Walmart loss prevention accused this lady of being a thief and a liar, but ended up coming off looking like a complete and total fatass piece of shit loser, and made Walmart look even worse than they already do.
The lady who was accused of being a thief was understandably pissed off, and had a few choice words for the brainless Walmart turd, and then the fatass piece of shit Walmart Loss Prevention asshole actually responds by saying “Keep cussing on me.. see where it’s gonna get you.” and then demands to know the wonam’s name who he had accused of shoplifting.
The lady was already to the point where she will never again shop at Walmart, and had a funny response to the Walmart dickhead’s idiotic statement when she said “You gonna put me in cussing jail?”
I don’t go to Walmart that often anymore because I dislike the political beliefs, but I would LOVE it if one of the Walmart employees, who have a combined IQ of a 3rd grader, accused me of theft, because I would sue their asses so fast it would make their heads spin.
If that was me, I would have IMMEDIATELY gone over and returned everything I had just bought on top of posting the video all over the Internet.
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