PGA Loser Tiger Woods Donated Up To $50,000 to Corrupt Clinton Foundation in 2015

Tiger Wood has apparently donated up to $50,000 to the criminally-corrupt Clinton Foundation in 2015 alone.

PGA Loser Tiger Woods Donated Up To $50,000 to Corrupt Clinton Foundation in 2015

PGA Loser Tiger Woods Donated Up To $50,000 to Corrupt Clinton Foundation in 2015

I like the original headline that says “Famous Adulterer Donates Thousands to Other Famous Adulterer’s Charity”, because cheating loser Tiger Woods donated a lot of money to a corrupt organization, started by impeached womanizing sexual deviant liar Bill Clinton.

As an avid golfer, and fan of most professional golfers, I used to always pull for Tiger Woods to win, but not anymore! Now, I feel that Tiger Woods is a liberal loser, who doesn’t deserve the support of Conservative PGA fans, and I always hope that Tiger continues to miss the cuts, and that his ranking continues to fall.

At this rate, Tiger Woods will be out of the sport of Golf in the next few years, which would actually be good for the sport.

PGA fans want to see the new stars of the PGA, like Jordan Speith – not having to re-hash the sad, drudged up past of womanizing cheater Tiger Woods.

Adulterer and former golf star Tiger Woods donated between $25,001 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in the first half of 2015, records show. The charitable organization was founded by adulterer and former President Bill Clinton. The two men are perhaps the most renowned philanderers in America, yet for whatever reason Clinton is far more respected in the public eye, and occasionally wins “father of the year” awards.

Woods is one of more than 10,500 individuals and organization who donated to the Clinton Foundation in the first half of the year. That’s a significant increase from the 8,800 donors who contributed during the same period last year, but it probably has nothing to do with the fact that Hillary officially announced her presidential campaign in April, because the Clinton Foundation is exclusively a charitable organization that does a lot of good in the world and is definitely not a slush fund for influence peddlers.

Have a good weekend.

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