Weak NY Mayor: Michael “No Balls” Bloomberg Caves In to Anti-Capitalism “Occupy” Mob

New York City Mayor Michael “No Balls” Bloomberg has shown over and over that he has absolutely no backbone, and now “No Balls” Bloomberg has waved the white flag of surrender to the NY City to the mob of stinky hippies, stoners, criminals, union thugs, drug dealers that comprise the anti-capitalism “occupy” mob taking up permanent residence in Zuccotti Park.

“No Balls” Bloomberg is trying to use a very lame excuse for his weakness and lack of backbone, saying that because the sanitation company who cleans the park decided not to clean Zuccotti Park, (out of regard and fear for their own safety) so the mob of stoners, hippies, and drug dealers living in the park can continue?

Grow some balls Bloomberg!

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says that pressure from other elected officials led the real-estate company that owns Zuccotti Park, the makeshift home of the Occupy Wall Street movement, to postpone its plans to clear the plaza for cleaning Friday.

Protesters and authorities appeared to be headed for a showdown early Friday until it was announced around

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Unhinged, Vile, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To “Die On The Floor”

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Intellectually-Challenged Nancy Pelosi has tried using completely false scare tactics, so often used by the Democrats, to try and claim that a bill which is intended to prevent U.S. Tax Dollars from being spent on Obamacare abortions is passed, would mean that healthcare companies would allow women to “die on the floor”.

Go take your medications Nancy. They seem to be wearing off.

“Under this bill, when the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor, and healthcare providers do not have to intervene, if this bill is passed. It’s just appalling”

Watch this video of Nasty Pelosi trying to explain how Republicans want women to “die on the floor”.

Nancy Pelosi is an unhinged, vile, lying SKANK!!
If people want to get abortions under Obamacare, then they an either pay for it themselves, or Nancy Pelosi can pay for it, but I will not give one cent to pay for abortions.

President Obama’s press

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Gaffe-King Biden Claims Rapes & Murders Would Increase If Obamas Dangerous “Jobs Plan” Not Passed

Brain-Dead, Gaffe-King, Biden Warns of More Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Is Not Passed

Brain-Dead, Gaffe-King, Biden Warns of More Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Is Not Passed

Brain-Dead, Gaffe-King, Joe Biden, has tried to make a connection to the number of rapes and murders committed in the U.S. to Mr. Obama’s “Jobs Plan” by saying that “God only knows what the numbers will be this year” if the new “Jobs Plan” is not passed. Good try jack-ass, but I think those hair plugs are making you more of an idiot..

The Democrats, all the way to the top, are continuing to use the politics of fear, as they always do, to try and scare people into supporting their dangerous and brainless policies.
U.S. Citizens will no longer fall for the Democrats scams and lies because we have all seen what happens when Obama tries “saving or creating” jobs. What happens is Obama and the Democrats waste trillions of our hard-earned tax dollars paying back his friends and supporters, while the unemployment rate continues to climb. The jobs they do create cost the American Taxpayer upwards of $200,000.00 per job “created or saved”. …

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Before Fast & Furious Scandal, Eric Holder Had Long History of Corruption and Lies

Before Fast & Furious, Eric Holder Has Long History of Corruption and Lies

Before Fast & Furious, Eric Holder Has Long History of Corruption and Lies

Why anyone would be surprised that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress regarding his knowledge of the “Fast and Furious” Gun Trafficking Scandal, has not been paying attention to the unbelievable corruption and cover-ups coming from the Obama administration.

Eric Holder has absolutely NO business being Attorney General, and with his inept, law-skirting ways, Holder probably wouldn’t even make it as a mall security guard.

An investigation into the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” gunrunning probe, which allowed hundreds of weapons to be illegally “walked” into Mexico, is not the first time Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s truthfulness has been challenged by members of Congress.

In 2001, the House Government Reform Committee questioned the accuracy of Mr. Holder’s depiction of what he did as deputy attorney general in the last-minute pardon by President Clinton of fugitive financier Marc Rich, whose former wife, Denise Rich, had donated $1.3 million to Democrats.

Two years earlier, Mr. Holder came under fire for refusing to tell a Senate committee

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Chicagoland Corruption: Union Leaders Scam $500,000.00 Pensions

'Insane' even by Illinois standards? Union official to get $500,000 in pensions

'Insane' even by Illinois standards? Union official to get $500,000 in pensions

More Typical Chicagoland Democrat Corruption Running Rampant in Chicago!

How is it that a labor leader gets hooked up with two pensions worth about $500,000 a year, in a city which is drowning in a sea of overblown pensions, and has the worst credit rating of any state?
The answer is simple. These jackasses are Democrat union members, in the most corrupt city in the United States, and supported by the most corrupt president in our nation’s history, who is also a byproduct of the Chicagoland corruption and crime.

The brain-dead people in Illinois will never do anything about the crime and corruption ruining their state though. As they have done for decades, they will continue to allow a few corrupt Democrats in Chicago to take down the economy of the entire state of Illinois. That’s what they get though for continuing to vote corrupt losers into office!

When Chicago goes bankrupt, in order to pay off his friends and supporters, you can bet that Obama will pour …

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Obama’s New $1.2 Billion SunPower Loan Scandal – Twice As Big As Solyndra

Obama's New $1.2 Billion SunPower Loan Scandal - Twice as big as Solyndra

Obama's New $1.2 Billion SunPower Loan Scandal - Twice as big as Solyndra

The Obama administration gave another obviously failing California solar company $1.2 billion in federal loan guarantees, even though the company had only weeks earlier announced that they would be building a new manufacturing plant in Mexicali, Mexico to manufacturer the solar panels.

So much for American jobs, as well as so much for the billions of our tax dollars the Obama administration flushed down the toilet, as payouts to their friends and supporters.

The Obama administration – Corruption and Crony Capitalism at it’s finest.

How did a failing California solar company, buffeted by short sellers and shareholder lawsuits, receive a $1.2 billion federal loan guarantee for a photovoltaic electricity ranch project—three weeks after it announced it was building new manufacturing plant in Mexicali, Mexico, to build the panels for the project.

The company, SunPower (SPWR-NASDAQ), now carries $820 million in debt, an amount $20 million greater than its market capitalization. If SunPower was a bank, the feds would shut it down. Instead, it received a lifeline twice

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Obama’s Energy Department Ignored Treasury Warning on Legality of Solyndra Loan Restructuring

Obama Emanuel Chicagoland Solyndra Loan Restructuring Scandal

Obama Emanuel Chicagoland Solyndra Loan Restructuring Scandal

Before the Obama administration Energy Dept illegally restructured the Solyndra loan, to assure that Obama’s friends and supporters would be paid back BEFORE the U.S. Taxpayer, they were warned by Mary Miller, the assistant Treasury secretary, that doing so could be illegal, and urged Obama’s Energy Department to consult with the Justice Department before restructuring the Solyndra loan.

Obama and his Energy Department think that they are above the law though, and followed through with the restructuring anyway, without clearing the with the Justice Department.

We hope more info continues to come out, so that we can get to the bottom of how the $500 billion Solyndra loan deal, the loan restructuring, and also who in the Obama administration knew what and when. Unfortunately, most of the real damming evidence has probably already been destroyed by the Obama administration.

Either way, a Special Council should definitely be set up to investigate the Solyndra Scandal, and the corrupt Democrats who were involved, and who throw our money around to their friends, family, and supporters.…

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