Obama State Department Dodges Question “Is Jerusalem Is The Capital Of Israel?”

WOW! The Obama administration has to be the most Anti Israel administration in the history of our nation!
It’s pretty funny though to watch this brain-dead liberal jackass State Department Spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, try to dodge the question, which simply asked if Jerusalem Is The Capital Of Israel. How hard is that question to answer? Apparently hard for the corrupt and inept Obama administration!

Transparent my ass!

The Obama administration is the most corrupt and secretive administration in the history of our nation, and anyone who pays attention to the words that Obama and the Culture of Corruption Democrats say, they would also be able to see how anti-Israel the Obama administration really is!

Obama and the brain-dead liberals even wanted Israel to go back to their 1967 Borders! UNBELIEVABLE!!


Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Flashback to ’08 – Obama Argued Against Government Mandated Insurance Coverage “I don’t have such a mandate”

None of the brain-dead liberal Obama-Swooning media will ever show you the monumental socialized healthcare flip flop that Obama is trying to pull on the American People.

We’re surprised that Obama’s Cover-Up Team hadn’t had this video scrubbed from the Internet, because it’s a big problem for his Obamacare Socialized Healthcare Mandate argument!

Back in 2008, during Obama’s primary presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton, Obama argued fervently, on the Ellen Show against, the government mandate that required US Citizens to purchase health insurance. He even said “I don’t have such a mandate”. Back then Obamacare was called Hillarycare, and was the exact same thing as what the Obama administration rammed down each of our throats, just proposed by someone other than Obama. Now that Obama is pulling the Culture of Corruption’s strings though, Obama has flip-flopped, and he now feels that government mandated healthcare is perfectly fine.

Obama felt so strongly about the issue that he even made an ad attacking Clinton for her support of the individual healthcare mandate. “Hillary Clinton’s attacking, but what’s she not telling you about …

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New Study Shows Earth Heated In Medieval Times Without Human CO2 Emissions

Study after study shows that the corrupt scientists who are pushing Al Gore’s climate change lie, are not telling the truth, and yet another study provides more evidence that Global Warming, while possibly a real phenomenon, is not caused by man’s CO2 emissions.

The new study backs up the theory of USBACKLASH, which shows that even back in medieval times, when there was almost no man-made CO2 emissions, the entire earth heated up.

USBACKLASH believes that the earth is on a cycle of heating and cooling that cannot not be affected, or changed by man, and that the science used to make the determination that man was the cause of the rise in temperature was flawed at best and falsified at worst. The Earth’s temperature fluctuations are natural, and just as man cannot stop the earth’s seasons from changing, we cannot stop the natural heating and cooling cycles of the earth either.

Current theories of the causes and impact of global warming have been thrown into question by a new study which shows that during medieval times the whole of

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Not only is Obamacare Socialized Medicine one of the most unpopular laws passed by our government in the history of our nation, the mandate in the law that regulates inaction, and requires that US citizens purchase a service that they may not want or need, is unconstitutional. Lower courts have already ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional, and Obamacare will soon be found to be unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court as well.

Here are the results so far of a Washington Post Survey, asking the question, “Is the law’s health insurance requirement constitutional?” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/callouts/health-care-case/

96% of Americans Believe Obamacare in Unconstitutional

After being jammed down our throats, Obamacare Socialized Healthcare will soon be found to be unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court

After being jammed down our throats, Obamacare Socialized Healthcare will soon be found to be unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court

President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul is front and center at the Supreme Court for three days of hearings to determine the fate of a law aimed at extending health insurance to more than 30 million Americans.

The justices will hear arguments beginning Monday in a highly partisan legal fight between the Obama administration and the 26 states


GUILTY OF PERJURY: Prison Time Needed For Jon Corzine

GUILTY OF PERJURY: Prison Time Needed For Obama's Buddy, Jon Corzine

GUILTY OF PERJURY: Prison Time Needed For Obama's Buddy, Jon Corzine

Back in December, Corzine told lawmakers that he didn’t know where the missng funds went, and “I did not instruct anyone to lend customer funds to anyone”, when in fact, Jon Corzine gave “direct instructions” to transfer $200 million from a customer fund account to cover an overdraft in another large account.

The ONLY reason why Jon Corzine is not sitting in a prison cell right now, is because he is close with Obama.

Jon S. Corzine, MF Global Holding Ltd. (MFGLQ)’s chief executive officer, gave “direct instructions” to transfer $200 million from a customer fund account to meet an overdraft in one of the brokerage’s JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) accounts in London, according to an e-mail sent by a firm executive.

Edith O’Brien, a treasurer for the firm, said in an e-mail sent the afternoon of Oct. 28, three days before the company collapsed, that the transfer of the funds was “Per JC’s direct instructions,” according to a copy of a memo drafted by congressional investigators and

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More Obama Lies About Pipeline, Drilling, US Gas Prices Over Double What Obama Inherited

Obama has to be one of the all-time most untrustworthy members of our government!
In a purely political move, in order to gain more support from his base, Obama killed the Keystone XL pipeline earlier this year, but now wants to stand in front of a stack of pipes in Cushing, and take credit for the second half of the pipeline which can, and would have been built, even without Obama’s approval.

When Obama took office, he inherited the $1.80 gas prices that President Bush left. Soon after Obama took office, we saw gas prices starting to shoot up through the roof. This coincides with Obama saying that he didn’t think that $5-6/gal gas was a bad thing. He was just unhappy with how fast the price of a gallon of gas went up. Here Obama says that he didn’t have a problem when Gas prices went over $4 per gallon; he only had a problem with how fast the price got to over $4.

Liberal Gas Price Hypocrisy

In 2006 the Democrats and the media screamed bloody murder over …

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Brain Dead MSNBC: Karen Finney Blames Limbaugh, Gingrich, and Santorum For Trayvon Martin Shooting!

US Backlash does not support the defense of George Zimmerman after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, but we are not out to convict the man either, as many in the media have done from immediately hearing the initial reports.

Here, you will see brain-dead, piece of crap, MSNBC skank, Karen Finney, who unbelievably wants to blame the shooting of Trayvon Martin on Republicans Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum!

Get a life Karen Finney, you stupid f’ing skank!

Nobody except George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin know what happened that fateful night, and since Trayvon Martin is dead, the only person who really knows what happened is George Zimmerman. So the next time you see the piece-of-crap race baiter Al Sharpton stirring up racial tensions, or know-nothing liberal jackasses on MSNBC or CNN, saying that Zimmerman is guilty, its only a very biased guess.. nothing more.

Smart People Don’t Watch MSNBC or CNN anyway, because everyone knows all you’ll get on these two channels is Obama Swooning, lies, coverups, and a heaping pile of steaming liberal crap!

Stand Up

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Obama Has Spent More in 3 Years Than Bush Did in 8 Years as President

For all of the the idiots on the left who still attack Bush for spending, but give Obama a free pass to grossly over-spend all he wants, but will never admit that Obama, his wife, and the Culture of Corruption Democrats have trashed our country’s foreseeable economic future by spending us into a huge hole, not to bolster the economy, but only to enrich Obama’s friends and supporters, here is a little story that you will love.

National Debt has increased more under 3 years of Obama than 8 years under President Bush

National Debt has increased more under 3 years of Obama than 8 years under President Bush

It seems that Obama has spent more in just over 3 years than President Bush spent in 8 years. Just to cut off the know-nothings on the left who will say, “Yea, but Obama had to deal with the recession (that he and the Democrats caused) and had to clean up Bush’s mess” Bush entered the White House in the beginning of a recession, with the Internet Bubble busting, and also had to deal with the worst terrorist attack in the history of the world, while cleaning …

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