Anti American Obama Administration Admits Granting Executive Amnesty to Gang Banger Charged with Four Counts of Murder

Anti American Obama Administration Admits Granting Executive Amnesty to Gang Banger Charged with Four Counts of Murder

Anti American Obama Administration Admits Granting Executive Amnesty to Gang Banger Charged with Four Counts of Murder

The Obama administration hates America, but loves terrorists and criminals.

Obama’s hate of America is easy to see – especially after the terrorist loving Obama administration has admitted giving executive amnesty to a gang member charged with 4 counts of murder.

If you hate America, and attack America, you will always get preferential treatment by the Obama administration.
If you are a terrorist who has killed Americans, you will be let go by the terrorist friendly Obama administration, and sent back onto the battlefield to go out and kill more Americans.

The Obama administration is admitting it granted executive amnesty protections to a known gang member — one charged with four counts of murder — and is now reviewing prior approvals to double check that other gang members have not also been approved for deferred status.

In a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) dated Friday, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Leon Rodriguez explains that Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez’s request

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Terrorist-Loving Obama Admin Disregards Terrorist-Filled Mosques From Unconstitutional NSA Spying Scheme

Obama’s spies are definitely unconstitutionally spying on Americans, but will not spy on terrorists in a mosque, where terrorists hang out.

So the corrupt friend of every terrorist – The Obama administration – says that their unconstitutional NSA spy ring has stopped “dozens” of terrorist attacks, which itself is completely false, but how can the brain-dead Obama administration think that their NSA Spying Scandal would help stop terrorists if they are not even spying on the terrorists.

This proves a few things.
1) The terrorist-friendly Obama administration actively helps terrorists avoid capture.
2) The Obama administration’s spying scheme was aimed at Americans, not terrorists.
3) The inept Obama administration has no clue what they are doing, or how to stop terrorism,.
4) Obama policies actually help terrorists enter our country and deliver their hate-filled terror attacks.

Homeland Insecurity: The White House assures that tracking our every phone call and keystroke is to stop terrorists, and yet it won’t snoop in mosques, where the terrorists are.

That’s right, the government’s sweeping surveillance of our most private communications excludes the jihad factories

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