Before Fast & Furious Scandal, Eric Holder Had Long History of Corruption and Lies
Eric Holder has absolutely NO business being Attorney General, and with his inept, law-skirting ways, Holder probably wouldn’t even make it as a mall security guard.
…An investigation into the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” gunrunning probe, which allowed hundreds of weapons to be illegally “walked” into Mexico, is not the first time Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s truthfulness has been challenged by members of Congress.
In 2001, the House Government Reform Committee questioned the accuracy of Mr. Holder’s depiction of what he did as deputy attorney general in the last-minute pardon by President Clinton of fugitive financier Marc Rich, whose former wife, Denise Rich, had donated $1.3 million to Democrats.
Two years earlier, Mr. Holder came under fire for refusing to tell a Senate committee
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