The black “leaders” are calling on black racists to “collect White folks” who don’t follow their rules?
“Call-in / Collect White folks who are causing harm and/or breaking guidelines set by Black leadership”
When you “collect” someone without their permission, that is probably just called kidnapping, so good luck with that, because all that will do is put more black people in prison.
I honestly really don”t care what the Obama administration, Al (Race Huckster) Sharpton, the liberal media, or the mob of black people are saying. I know with 100% certainty that Black people are FAR more racist than whites, and I know cops have a tough job on their hands trying to keep the crime low in the black communities!!
There is absolutely no comparison in the level of racism in the black communities and the white communities, and you know why?
Black people teach young black kids to be racist against white people, and to fight authority, from the time they are born. So it’s no wonder why we have so many violent black criminals – many of whom end up getting arrested and put in jail, or killed by police while acting out or resisting arrest.
Now, these so-called black “protesters” are blaming white people for the reactions to their crimes, and are really just a bunch of entitled racists, making up the dangerous new face of racism in America.
To all those guilt-ridden whites out there wondering how they can use their overabundance of privilege to help oppressed blacks, you now have a list of rules and guidelines to help get you started.
Tweeting from a protest of police brutality against blacks in Boston, a fellow white ally shared with all his privileged brethren what their black counterparts expect of them should they decide to help out the cause.
Titled under “White Peoples Roles & Responsibilities,” white people are ordered to follow such wonderfully harmonious directions as “direct media to black leadership,” “follow directions of black leadership,” “stay off the megaphone,” and “call-in/collect white folks who are breaking guidelines set by black leadership.” See tweet below:
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