VANCE IS WEIRD – Democrat Mayor of Wasco California Is Busted Trying To Meet Up With A Minor For Sex

Well, it looks like the city of Wasco California is going to need a new mayor after their previous mayor appears to have been busted while trying to meet up with an under age minor to have sex. He tried to hide it – he tried to get away – but it didn’t work.

And the democrats are trying to make people think that JD Vance is “Weird”. Democrats are the biggest group of criminals and weirdos on the face of the Earth!

All major social media accounts for Wasco City Mayor Alex Garcia were taken down Saturday, a day after a Facebook post emerged alleging that he came to an arranged location to meet an adult posing as a 15-year-old boy “to do horrific things to the kid.”

The post, originating from a Facebook page called Bakersfield Crime Watch and written by “Davonn Bradley,” claims that Garcia arrived with “poppers for him to try, he brought condoms, marijuana,” and other sex paraphernalia. “Bradley” states in the post that he and his brother “have been setting up and playing as a 15-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl.”

A video accompanying the post clearly shows Garcia apparently arriving for the alleged meeting, where he is assaulted by a man who seemingly arranged it. Parts of the audio are difficult to understand, but the dialogue reveals a heated exchange:

The voice of the unknown person says, “Come on, come on. No, no, no. Stop, come here. Come here. No, come here. Come over here….Hey, Davonn, bring him over here.…. Get your — over here. I won’t hurt you if you listen, bro; I won’t hurt you….You better — listen, bro. I just want you to — talk … get your — over here … You want the police to come? … Bring your — over here. I just want to — talk … Stop. Just stand right here then … take that bag off bro … so what did you want to do (muffled) … did you want to (muffled) … hurt little kids (muffled) … yeah, you did … don’t — lie to me … that’s what you doing to little kids and — …. come on, let’s go … don’t you touch no — little boys no more, — no, come on …let’s go … I still want to ask you one more question … If you run, I swear to God, I’m going to hurt you, I got something on me that could really hurt your life right now.”

“I’m sorry. Please no. I never will,” Garcia responds when confronted in the video. He continues, “No. I won’t.” It is unclear why Garcia made these statements.

Questions remain about why Garcia showed up for the meeting, how “Bradley” arranged it, and why he and “his brother” posed as a 15-year-old boy instead of reporting any alleged crimes to the police. The nature of the threat in the video also raises concerns: “I got something on me that could really hurt your life right now.”

As of Saturday night, Garcia did not respond to telephone, email and text requests for comment on the incident, nor did “Bradley” or Bakersfield Crime Watch through Facebook.

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