BOOM!!! US Attorney General William Barr: ‘I Think Spying (On Trump Campaign by the Democrats) Did Occur’

BOOM!!! US Attorney General William Barr said in today’s testimony that he does think that the Democrats illegally spied on the Trump campaign – basically saying that they will be investigating the illegal coup attempt against the President of the United States.

BOOM!!! US Attorney General William Barr: 'I Think Spying (On Trump Campaign by the Democrats) Did Occur'

BOOM!!! US Attorney General William Barr: ‘I Think Spying (On Trump Campaign by the Democrats) Did Occur’

Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen asked Barr whether he believed the Democrats and the FBI illegally spied on the Trump campaign, and Barr stunned everyone with his glorious answer!

Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen: “News just broke today that you have a special team looking into why the FBI opened an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. I wonder if you can share with this committee who is on that team, why you felt a need to form that kind of a team and what you intend to be the scope of their investigation?”

US Attorney General William Barr: “I am going to be reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016. One of the things I want to do is pull together all the information from the various investigations that have gone on… and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed.”

Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen: “You’re not suggesting, though, that spying occurred?”

US Attorney General William Barr: “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal. I don’t.. well, I guess you could. I think spying did occur, yes. I think spying did occur.”

The look on Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s face was priceless after Attorney General William Barr admitted that he did think that there was illegal spying of the Trump campaign by Democrats.
Shaheen was absolutely speechless, and stammered for a few seconds while she regained her bearings.

“I am going to be reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016. One of the things I want to do is pull together all the information from the various investigations that have gone on… and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed.” – US Attorney General William Barr

I’d LOVE to see the beehive of activity at the two biggest and worst offenders of fake news, CNN and MSNBC, as they try and find a way to spin the words of Attorney General William Barr in a way that doesn’t mean BIG PROBLEMS for the Democrats and their Fake News Media Arm, and possible prison time for the guilty.

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