels that the answer to both of these questions is an astounding “YES!!” that Eric Holder is a corrupt racist who only charges white people with crimes, no matter the severity of the crime committed by blacks.

What other reason is there why Eric Holder has not acted to protect George Zimmerman from the New Black Panthers calls for his capture or killing, or other hate crimes perpetrated by Blacks in the New Black Panthers?

What other reason was there for Eric Holder to not charge the New Black Panther members who deliberately engaged in Voter Intimidation?

The reason is because Eric Holder is one of the most corrupt,

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