Vaping Has Helped Millions of Americans Stop Smoking Despite What ‘Authorities’ Say

Don’t believe the government’s hype against e-cigarettes. Vaping store-bought e-cigarettes IS helping people quit smoking, and is NOT killing anyone, no matter what you’ve heard in the fake news.

Vaping Has Helped Millions of Americans Stop Smoking Despite What ‘Authorities’ Say

E-cigarettes are a very powerful tool that people are using everyday to quit smoking cigarettes. The reason why the actual smoking rate has taken a steep nosedive in America is because many smokers have made the switch to the much more safe alternative to smoking.

I personally stopped smoking over 10 years ago, using e-cigarettes, as have a few of my friends – so I have personal experience in the use of e-cigarettes as a way to easily quit smoking, without the problems that normally come with stopping cold turkey, and with a far less rate of going back to smoking.

I haven’t smokes a cigarette since I quit over a decade ago, which I’m very proud of.

The thing that may be causing problems is people making and smoking their own home-made THC (Marajuana) vape liquids, which very well may have contributed to the death of some of the people whose deaths ate attributed to smoking e-cigs. These people probably had no clue what they were doing, and ended up killing themselves. Wa Wa Waaaaaa..

But this illegal use of a product should not reflect on adults responsibly using legal, store-bought e-cigarettes, with e-juice that fit their taste, not just the bland and unappealing flavors that The Man (the government) will allow..

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