Obama Admin’s AG Eric Holder Continues Ignoring 2011 Subpoena – Hides Details of Fast & Furious Scandal & Cover-Up

Obama Admin's AG Eric Holder Continue Ignoring 2011 Subpoena to Hide Details of Fast & Furious Scandal & Cover-Up

Obama Admin's AG Eric Holder Continue Ignoring 2011 Subpoena to Hide Details of Fast & Furious Scandal & Cover-Up

Eric Holder continues to ignore the 2011 subpoena aimed at getting to the bottom of Obama and Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious Gun-Running Scandal and subsequent cover-up. Disregarding a federal subpoena is something that you or I would have been thrown in prison for long ago, but Eric Holder feels that he is above the law, and cannot be held accountable for the crimes they have committed, or let be committed with their full knowledge and approval.

Eric Holder and the Justice Department were supposed to be handing over all documents pertaining to the Fast & Furious Gun Running Scandal & Coverup, but they have not released any documents that could help the investigation, or shed light on how Obama’s Justice Department allowed thousands of high-powered, fully automatic assault rifles to be sold to criminals, and then never tracked the illegally sold firearms. “Nothing has come from your department, not a shred of paper” Issa to Holder

Eric Holder Belongs In

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Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver Wants To Make You Pay For His Carwash Facility

Bank of America Files $1.5 Million Suit Against Deadbeat Lawmaker Emanuel Cleaver – Head of Congressional Black Caucus

Bank of America Files $1.5 Million Suit Against Deadbeat Lawmaker Emanuel Cleaver – Head of Congressional Black Caucus

Typical Dead-Beat Democrats – Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) took out a loan, which was largely backed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Dead-Beat Democrat Emanuel Cleaver failed to pay back $1.1 million of the $1.5 million loan, and when the loan defaults, U.S. Taxpayers (you and me) will be on the hook to pay off Dead-Beat Democrat Emanuel Cleaver’s loan.

Maybe the CBC should be called the “Corrupt Black Criminals” because Democrats are the most corrupt, least trustworthy bunch of idiots that I have ever seen in my life! My guess is that Dead-Beat Democrat Emanuel Cleaver knows that he is not really on the hook for the $1.5 million SBA-Backed loan, so he has no intention of paying it off. As with most members of the Democrat Culture of Corruption, they fail to pay their taxes, or bills, and then blame their crimes on someone else, like their accountant, and the same will be the case here. We …

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$1.6 BILLION In Taxpayer Money Spent On Free Cellphones & Cellular Service For the Poor!

This is completely wrong!! LAST YEAR ALONE, our wasteful, brain-dead government, led by the weak, ultra-liberal, know-nothing Obama, spent $1.6 Billion to provide free cell phones and free cell phone service to the poor.

Why is the ability of the poor to make cellular phone calls a necessity that U.S. Taxpayers have to be stuck on the hook to pay for?

Many of us grew up when there were not many cell phones, and everyone was still able to call one another.
They may not have been able to talk on the phone while away from a land line, like when driving, but we did not all die because we didn’t have cell phones.

I don’t have Netflix, so maybe the government will pay for my Netflix account as well?? I’m not a liberal piece of crap though, so I seriously doubt it..

Last year, a federal program paid out $1.6 billion to cover free cell phones and the monthly bills of 12.5 million wireless accounts. The program, overseen by the FCC and intended to help low-income Americans, is popular

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Solyndra, Major Obama Donor, Declares Bankruptcy After Receiving $535 Million Federal Loan

So let’s get this straight. This is different than the very similar story of Evergreen Solar Inc, which also received millions of dollars from the Obama administration, before going bankrupt.

The Obama administration guaranteed a another failing company, Solyndra solar panel company, $535 million government backed loan, which seems more like a reward for the donations Steve Westley gave to the Obama campaign. The company then declares bankruptcy, lays off 1,100 employees, and bilks the U.S. People out of a half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. Then Obama goes off the deep end and names the donor, Steve Westley, to the President’s Energy Advisory Board.

This stinks like more corruption of the worst kind from the Obama administration.

Solyndra, a San Francisco based solar panel company that received a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government has declared bankruptcy. Last year President Obama touted the company as “leading the way” in the green jobs future he envisions.

Just a few months ago, ABC News revealed that one of the major financial backers for Solyndra is also a

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