Romney High School Prank Really Just Typical Obama Smokescreens & Fairy Tales & Lies

You have to wonder about the very suspicious timing of this non-story. I would bet a year’s salary that Phillip Maxwell is being paid by Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption, as a way to add impact to Obama and Biden’s attack on marriage, which in turn brings them big money donations from gays, lesbians, which means Hollywood.

Which takes us to the the real reason for additional Obama lies, and the fake story about Romney – which is in fact the $12 million fundraiser that George Clooney held for Obama at his house, where all of the brain-dead liberal Hollywood know-nothings came out to support their socialist leader’s re-election efforts, by paying $40,000 each to attend.

“We raised a lot of money because everybody loves George. They like me; they love him,” – Mr. Obama

Yea, Obama raised a lot of money on the hopes and fears of gays and lesbians, and every “Real American” takes offense that these Hollywood elitists would shell out $40,000 to kiss George Clooney’s ring and get maybe a picture or a few …

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More Obama Lies: Obama Fabricated Bogus Girlfriend in Book – Dreams From My Father

More Obama Lies: Obama Fabricated Bogus Girlfriend in Book - Dreams From My Father

More Obama Lies: Obama Fabricated Bogus Girlfriend in Book - Dreams From My Father

The Obama administration is getting good at telling the American People lies, and almost getting away with it..

We are now learning about more Obama lies – this time in his book Dreams From My Father – where Obama goes into great detail describing a so-called ‘New York girlfriend’, which turns out to be just another Obama lie, among the many others.

“Obama only acknowledged the “compression” after Maraniss learned that Cook had no recollection of some of the events at which Obama said she was present.”

Now that the cat is out of the bag, and everyone knows that Obama lied, and actually made up the ‘New York girlfriend’, the Obama camp is scrambling to try and spin their lie, and now Obama says that the ‘New York girlfriend’ is actually a composite character, or a “compression” of girlfriends, based off of multiple girls he had dated in New York City and Chicago.

What a crock of shit! Obama is a compulsive liar, who

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Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren Digs Up Possible 1⁄32nd Native American Heritage

Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren Digs Up Possible 1⁄32nd Native American Heritage

Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren Digs Up Possible 1⁄32nd Native American Heritage

Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage, which has been reported that she touted to get hired at Harvard, is in serious question.

Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren denies that she ever touted her Native American background professionally, but in the Association of American Law Schools desk book, Elizabeth Warren even listed herself as a minority Harvard Law School professor.

It’s the Democrat way – Deny, Deny, Deny, Then apologize for a “misunderstanding” when the heat gets too high.

Desperately scrambling to validate Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage amid questions about whether she used her minority status to further her career, the Harvard Law professor’s campaign last night finally came up with what they claim is a Cherokee connection — her great-great-great-grandmother.

“She would be 1⁄32nd of Elizabeth Warren’s total ancestry,” noted genealogist Christopher Child said, referring to the candidate’s great-great-great-grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, who is listed on an Oklahoma marriage certificate as Cherokee. Smith is an ancestor on Warren’s mother’s side, Child said.

The missing link comes after Warren’s embattled campaign

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Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward” Has Long Ties to Marxism, Socialism

Obama's New Campaign Slogan "Forward" Has Long Ties to Marxism, Socialism

Obama's New Campaign Slogan "Forward" Has Long Ties to Marxism, Socialism

Leave it to the Obama administration to start using a Socialist / Communist / Marxist political term “Forward!” as their new slogan.

“The slogan “Forward!” reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism.”

The Obama administration is trying to send a subtle message to the far left by using such a seemingly harmless word, that many Americans would not think more about, yet the underlying meanings to the far left who want Socialism / Marxism in America are immense!

The Obama campaign apparently didn’t look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, “Forward” — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name “Forward!” or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called “Forward (generic name of socialist publications).”

“The name Forward carries a special meaning in socialist political

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House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

The House of Representatives is planning to charge Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, with contempt for obstructing the congressional probe into the deadly Fast and Furious scandal, which allowed thousands of high-powered weapons to “walk” across the border into Mexico, without tracking the firearms, or holding anyone accountable for the crimes committed with the illegal firearms released into the public by the Obama administration.

We are now also learning about the ulterior motives of the Obama administration for letting these illegal weapons walk out of their control. The Obama administration has been thinking up every way that they could start disarming the American People, and one of the ways that they came up with was to allow high-powered assault rifles to disappear into Mexico, knowing full well that these weapons would be used in crimes, or better yet (as far as the Obama administration is concerned) someone may be killed with the guns.

Then the ultra-corrupt Obama administration could come back to the American People and …

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Permanent Campaign – Obama Has Held More Re-Election Fundraisers Than Previous Five Presidents Combined

Permanent Campaign - Obama Has Held More Re-Election Fundraisers Than Previous Five Presidents Combined

Permanent Campaign - Obama Has Held More Re-Election Fundraisers Than Previous Five Presidents Combined

So the Obama administration has held more re-election fundraisers than the previous 5 presidents, combined? Unbelievable, and at the same time completely believable from this permanent campaigning joke of a president.

We find it interesting that Big Money, Big Government Obama, who attacks the job producers with one hand, and then sticks out the other hand asking for campaign donations from the same group of “foes” the other hand is whipping.

It’s even more interesting to see these groups of people, like Wall Street executives, who still give a lot of money to the worst failed president in US History, even after being vilified, and attacked in the media by this administration.

Yea, Obama promised to change how politics works, but he never said that he would change it for the better.

Barack Obama has already held more re-election fundraising events than every elected president since Richard Nixon combined, according to figures to be published in a new book.

Obama is also the only president in

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Michelle Obama’s Lavish Spanish Beach Getaway Cost Taxpayers $500,000

Michelle Obama's Lavish Spanish Beach Getaway Cost Taxpayers $500,000

Michelle Obama's Lavish Spanish Beach Getaway Cost Taxpayers $500,000

Back in 2010, the “First Lady of Waste” (FLOW), aka Michelle Obama, took a lavish shopping spree vacation to Spain’s coastal towns, which the Obamas said at the time, due to much public backlash over the Obama’s vacation costs, that they would be picking up the tab for the vacation.

Thanks to Judicial Watch, we now learn that the Obama’s claim of picking up the vacation tab was just another typical Democrat Culture of Corruption / Obama administration lie, and that Michelle Obama’s Spanish vacation actually cost American Taxpayers close to $500,000!

It seems painfully obvious that Michelle Obama has absolutely no problem sticking it to the American People, and using public money for her own personal gain.

“The American people can ill afford to keep sending the First Family on vacations around the globe” – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton

Fight back against the rampant waste and corruption in the Obama White House! Vote out the Obama waste machine in 2012!

The First Lady’s whirlwind tour of Spain in 2010

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RNC Seeks Probe of Obama’s “Misuse” of Government Funds on Reelection Campaign Travel

RNC Seeks Probe into Obama's "Misuse" of Government Funds on Reelection Campaign Travel

RNC Seeks Probe into Obama's "Misuse" of Government Funds on Reelection Campaign Travel

The RNC is seeking a probe into Obama’s obvious misuse and abuse of his power, by making the U.S. Taxpayer pay for his campaign trips to battlefield states that would be critical for his reelection. Obama hasn’t really stopped campaigning though since he took office, so the amount of money the Obama administration has illegally swiped from the American People could be very large!

As with paying their fair share of taxes and everything else, the Democrats feel that they are “above the law” and can do anything they want. If they want to skip paying their taxes, they will be able to get away with it for a while, and once caught, the corrupt Democrats will weasel their way out of being held accountable. This Democrat deception is also greatly helped along by the corrupt Obama-swooning media, who without question or guilt, will cover for the misdeeds of the Obama administration.

The Republican National Committee is asking the Government Accountability Office to examine President Obama’s “misuse”

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