Brain-Dead Democrat Rep. Schakowsky: Americans Don’t Deserve to Keep Their Money

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky says that Americans don’t deserve to keep all of the money that we make. On top of that, she says that the only reason who Obama’s “stimulus” program didn’t work is because it was too small!

Not surprisingly, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is a representative for the Chicagoland Illinois District 9. (probably one of the most corrupt districts in America)

Where do these brain-dead Democrats come from, and who is still voting for these idiots? Lets all make sure to get to the polls in 2012 and vote these jackasses out of office.

A lot of reaction Wednesday morning to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s interview with Don Wade and Roma.

Schakowsky said that Americans don’t deserve to keep all of their money because we need taxes to support our society.

“I’ll put it this way. You don’t deserve to keep all of it and it’s not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together. And there are many things that we decide to do together like have our national security.

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Democrats Lose 88-Year Run on NY-9 Seat – First Republican Win In NY District Since 1923!!

The Democrats took another damaging blow after losing the special election for the 9th Congressional District held in the New York district formerly held by disgraced “Weiner-Boy”, Anthony Weiner, who held the seat for 7 years himself. Republican Bob Turner was declared the winner of the special election for the 9th Congressional District after gaining 54 percent of the vote, against the 46 percent for Turner’s challenger David Weprin.

The mouthpieces on the left started building up the Democrat lies and spin even before the special election results were made public. Displaying how much of a lying skank she really is, Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that the NY-9 district in New York is “..a very difficult district for Democrats”, even though this is the first Republican to win in that district in 88 years, since Democrats have held the NY-9 district seat since March 1923. How does 88 years in Democrat hands make the claim that “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats” true? It doesn’t. It’s just another bald-faced lie by the disgusting Democratic National …

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Obama Administration Hides From Truth, Locks Up Damaging Solyndra Evidence

Something tells me that Eric Holder would not have allowed the investigation of Obama’s pet company Solyndra, if there was any chance that it could put more heat on Obama.

It seems a lot more likely that the Obama administration spurred on the Solyndra investigation because they know by doing so, they lock up the files and any other damaging information until they decide to release the information. This effectively hides all evidence of crimes and corruption by the Obama administration, and if my guess is right, the FBI will release their investigation report in the days after the next election.

Federal agents have expanded their examination of the now-bankrupt California solar power company Solyndra, searching the homes of the company’s CEO and two of its executives, examining computer files and documents, iWatch News and ABC News have learned.

Agents visited the homes of CEO Brian Harrison and company founder Chris Gronet and a former executive, according to a source who agreed to speak only on the condition of anonymity because of the legal sensitivity of the situation.

Gronet, reached

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FBI Arrests Democratic Campaign Treasurer on Suspicion of Mail Fraud

Since 1972 Kinde Durkee has worked for 5 presidential campaigns, 4 gubernatorial campaigns, numerous senate, congressional, state and local candidates, initiatives, political action committees and many non-profit associations, and now she has been accused of mail fraud by the FBI.

Much like the waistband of the accused, the Democrat Culture of Corruption continues to expand at break-neck speed.

It’s not really a shock that Kinde Durkee, (Durkee and Associates) a prominent Democratic campaign treasurer who works for lawmakers like U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Loretta Sanchezhas, been arrested by the FBI on suspicion of mail fraud.

With what we know about how corrupt the Democrats really are, it’s not at all unexpected to see more reports of crime and corruption coming from the Democrat ranks.

A prominent Democratic campaign treasurer who works for federal, state and O.C. lawmakers including U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Rep. Loretta Sanchez and state legislators Lou Correa and Jose Solorio has been arrested by the FBI on suspicion of mail fraud, The Orange County Register has learned.

U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesman Thom Mrozek confirmed Saturday

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Solyndra, Major Obama Donor, Declares Bankruptcy After Receiving $535 Million Federal Loan

So let’s get this straight. This is different than the very similar story of Evergreen Solar Inc, which also received millions of dollars from the Obama administration, before going bankrupt.

The Obama administration guaranteed a another failing company, Solyndra solar panel company, $535 million government backed loan, which seems more like a reward for the donations Steve Westley gave to the Obama campaign. The company then declares bankruptcy, lays off 1,100 employees, and bilks the U.S. People out of a half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. Then Obama goes off the deep end and names the donor, Steve Westley, to the President’s Energy Advisory Board.

This stinks like more corruption of the worst kind from the Obama administration.

Solyndra, a San Francisco based solar panel company that received a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government has declared bankruptcy. Last year President Obama touted the company as “leading the way” in the green jobs future he envisions.

Just a few months ago, ABC News revealed that one of the major financial backers for Solyndra is also a

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Obama’s Failed “Stimulus” Didn’t Create Jobs – Only Stole Jobs From Other Companies

We can now see that the Obama administration and Democrats have been lying about Obama’s wealth-spreading “Stimulus” creating jobs, when in reality, Obama’s failed job-killing, wealth-spreading “stimulus” didn’t actually create jobs for the unemployed. The “stimulus” only stole workers from other companies where they were already employed.

The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has just released an important new study on the hiring practices of firms that used stimulus funds. It’s fairly comprehensive, based on over 1,300 surveys of managers and employees. There’s been very little good empirical data on the stimulus thus far, so the study contains a lot of valuable insights. Among the findings by authors Dan Rothschild and Garrett Jones:

Hiring isn’t the same as net job creation. In our survey, just 42.1 percent of the workers hired at ARRA-receiving organizations after January 31, 2009, were unemployed at the time they were hired (Appendix C). More were hired directly from other organizations (47.3 percent of post-ARRA workers), while a handful came from school (6.5%) or from outside the labor force (4.1%)(Figure 2). Thus, there was an

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Racist Jackass Rep. Andre Carson Says Tea Party Wants African-Americans “Hanging on a Tree”

I laugh when I see racist Democrats, like Rep. Andre Carson, lie about Republicans as though they were racists as well, and I think it’s very weird how many blacks support Democrats with their votes, even though it was the Democrats who worked to keep them in slavery.

Anyone who has read any history surrounding slavery and the Civil War knows that it was the Democrats who started the KKK, and it was the Democrats who fought and died in the Civil War to keep Blacks in slavery.

An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of the Democrat’s KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The first KKK Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, as a terrorist organization by veterans of the Confederate Army during Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The KKK was started as a secret vigilante group which targeted freed black men and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against blacks and white Republicans. The KKK supported Democrats and used their terror …

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Global Warming Sham: Sun, Not Man, Causes Climate Change

As we have said for years, the Earth’s changing climate has more to do with the sun and cyclical changes in our atmosphere, not due to the actions of man. The Earth goes through natural fluctuations in heat and moisture, which is just a part of natural cycle the Earth goes through.

“It’s the sun, stupid” The problem is that the cycles that the Earth goes through, which create changes in heat and moisture, are so slow that people don’t live through multiple cycles, so they wrongly assume that man is causing the changes.

Instead of looking at the truth concerning global warming, jackasses like Con-Artist Al Gore will continue using bad science, and outright lies, to push the scam of man-made global warming, so they can continue stealing money from a bunch of brain-dead idiots who believe the corrupt global warming science.

If Michael Crichton had lived to write a follow-up to State of Fear, the plotline might well have gone like this: at a top secret, state of the art laboratory in Switzerland, scientists finally discover the true

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