Obama & Democrat Supported Anti-American “Occupy Mobs” Sing “Fuck the USA”

For anyone unsure of the motives of the “Occupy Mobs”, here is a video you will never see on any of the corrupt, Obama-Swooning media that shows exactly how they feel about out great nation. (Feelings obviously supported and shared by Obama and the Democrats)

Obama and the Democrats have come out with overwelming support for the hippies, drug dealers, drug addicts, Socialists, Marxists, and union thugs that make up the Anti-American, Anti-Capitalism, “Occupy Mobs”.

These Socialist Democrats, and their occupy mobs, hate America so much that they even sing songs like the one in this video where they all sing “Fuck the USA”

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform because they don’t want the American People to see the truth. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Obama and the Democrats should be held responsible for the hundreds of violent crimes and social unrest that their support of these criminal mobs has caused.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Obama Tries Keeping White House Visitor Logs Secret & Off-Limits

So much for the Obama administration being an open and transparent administration, as they claimed rthey would be in order to be elected.

Once elected though, the Obama administration has turned out to be the most corrupt, closed, and secretive administration in the history of our nation.

What is the Obama administration hiding?

What new scandals, crony capitalism, corruption, fraud, or radical terrorist friends would we learn about from looking onto who has been visiting Obama?

The Obama administration is appealing a judge’s ruling that Secret Service records of visitors to the White House complex are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Justice Department filed a formal notice of appeal Friday afternoon regarding U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell’s August ruling rejecting arguments that the so-called WAVES records belong to the White House even though they are maintained and used by the Secret Service.

The decision to appeal the ruling to the D.C. Circuit would appear to be in tension with Obama’s repeated pledges to operate the most transparent administration in history. The White House announced

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Crony Corruption: Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Solyndra Inside Man at WH

Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Inside Man for Solyndra at WH

Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Inside Man for Solyndra at WH

The Soylndra Solar Panel green-jobs scandal gets worse for the Obama administration everyday, and we are now learning of a new figure central to the Obama scandal which gave his friends and supporters over $500 billion of taxpayer money, just before going bankrupt.

David Prend is an Obama adviser, who pushed hard for the $500 million federal loan guarantee, even though Rockport Capital, Mr. Prend’s company, stood to greatly benefit from the loan because Rockport Capital was an investor and partial owner of Solyndra.

These “Green Jobs Scandals” go all the way to the top of the Obama administration, and they are currently doing their best to mitigate the damages by covering up their roles in the scandals. We will probably never see the evidence showing how up the ladder high these scandals go, but we all know it stops on Obama’s doorstep.

“I thought the White House might want to take advantage of this event to highlight a highly successful public/private partnership.”

— Obama adviser

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Weak NY Mayor: Michael “No Balls” Bloomberg Caves In to Anti-Capitalism “Occupy” Mob

New York City Mayor Michael “No Balls” Bloomberg has shown over and over that he has absolutely no backbone, and now “No Balls” Bloomberg has waved the white flag of surrender to the NY City to the mob of stinky hippies, stoners, criminals, union thugs, drug dealers that comprise the anti-capitalism “occupy” mob taking up permanent residence in Zuccotti Park.

“No Balls” Bloomberg is trying to use a very lame excuse for his weakness and lack of backbone, saying that because the sanitation company who cleans the park decided not to clean Zuccotti Park, (out of regard and fear for their own safety) so the mob of stoners, hippies, and drug dealers living in the park can continue?

Grow some balls Bloomberg!

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says that pressure from other elected officials led the real-estate company that owns Zuccotti Park, the makeshift home of the Occupy Wall Street movement, to postpone its plans to clear the plaza for cleaning Friday.

Protesters and authorities appeared to be headed for a showdown early Friday until it was announced around

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Unhinged, Vile, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To “Die On The Floor”

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Intellectually-Challenged Nancy Pelosi has tried using completely false scare tactics, so often used by the Democrats, to try and claim that a bill which is intended to prevent U.S. Tax Dollars from being spent on Obamacare abortions is passed, would mean that healthcare companies would allow women to “die on the floor”.

Go take your medications Nancy. They seem to be wearing off.

“Under this bill, when the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor, and healthcare providers do not have to intervene, if this bill is passed. It’s just appalling”

Watch this video of Nasty Pelosi trying to explain how Republicans want women to “die on the floor”.

Nancy Pelosi is an unhinged, vile, lying SKANK!!
If people want to get abortions under Obamacare, then they an either pay for it themselves, or Nancy Pelosi can pay for it, but I will not give one cent to pay for abortions.

President Obama’s press

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Billionares George Soros & Others Are “Men Behind the Curtain” Funding “Occupy” Mobs

George Soros is funding Obama's Class Warfare


One of the richest men in the world, Billionare George Soros, is funding the “Occupy Mobs” as a way to start bringing about their anti-capitalist transformation of America.

Just look at some of the signs these hippie jack-asses are carrying around. (as if they could read) The signs being carried around say things like “CAPITALISM IS A CRIME”, and many other Anti-Capitalism signs.

Anti-Wall Street protesters say the rich are getting richer while average Americans suffer, but the group that started it all may have benefited indirectly from the largesse of one of the world’s richest men.

There has been much speculation over who is financing the disparate protest, which has spread to cities across America and lasted nearly four weeks. One name that keeps coming up is investor George Soros, who in September debuted in the top 10 list of wealthiest Americans. Conservative critics contend the movement is a Trojan horse for a secret Soros agenda.

Soros and the protesters deny any connection. But Reuters did find indirect financial links between Soros and Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in

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Illegals Begin Leaving State After Majority of Alabama Immigration Law Upheld

Illegal Immigration Border Crossing Sign

Illegal Immigration Border Crossing Sign

Good news on the illegal immigration front! Most of the changes to Alabama illegal immigration laws have been upheld, and the people who have invaded our country illegally are starting to leave.

One illegal immigrant student said “Alabama makes me live in fear. If mom drives me to school, a policeman could arrest me just because of the color of my skin”

That is typical from the left, but also COMPLETELY false! YOU ALLOW YOURSELF to live in fear by not entering our country correctly and legally, and also by not taking the necessary steps to become a legal citizen of the United States.

If you were to be arrested and deported, it would NOT be because of the color of your skin, but because you broke our nation’s laws by entering the country illegally. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the United States has many LEGAL citizens who originally came from Mexico, who do not “live in fear”, or worry about being deported, because they followed the law.…

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Gaffe-King Biden Claims Rapes & Murders Would Increase If Obamas Dangerous “Jobs Plan” Not Passed

Brain-Dead, Gaffe-King, Biden Warns of More Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Is Not Passed

Brain-Dead, Gaffe-King, Biden Warns of More Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Is Not Passed

Brain-Dead, Gaffe-King, Joe Biden, has tried to make a connection to the number of rapes and murders committed in the U.S. to Mr. Obama’s “Jobs Plan” by saying that “God only knows what the numbers will be this year” if the new “Jobs Plan” is not passed. Good try jack-ass, but I think those hair plugs are making you more of an idiot..

The Democrats, all the way to the top, are continuing to use the politics of fear, as they always do, to try and scare people into supporting their dangerous and brainless policies.
U.S. Citizens will no longer fall for the Democrats scams and lies because we have all seen what happens when Obama tries “saving or creating” jobs. What happens is Obama and the Democrats waste trillions of our hard-earned tax dollars paying back his friends and supporters, while the unemployment rate continues to climb. The jobs they do create cost the American Taxpayer upwards of $200,000.00 per job “created or saved”. …

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