Obama Admin Continues Hiding Latest Terrorist Attack Using “Preposterous” Video Story

Obama Admin Tries Hiding Latest Terrorist Attack Using "Preposterous" Video Story

Obama Admin Tries Hiding Latest Terrorist Attack Using “Preposterous” Video Story

The Obama administration, eager to keep yet another terrorist attack from being logged on their watch, are pulling out the stops to try and further the lie that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was a “spontaneous” reaction to some anti-Muslim video that nobody in the world even knew about.

Even the Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif called the Obama story that the U.S. Consulate attack was a spontaneous reaction to some video “preposterous.”

The fact is that the Obama administration was alerted to the oncoming attack 72 hours before it took place, but Obama was too busy campaigning to do anything, or warn anyone.
Instead of alerting American diplomats in Libya of the impending danger, Obama went to bed and had a nice peaceful rest as an assault on the United States consulate in Libya heated up and U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and others were assassinated.

This is another planned terrorist attack on America that happened due to Obama’s lack of leadership, and his weak policies …

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Incompetent Obama’s State Department Received Warning of Libya Attack – Did Nothing – Warned Nobody

Incompetent Obama's State Department Received Warning of Libya Attack - Did Nothing - Warned Nobody

Incompetent Obama’s State Department Received Warning of Libya Attack – Did Nothing – Warned Nobody

Obama’s State Department had a 48 hour warning, and could have at least notified the diplomats and other American serving overseas of the impending danger, but as usual Obama’s people have shown their incompetence, and they did nothing to warn our people who were in grave danger.

Maybe, if Obama would have attended a few of his Intel Meetings, he wold have know what was about to happen.

I’d say that US ambassador Chris Stevens’ blood is on the Obama administration’s hands due to their incompetence and inaction.

The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.

American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.

The US administration is now facing a

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