Inept Harry Reid Wishes Tea Party Power Will Fade, Blames Republicans For The Obama, Democrat Downgrade

It’s funny to hear someone like inept Harry Reid, who came very close to losing his seat to a tea party Republican, talk about the demise of the Tea Party. Wishful thinking Harry, but it isn’t going to happen!

If Harry Reid thinks that the tea party is fading away, then just wait – Harry is in for some very big surprises!
The Tea Party is getting stronger every day, despite the corrupt liberal media attacking them. The Tea Party will take more seats away from corrupt Democrats in 2012, (maybe even Harry’s) at which time not even the corrupt Obama-Swooning liberal media or Harry Reid will not be able to deny the power of the people.

“Anyone who minimizes the Tea Party by extension minimizes the (Obama Administration’s) massive spending problems that created it in the first place.”

Can Harry Reid wait out the Tea Party?

The Senate majority leader seems to think so.

Reid sat down with more than 30 Review-Journal staffers Friday afternoon for an hour-long Q&A session at the newspaper’s offices. The bulk of the back

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US Taxpayers Pay Monthly Salaries To Terrorists Prisoners, Wives, Children

This is unbelievable! US taxpayers pay monthly salaries to terrorists, including their wives and children, while they sit in jail for murdering U.S. citizens. “These are people who planned, directed and took part in the intentional sadistic slaughter of civilian men, women and children, at point blank range.” Why do terrorists, or anyone for that matter, get paid for sitting in prison? They should be put out of our misery instead of being paid to rot in prison.

Every single Palestinian Authority terrorist held in an Israeli jail receives a monthly salary from the PA. Terrorists who committed the most heinous crimes – and therefore received longer sentences – receive the most money, according to a report in Israeli paper Yisrael Hayom.

Citing a report received by a senior government official in Jerusalem, the paper says that the terrorists’ salaries are paid from the PA’s “public budget,” which accounts for about 3.5 percent of its total budget.

The PA treasury receives cash from two main sources: the US pays about 50 percent of the money, and the rest is mostly

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A U.S. appeals court for the 11th Circuit ruled today that Obama’s Socialized Healthcare law, (now re-branded by the corrupt Democrats as the “Affordable Care Act” to try and trick people into thinking it’s not the same thing as Obamacare) which forces people to purchase a service against their will, or else face a penalty, was unconstitutional.

Obama and the corrupt, brain-dead, socialists that run the Democrat party have not given up, and again said that “Today’s ruling is one of many decisions on the Affordable Care Act that we will see in the weeks and months ahead. In the end, we are confident the Act will ultimately be upheld as constitutional”.

We doubt it, unless the liberal jackasses in the 9th District are the ones to make the ruling..

President Barack Obama’s healthcare law suffered a setback Friday when a U.S. appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.

The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, found that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to


Obama Administration Lies, Uses Fallen U.S. Soldiers for Political Gain

The despicable Obama administration has gone against the wishes of our fallen soldiers’ families and allowed images to be taken at the ceremony when their bodies were brought back home.

When President Bush was in office, in order to try and make our president look bad, Obama and the Democrats lifted the ban on the media taking pictures of the caskets of our fallen soldiers, upon their return. The Democrats used the lifting of that ban at every opportunity to show the soldiers whose blood they claimed was on the hands of President Bush.

Now that Obama is in office though, they don’t want the American public to see all of the dead soldiers and blood on the hands of Obama, so they again impose a ban on the media to keep the huge increase of military deaths a secret.
Despite the Pentagon’s claim that any public depiction of the homecoming ceremony for our dead soldiers would go against the wishes of the soldier’s families, but Obama’s photographer was allowed to take pictures at the ceremony, and distributed an image …

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Republicans Win 4 of 6 WI Recall Elections, Voters Primed To Recall Democrats

Despite the many millions of dollars wasted by rich liberals, socialists, and national labor groups to try and undo the will of the people in the last election, the Republicans won 4 of the 6 recall elections that were held yesterday in Wisconsin.

Now we will see what happens in the Democrat recall elections that come next. I think you will see the Republicans gain back the two seats lost in the first round when the Democrats lose their recall elections.

Republicans held onto control of the Wisconsin Senate on Tuesday, beating back four Democratic challengers in a recall election despite an intense political backlash against GOP support for Gov. Scott Walker’s effort to curb public employees’ union rights.

Fueled by millions of dollars from national labor groups, the attempt to remove GOP incumbents served as both a referendum on Walker’s conservative revolution and could provide a new gauge of the public mood less than a year after Republicans made sweeping gains in this state and many others.

Two Democratic incumbents face recalls next week, but even if Democrats win

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Desperate Left Continues Blaming Tea Party For Obama’s Failed Economic Policy

I laugh at these stupid hacks on TV, like Loony-Bin Alan Colmes, Goof-Ball Ed Schultz, Wack-Job Al Gore, and even No-Jobs Obama and Joe Gaff-Master Biden and Rep. Nobody-Cares Mike Doyle, who blame the Tea Party for Obama’s failure to produce a budget in 3 years, in conjunction with Obama’s out-of-control spending, which are the real reasons we are facing the precarious position of our economy.

Instead of taking blame for their fiscal failures and inability to govern, they play the blame game and blame everything and everyone under the sun, and then attack the Tea Party. These jackasses have called us terrorists, rapists, kidnappers, suicide bombers, and other completely crazy, false, and derogatory terms that they wanted the Corrupt Obama Swooning Media to latch onto, and then drum-beat into the heads of the know-nothing-mush-brains out there who believe anything they hear on these corrupt media outlets.

The truth is that IF Obama’s failed stimulus would have worked, and actually created jobs, there would have been a plenty of “revenues” flowing into the government, and there never would …

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Unhinged Al Gore Clings To Debunked Climate Change Sham

Al Gore, who has been making millions upon millions of dollars off the global warming lie, which was cooked up by Gore and some of his crooked “scientists”, is unhappy that everyone doesn’t agree with the sham science used to back up the false claim of man-made global warming.

Gore goes as far as to say that the people who don’t agree with him have been paying “pseudo-scientists” to debunk the climate change scam, but as Democrats always do, they accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are doing. It has been shown time and time again that the people pretending to be scientists to back up Gore’s lie, are nothing more than scam artists, who shaped data, and used faulty science to perpetuate the Global Warming lie.

Most REAL scientists can see (and admit) that the Earth goes through cyclical warming and cooling cycles, and that man did not cause the damage to the climate that Al Gore and his fake “scientists” claim. Al Gore stands to lose a lot of money and respect if and when …

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No Urgency: Obama Finally Speaks About His Manufactured Credit Downgrade

So Obama finally decided that he will grace the American people with more of his teleprompter reading, and stopped his constant campaigning and fundraising to speak about his party’s artificially manufactured credit rating downgrade. The first in our nation’s history, under Obama’s watchful eye..

Now he says that trying to fix his destruction of our economy is “something we can do as soon as Congress gets back,” and that “I intend to present my own recommendations over the coming weeks”

Why do we have to wait weeks for you to do something about your royal screw-up? We are all supposed to sit here and deal with Obama and the Democrat’s mess, while the people who caused it vacation, like kings and queens, on our dime? BULLSHIT! Get back to work jackasses, and don’t stop working until you have our country back on a track to solvency!!

A familiar air of indecision preceded President Obama’s pep talk to the nation.

The first draft of his schedule for Monday contained no plans to comment on the downgrading of the U.S. credit rating

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