VIDEO: MSNBC Hack Lawrence O’Donnell Obviously Doesn’t Like Being Told the Truth by Donny Deutsch That Warren Can’t Beat Trump

MSNBC Hack Lawrence O’Donnell really didn’t want to hear the truth that “Saturday Night Politics” host Donny Deutsch was telling him – which was that weak, shaky, fake Indian Elizabeth Warren will be completely wiped off the stage by President Trump within a few minutes.

O’Donnell called the observation by Deutsch a “wild guess”, but it’s really not a guess, it’s a fact, which is painfully obvious to anyone who isn’t a raving lunatic Socialist.

Every fucking thing that these dickholes talk about on their bottom-of-the-barrel shows is all wild guesses, made-up bullshit & lies – but the snowflakes on MSNBC obviously can’t handle even the slightest bit of reality.

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