Violent Former Philadelphia Police Officer Verdict Delayed

Oh, now after 4-5 months, the former Philadelphia Police officer, Jonathan Josey, who cold-cocked a lady during Philadelphia’s Puerto Rican Day parade, says that he was just trying to take a bottle of Corona beer from her hand.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

What a total crock of shit! He meant to hit the lady in the face, and deserves every bit of castigation
he has received.

Police officers can be the most dangerous criminals around, and it’s good that this piece of trash, Josey, no longer wears a badge!

The former officer’s story is not the slightest bit believable, and he did lose his job over it, but he probably should have spent some time in jail as well for his violent assault of an innocent citizen.

The seconds-long video clearly shows former Philadelphia Police Lt. Jonathan Josey stride after Aida Guzman during a chaotic incident at a street party after last September’s Puerto Rican Day parade.

And it clearly

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Elizabeth Warren Goon Driver Loses Cool, Physically Assaults ‘Tracker’ Camera Man

Elizabeth Warren seems to have a team of hired goons that follow her around and physically assault and threaten people. One of those goons physically assaulted and threatened a GOP ‘tracker’ for filming the fake Cherokee.

Then after the violent assault became public, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign lied about the situation and threw her employee under the bus to try and cover up the assault, saying that the goon in the video is just a “cab driver”, and not a member of her staff. Bullshit! It wasn’t a cab; it looked more like a campaign vehicle, and cab drivers don’t assault people because they are videotaping someone getting a ride in their cab.

It looks to us that Elizabeth Warren pays her goons to assault people she doesn’t like, and if anyone should have been calling the police it should have been the ‘tracker’, whose camera was smashed out of his hands by Elizabeth Warren’s violent hired goons.

Massachusetts Republicans have released a video that they claim shows an aide for Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren physically assaulting an employee of

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